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"Can any one have brought him anything to eat?" the disciples said to one another.

Looking up, and noticing that a great crowd was coming towards him, Jesus said to Philip: "Where are we to buy bread for these people to eat?"

"Twenty pounds' worth of bread," answered Philip, "would not be enough for each of them to have a little."

Some boats, however, had come from Tiberias, from near the spot where they had eaten the bread after the Master had said the thanksgiving.

"In truth I tell you," answered Jesus, "it is not on account of the signs which you saw that you are looking for me, but because you had the bread to eat and were satisfied.

Our ancestors had the manna to eat in the desert; as Scripture says--'He gave them bread from Heaven to eat.'"

"Master," they exclaimed, "give us that Bread always!"

Upon this the Jews began murmuring against Jesus for saying-- 'I am the Bread which came down from Heaven.'

I am the Living Bread that has come down from Heaven. If any one eats of this Bread, he will live for ever; and the Bread that I shall give is my flesh, which I will give for the Life of the world."

That is the Bread which has come down from Heaven--not such as your ancestors ate, and yet died; he who takes this Bread for his food shall live for ever."

"Did not I myself choose you to be the Twelve?" replied Jesus; "and yet, even of you, one is playing the 'Devil's' part."

His brothers said to him: "Leave this part of the country, and go into Judea, so that your disciples, as well as we, may see the work that you are doing.

When the officers returned to the Chief Priests and Pharisees, they were asked: "Why have you not brought him?"

When he has brought them all out, he walks in front of them, and his sheep follow him, because they know his voice.

"It is the one," answered Jesus, "to whom I shall give a piece of bread after dipping it in the dish." And, when Jesus had dipped the bread, he took it and gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot;

After taking the piece of bread, Judas went out immediately; and it was night.

While Peter stood outside by the door. Presently the other disciple--the one well-known to the High Priest--went out and spoke to the portress, and brought Peter in.

"For my part," answered Jesus, "I have spoken to all the world openly. I always taught in some Synagogue, or in the Temple Courts, places where all the Jews assemble, and I never spoke of anything in secret.

"What is Truth?" exclaimed Pilate. After saying this, he went out to the Jews again, and said: "For my part, I find nothing with which he can be charged.

When the Chief Priests and the police-officers saw him, they shouted: "Crucify him! Crucify him!" "Take him yourselves and crucify him," said Pilate. "For my part, I find nothing with which he can be charged."

On hearing what they said, Pilate brought Jesus out, and took his seat upon the Bench at a place called 'The Stone Pavement'--in Hebrew 'Gabbatha.'

When they had come ashore, they found a charcoal fire ready, with some fish already on it, and some bread as well.

Jesus went and took the bread and gave it to them, and the fish too.

For he was one of our number and had his part allotted him in this work of ours."

Every day they devoted themselves to meeting together in the Temple Courts, and to the Breaking of Bread at their homes, while they partook of their food in simple-hearted gladness, praising God, and winning the good-will of all the people.

They had Peter and John brought before them, and questioned them. "By what power," they asked, "Or in whose name have men like you done this thing?"

Nor was there any one in need among them, for all who were owners of land or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the sales

Sold a farm that belonged to him, and brought the money and laid it at the Apostles' feet.

And, with her connivance, kept back some of the proceeds. He brought only a part and laid it at the Apostles' feet.

And then brought them before the Council. The High Priest demanded an explanation from them.

And they stirred up the people, as well as the Councillors and the Teachers of the Law, and set upon Stephen, and arrested him, and brought him before the High Council.

God did not at that time give him any part of it, not even a foot of ground. But he promised to 'give him possession of it and his descendants after him, though at that time he had no child.

It was just at this time that Moses was born. He was an exceedingly beautiful child, and for three months was brought up in his own father's house;

And, when he was abandoned, the daughter of Pharaoh found him and brought him up as her own son.

While they said to Aaron--'Make us Gods who will lead the way for us, since, as for this Moses who has brought us out of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.'

This Tabernacle, which was handed down to them, was brought into this country by our ancestors who accompanied Joshua (at the conquest of the nations that God drove out before their advance), and remained here until the time of David.

When Simon saw that it was through the placing of the Apostles' hands on them that the Spirit was given, he brought them a sum of money and said:

You have no share or part in our Message, for your 'heart is not right with God.'

And asked him to give him letters to the Jewish congregations at Damascus, authorizing him, if he found there any supporters of the Cause, whether men or women, to have them put in chains and brought to Jerusalem.

When Saul got up from the ground, though his eyes were open, he could see nothing. So his men led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus;

Barnabas, however, taking him by the hand, brought him to the Apostles, and told them the whole story of how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord, and how the Lord had talked to him, and how in Damascus he had spoken out fearlessly in the Name of Jesus.

And, when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And so it came about that, for a whole year, they attended the meetings of the Church there, and taught a large number of people; and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called 'Christians.'

And, when he saw that the Jews were pleased with this, he proceeded to arrest Peter also. (This was during the Festival of the Unleavened Bread.)

Peter signed to them with his hand to be silent, and then told them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison, adding: "Tell James and the Brethren all this." Then he left the house, and went away to another place.

The God of this people Israel chose our ancestors, and during their stay in Egypt increased the prosperity of the people, and then 'with uplifted arm brought them out from that land.'

And, when there was an attempt on the part of both Gentiles and Jews, with their leading men, to resort to violence and to stone them,

And the priest of Zeus-beyond-the-Walls, accompanied by the crowd, brought bullocks and garlands to the gates, with the intention of offering sacrifices.

From there we made our way to Philippi, which is the principal city of that part of Macedonia, and also a Roman Settlement. In that city we spent several days.

While Gallio was governor of Greece, the Jews made a combined attack on Paul, and brought him before the Governor's Bench,

For you have brought these men here, though they are neither robbers of Temples nor blasphemers of our Goddess.

On the first day of the week, when we had met for the Breaking of Bread, Paul, who was intending to leave the next day, began to address those who were present, and prolonged his address till midnight.

Then he went upstairs; and, after breaking and partaking of the Bread, he talked with them at great length till daybreak, and then left.

We started first, went on board ship, and sailed for Assos, intending to take Paul on board there. This was by his own arrangement, as he intended to go by land himself.

So, when he met us at Assos, we took him on board and went on to Mitylene.

Where we found a ship crossing to Phoenicia, and went on board and set sail.

And then said good-bye to one another; after which we went on board, and they returned home.

Some of the disciples from Caesarea went with us, and brought Mnason with them, a Cypriot disciple of long standing, with whom we were to stay.

On this, Paul joined the men, and the next day shared their purification, and went into the Temple, and gave notice of the expiration of the period of purification when the usual offering should have been made on behalf of each of them.

"Men of Israel! help! This is the man who teaches every one everywhere against our People, our Law, and this Place; and, what is more, he has actually brought Greeks into the Temple and defiled this sacred place."

"I am a Jew, a native of Tarsus in Cilicia, but I was brought up in this city under the teaching of Gamaliel, and educated in accordance with the strict system of our ancestral Law. I was as zealous in God's service as any of you who are here to-day.

On the next day the Commanding Officer, wishing to find out the real reason why Paul was denounced by the Jews, had his chains taken off, and directed the Chief Priests and the whole of the High Council to assemble, and then took Paul down and brought him before them.

Paul fixed his eyes upon the Council, and began: "Brothers, for my part, I have always ordered my life before God, with a clear conscience, up to this very day."

Wishing to ascertain exactly the ground of the charges they made against him, I brought him before their Council,

On arriving at Caesarea, the troopers delivered the letter to the Governor, and brought Paul before him.

And it was while engaged in this that they found me in the Temple, after completing a period of purification, but not with any crowd or disorder.

And asked a favor of him, to Paul's injury--to have Paul brought to Jerusalem. All the while they were plotting to make away with him on the road.

After staying among them some eight or ten days, Festus went down to Caesarea. The next day he took his seat on the Bench, and ordered Paul to be brought before him.

My answer to them was, that it was not the practice of Romans to give up any man to his accusers till the accused had met them face to face, and had also had an opportunity of answering the charges brought against him.

So they met here, and without loss of time I took my seat on the Bench the very next day, and ordered the man to be brought before me.

But, when his accusers came forward, they brought no charge of wrong-doing such as I had expected;

So the next day, when Agrippa and Bernice had come in full state and had entered the Audience Chamber, with the superior officers and the principal people of the city, by the order of Festus Paul was brought before them.

But I have nothing definite to write about him to my Imperial Master; and for that reason I have brought him before you all, and especially before you, King Agrippa, that, after examining him, I may have something to write.

"I have been congratulating myself, King Agrippa," he said, "that it is before you that I have to make my defense to-day, with regard to all the charges brought against me by Jews,

We went on board a ship from Adramyttium, which was on the point of sailing to the ports along the coast of Roman Asia, and put to sea. Aristarchus, a Macedonian from Thessalonica, went with us.

There the Roman Officer found an Alexandrian ship on her way to Italy, and put us on board of her.

And, after hoisting it on board, the men frapped the ship. But, afraid of being driven on to the Syrtis Sands, they lowered the yard, and then drifted.

When Paul said to the Roman Officer and his men: "Unless the sailors remain on board, you cannot be saved."

With these words he took some bread, and, after saying the thanksgiving to God before them all, broke it in pieces, and began to eat;

There were about seventy-six of us on board, all told.

They also presented us with many gifts, and when we set sail they put supplies of necessaries on board.

And so, for my part, I am ready to tell the Good News to you also who are in Rome.

Do not offer any part of your bodies to Sin, in the cause of unrighteousness, but once for all offer yourselves to God (as those who, though once dead, now have Life), and devote every part of your bodies to the cause of righteousness.

I can but speak as men do because of the weakness of your earthly nature. Once you offered every part of your bodies to the service of impurity, and of wickedness, which leads to further wickedness. Now, in the same way, offer them to the service of Righteousness, which leads to holiness.

There was a time when I myself, unconscious of Law, was alive; but when the Commandment was brought home to me, sin sprang into life, while I died!

And those whom God destined for this he also called; and those whom he called he also pronounced righteous; and those whom he pronounced righteous he also brought to Glory.