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And, he that voucheth for me is on high. My friends are, they who scorn me, Unto GOD, hath mine eye shed tears: -

That one might plead, for a man, with GOD, - Even a son of man, for his friend!

Appoint it, I pray thee - be thou surety for me with thyself, Who is there that, on my side, can pledge himself?

For, their heart, hast thou kept back from understanding, On this account, thou wilt not exalt them.

He that, for a share, denounceth friends, even, the eyes of his children, shall be dim.

But indeed, as for them all, will ye bethink yourselves and enter into it, I pray you? Or shall I not find, among you, one who is wise?

If I wait for hades as my house, in darkness, have spread out my couch;

Where then would be my hope? And, as for my blessedness, who should see it!

One tearing in pieces his own soul in his anger, - For thy sake, shall the earth be forsaken? or the rock be moved out of its place?

Even the light of the lawless, shall go out, - Neither shall shine the flame of his fire;

For he is thrust into a net by his own feet, and, upon a trap, he marcheth;

Concealed in the ground is a cord for him, - and a snare for him, on the path.

My Brethren - from beside me, hath he moved far away, and, mine acquaintance, are wholly estranged from me;

That, with a stylus of iron and with lead, for all time - in the rock, they could be graven!

That, the joy-shout of the lawless, is short, and, the rejoicing of the impious, for a moment?

Nothing escaped his devouring greed, - For this cause, shall his prosperity not continue:

It shall be that, to fill his belly, he will thrust at him the glow of his anger, and rain it upon him for his punishment.

Every misfortune, is laid up for his treasures, - There shall consume, a fire, not blown up, - it shall destroy what remaineth in his tent:

They send forth - like a flock - their young ones, and, their children, skip about for joy;

Lo! not in their own hand, is their welfare, The counsel of lawless men, is far from me!

Shall, GOD, reserve, for his children, his sorrow? Let him recompense him so that he may know it;

For what shall be his pleasure in his house after him, when, the number of his months, is cut in twain?

For ye say, Where is the house of the noble-minded? And where the dwelling-tent of the lawless?

How then should ye comfort me with vanity, since, as for your replies, there lurketh, in them treachery?

Is it, for thy reverence, that he will accuse thee? will enter with thee into judgment?

Surely then hast been wont to put thy brother in pledge, for nothing, and, the garments of the ill-clad, hast thou stripped off:

For this cause, round about thee, are snares, and a dread startleth thee suddenly;

Who had been saying unto GOD, Depart from us! and - What can the Almighty do for himself?

Yet, he, had filled their houses with good! The counsel of the lawless, then, is far from me:

If our assailants do not vanish, then, their abundance, a fire consumeth!

If thou return unto the Almighty and submit thyself, if thou far remove perversity from thy tent,

For, then, in the Almighty, shalt thou take exquisite delight, and shalt lift up - unto GOD - thy face;

Surely he will accomplish what is decreed for me, and, many such things, hath he in store.

For this cause, from his presence, am I driven in fear, I diligently consider and am kept back from him in dread:

Lo! as wild asses in the wilderness, they go forth with their work, eager seekers for prey, the waste plain, yieldeth them food for their young;

Out of the city - out of the houses, they make outcry. and, the soul of the wounded, calleth for help, and, GOD, doth not regard it as foolish.

And, the eye of the adulterer, watcheth for the evening twilight, saying, Not an eye will see me! A covering for the face, he putteth on;

For, in the case of all such, morning to them is the death-shade, For, to be recognised, is a death-shade terror.

Look as far as the moon, and it is not clear, and, the stars, are not bright in his eyes!

Far be it from me! that I should justify, you, - Even until I breathe my last, will I not let go mine integrity from me:

For what shall be the hope of the impious, though he graspeth with greed, when GOD shall draw forth his soul?

If his children be multiplied, for them, there is the sword, and, his offspring, shall not be filled with bread;

Though there is, for silver, a vein, and a place for the gold they refine;

An end, hath one set to the darkness, and, into every extremity, is, he, making search, for the stone of darkness and death-shade;

He hath sunken a shaft, away from the inhabitants; Places forsaken by the foot, they hang down, away from men, sway to and fro;

As for the earth, out of it, cometh forth bread, and, under it, is upturned, as it were fire;

For, he, unto the ends of the earth, directeth his look, under all the heavens, he seeth;

Making, for the wind, a weight, and, the waters, he proved by measure,

When he made, for the rain, a decree, and a way for the lightning of thunders,

Because I used to deliver the oppressed who was crying out for aid, the fatherless also, and him that had no helper;

The blessing of him that was ready to perish, upon me was wont to descend, and, the heart of the widow, caused I to sing for joy;

My root, is laid open to the waters, and, the dew, shall lodge for the night in my boughs;

To me, men hearkened, and waited, and kept silence for my counsel;

And they waited, as for rain, for me, and, their mouths, they opened wide for the spring-rain;

But, now, they who are of fewer days than I, have poured derision upon me; whose fathers I refused - to set with the dogs of my flock.

Who used to pluck off the mallow by the bushes, with the root of the broom for their food;

But, now, their song, have I become, Yea I serve them for a byword;

They abhor me - have put themselves far from me, and, from my face, have not withheld - spittle!

I cry out for help unto thee, and thou dost not answer, I stand still, and thou dost gaze at me;

For I know that, unto death, thou wilt bring me back, even unto the house of meeting for every one living.

Only, against a heap of ruins, will one not thrust a hand! Surely, when one is in calamity - for that very reason, is there an outcry for help.

Surely, for good, I looked, but there came in evil, And I waited for light, but there came in darkness;

In gloom, I walked along, without sun, I arose - in the convocation, I cried out for help;

Is there not calamity, for the perverse? and misfortune, for the workers of iniquity?

Surely that had been a shameful thing! and that an iniquity for the judges!

Surely, a fire, had that been, which, unto destruction, would have consumed, and, of all mine increase, had it torn up the root.

If I saw one perishing for lack of clothing, or that the needy had no covering;

For, a dread unto me, was calamity from GOD, and, from his majesty, I could not escape.

That too, had been a judicial iniquity, For I should have been false to GOD, above.

Neither did I suffer my palate to sin, by asking, with a curse, for his life:

If the men of my household have not said, Oh for some of his flesh - we cannot get filled,

But, Elihu, had waited for Job with words, because the others were older than he.

So then Elihu, son of Barachel, the Buzite, responded and said: - Young, am I, whereas, ye, are aged, For this cause, I faltered, and feared - to shew my knowledge unto you:

Lo! I waited for your words, I kept giving ear for your reasons, until ye should search out what to say;

Yea, unto you, gave I diligent heed, - But lo! there was, for Job, nothing to convince, nor could you of you answer his speeches.

For I am full of discourse, The spirit in my bosom, presseth me on.

Lo! in this, thou hast not been right - let me answer thee, For, GOD, is greater than, man.

Wherefore, against him, hast thou contended? For, with none of his reasons, will he respond.

For, in one way, GOD may speak, - and, in a second way, one may not heed it: -

Then hath he shewed him favour, and said, Set him free from going down to the pit, I have found a price of redemption!

If there is anything to say, reply to me, Speak, for I desire to justify thee;

For, the ear, trieth words, as, the palate, tasteth in eating.

What is right, let us choose for ourselves, Let us know, among ourselves, what is good;

For Job hath said - I am righteous, But, GOD, hath turned away my right;

Concerning mine own right, shall I tell a falsehood? Incurable is my disease - not for any transgression.

For he hath said, It profiteth not a man, when, his good pleasure, is with God.

Wherefore, ye men of mind, hearken unto me, - Far be it, that, GOD, should be lawless, or, the Almighty, be perverse!

For, what any son of earth doeth, he repayeth him, and, according to every man's course, he causeth him to find.

For he hath shewn no respect of persons unto princes, neither hath he recognised the rich rather than the poor? For, the work of his hands, are they all.

For, unto no man, doth he appoint a repetition, - in going unto GOD in judgment;

For, unto GOD, hath one ever said - I have borne punishment, I will not be perverse;

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