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For in thee the fathers shall be fain to eat their own sons, and the sons their own fathers. Such a court will I keep in thee, and the whole remnant will I scatter into all the winds.

that ye may walk in my commandments, and keep mine ordinances, and do them. That ye may be my people, and I your God.

that the land might be held in subjection, and not to rebel, but keep the covenant, and fulfill it.

And yet the wicked, if he turn from all his sins which he did, and keep all mine ordinances, and do justly and righteously; he shall live and not die.

Moreover, I said unto their sons in the wilderness, 'Walk not in the statutes of your forefathers; keep not their ordinances, and defile not yourselves with their idols,

for I am the LORD your God. But walk in my statutes; keep my laws and do them;

And I sought in the land for a man, that would make up the hedge, and set himself in the gap before me in the lands behalf, that I should not utterly destroy it: but I could find none.

Thou hast walked in the way of thy sister, therefore will I give thee her cup in thy hand.

Thus sayeth the LORD God: Thou shalt drink of thy sister's cup, how deep and far soever it be to the bottom. Thou shalt be laughed to scorn, and had as greatly in derision, as is possible.

Thou shalt be full of drunkenness and sorrow, for the cup of thy sister Samaria is a cup of destruction and wasting:

And I will put my spirit in you, and will make that ye shall walk in mine ordinances and keep my laws and do them.

David my servant shall be their king, and they all shall have one shepherd only. They shall walk in my laws, and my commandments shall they both keep and fulfill.

And he said unto me, "This chamber on the South side belongeth to the priests, that keep the habitation:

And when they be ashamed of all their works, then show them the form and fashion of the temple: the coming in, the going out, all the manner and description thereof, yea all the uses and ordinances of it, that they may keep and fulfill all the fashions and customs thereof."

If any discord arise, they shall discern it, and give sentence after my judgments. My solemn feasts, my laws and ordinances shall they keep, and hallow my Sabbaths.

Upon the fourteenth day of the first month ye shall keep Easter. Seven days shall the feast continue, wherein there shall no sour nor leavened bread be eaten.

Upon the fifteenth day of the seventh month, he shall keep the seven days holy one after another, even as the other seven days: with the sin offering, burnt offering, meat offering, and with the oil."