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And he was preaching, saying, "One [who is] more powerful than I is coming after me, of whom I am not worthy to bend down [and] untie the strap of his sandals.

For whoever has, [more] will be given to him, and whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him."

And he ordered them that they should say nothing, but as much as he ordered them [not to], they proclaimed [it] even more instead.

Now [when] Jesus saw that a crowd was running together, he rebuked the unclean spirit, saying to it, "Mute and deaf spirit, I command you, come out of him, and enter into him no more!"

And many [people] warned him that he should be quiet. But he was crying out {even more loudly}, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"

And he responded [and] said to it, "Let no one eat fruit from you any more {forever}!" And his disciples heard [it].

He had one more, a beloved son. Last [of all] he sent him to them, saying, 'They will respect my son.'

who devour the houses of widows and pray lengthy [prayers] for the sake of appearance. These will receive more severe condemnation!"

And summoning his disciples, he said to them, "Truly I say to you that this poor widow put in more than all those who put [offerings] into the contribution box.

For this perfumed oil could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor!" And they began to scold her.

And they attempted to give him wine mixed with myrrh, but he did not take it.