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therefore did my heart rejoice, my tongue was glad: and my body shall rest in hope.

yet seeing the man who was cured standing with them, they could not tell what to reply.

Upon hearing this, the high priest, the captain of the temple, and the chief priests wonder'd bow this could be.

at length Saul rose from the ground; and when he opened his eyes, he could not see: so that they led him by the hand, and brought him to Damascus,

when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he try'd to associate himself with the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and could not be persuaded that he was a disciple.

if therefore God has bestow'd the same favour upon them, as on us, after we had believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, how could I make any opposition to the divine will?

who upon his arrival there, was glad to see such effects of the divine grace, and exhorted them all to remain firmly attach'd to the christian profession:

although they could not convict him of any thing capital, yet they demanded of Pilate, that he should be put to death.

Now at Lystra there was a man, who could not stand upon his feet, he was born a cripple, and had never walked about.

but whatever they could say, it was with difficulty that they restrain'd the people from sacrificing to them.

for what you say sounds so very strange, we should be glad to know what it means.

since then we are the offspring of God, we should not imagine that the Deity bears any resemblance to the form which Gold, or Silver, or Stone has receiv'd from human art and industry.

or let these now declare, if they could convict me of any misdemeanor, when I was brought before the Sanhedrim:

but Paul having made his appeal, insisting to have his cause refer'd to the cognizance of the emperor, I order'd him into custody, till I could send him to Cesar.

thereupon Agrippa told Festus, he himself should be glad to hear the man. to-morrow, said Festus, you shall hear him.

for as that haven could not cover us from the storm, most were of opinion to bear away, and try to put in at Phenice, where we could ride safe, the port lying by south-west, and north-west.

when we were nigh the isle Clauda, we had much ado to hoist in the skiff.

and our spirits droop with fasting: when Paul presented himself, and said, "well, my friends, it had been, if I could have prevail'd upon you, to have sav'd your selves all this perplexity and loss by staying at Crete.

who had a mind to save Paul, prevented their design: and order'd all that could swim immediately to get off to shore,

but we should be glad to know your sentiments: for as to this sect, we are sensible it is every where inveigh'd against.