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Let no one deceive himself: if any among you seem to be wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be truly wise.

Wherefore let us keep the feast, not with the old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavening of sincerity and truth.

But to the rest say I, not the Lord, If any brother has an unbelieving wife, and she like to dwell with him, let him not put her away.

However, as God hath distributed to every man, and as the Lord hath called every one, so let him walk: and thus I order in all the churches.

Is any one called that is circumcised? let him not become uncircumcised: is any one called in uncircumcision? let him not be circumcised: for circumcision is nothing,

Brethren, in whatever condition every one was when called, let him abide therein with God.

But if any one think that he acts unbecomingly towards his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and that it ought to be so, let him do what he will; he doth not sin: let them marry.

Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted Him, and were destroyed by serpents: nor murmur,

For if a woman be not covered, she may as well be shorn: but if it be shameful to a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered.

and if any one be hungry, let him eat at home, that ye may not come together to your condemnation. And as to other things, I will set them in order when I come.

Wherefore let him, that speaketh in an unknown tongue, pray that he may interpret.

And if any one speak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at most by three, and that by turns; and let one interpret.

But if there be no interpreter, let him be silent in the assembly; and let him speak to himself and to God.

And if any thing be revealed to another sitting by, let the first have done speaking before the other begins.

Let your women be silent in your assemblies: for it is not permitted to them to speak, but they are to be in subjection, as the law saith.

But if any will be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

Let no one therefore despise him: but forward him on his journey in peace, that he may come to me; for I expect him with the brethren. As to our brother Apollos,