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And a great storm of wind develops, and the waves were thrown into the boat, so as for it now to be filling.

Verse ConceptsStormsBoatsSwamped

And they feared a great fear, and said to each other, Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea also obey him?

Verse ConceptsConfusionWho Is Jesus?Fear Of ChristThe Sea Stilledoverwhelmed

For he said to him, Come out from the man, thou unclean spirit.

Verse ConceptsJesus Casting Out Demons

But Jesus did not allow him, but says to him, Go to thy house to thy men, and report to them how much the Lord has done for thee, and was merciful to thee.

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofevangelism, kinds ofTestify On God's BehalfExperimental KnowledgeAcknowledging ChristReceiving God's MercyGod's Work In UsFamily And Friends

And he departed, and began to proclaim in Decapolis how much Jesus did for him. And all men marveled.

Verse Conceptsevangelists, identity ofAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesChrist's Work

But straightaway, Jesus, having heard the word spoken, says to the ruler of the synagogue, Fear not, only believe.

Verse ConceptsNeglecting PeopleFear, Of DeathBelievingDo Not Fear For God Will HelpFaith And TrustFear And WorryTrusting God And Not Worryingbelief

And straightaway the little girl rose up and walked, for she was twelve years old. And they were amazed with a great amazement.

Verse ConceptsAmazement, Of Christ's MiraclesAstonishmentThe Healed WalkingPeople Getting Up

And he commanded them that they should take up nothing for the way, except only a staff--no scrip, no bread, no copper in the belt--

Verse Conceptsdiscipleship, nature ofBeltsLacking MoneyNot EquippedSaving Money

And as many as might not receive you nor hear you, as ye depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony to them. Truly I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom or Gomorrah in the day of judgment than

Verse ConceptsGesturesFeetHospitality, A Duty Of God's PeopleOpportunities, And SalvationWiping DustPeople Abandoning Peoplefatedustwelcome

And king Herod heard, for his name had become well known. And he said, John, the man who immerses, was raised from the dead, and because of this the powers work in him.

Verse ConceptsPower, God's SavingSuperstitionTetrarchWho He Might BeWhy It Happened

For Herod himself having sent forth, he arrested John, and bound him in prison because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, because he married her.

Verse ConceptsPrisonersRopesBad Wives ExamplesDispleasureTransferring Wives

for Herod feared John, knowing him to be a righteous and holy man, and he protected him. And having heard of him--the many things he was doing--he even heard of him gladly.

Verse ConceptsPuzzlementSpecific Holy IndividualsFear Of Individuals

And having become a convenient day, when Herod on his birthday made a dinner for his chiefs, and the high captains, and the leading men of Galilee,

Verse ConceptsAmusementsCommanderBanquets, Events CelebratedBirthdaysBirthdays CelebratedDinnerRight Time For People

And he said to them, Come ye yourselves in private into a desolate place, and rest a while. For there were many coming and going, and they had no opportunity even to eat.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of TimeHow Disciples LearnRest, PhysicalRecreationRetirementSolitudeDealing With Many PeopleComing To RestPeople EatingDisadvantages Of CrowdsGod Giving RestRest

Send them away, so that after going into the fields and villages around, they may buy loaves for themselves, for they do not have what they may eat.

Verse ConceptsChrist Driving Out PeopleBuying Food

And he saw them toiling in rowing, for the wind was against them. And about the fourth watch of the night he comes to them, walking on the sea, and wanted to passed by them.

Verse ConceptsNightPassing ByChrist's Knowledge Of BelieversRowingharassment

For they all saw him, and were troubled. And straightaway he spoke with them, and says to them, Cheer up. It is I, fear not.

Verse ConceptsFear, Of UnknownThe Existence Of ChristThis Is MeFear Of ChristTake Courage!Do Not Fear For God Will HelpFear And Worrycheerleading

(For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, unless they wash their hands carefully, do not eat, holding the tradition of the elders.

Verse ConceptsAblutionelders, as community leadersJews, TheCharacteristics Of PhariseesHow People EatThe Elderlypharisees

And having answered, he said to them, Well did Isaiah prophesy about you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far distant from me.

Verse ConceptsHoliness, Purpose OfLegalismLipsPretenceProfessingLack Of MeaningGod And The HeartMere TalkNamed Prophets Of The LordProphecies concerningHypocritesHypocrisy

For having set aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men: washings of pots and cups and many other such like things ye do.

Verse ConceptsCommands, in NTForsaking God's ThingsMan's Teachingculture

then ye no longer allow him to do anything for his father or his mother,

Verse ConceptsNot Honouring Parents

For a woman whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, after hearing about him, having come, she fell down at his feet.

Verse ConceptsFeetSpiritsBowing Before MessiahThose Demonised

And Jesus said to her, Allow the children first be filled, for it is not right to take the children's bread and cast it to the house dogs.

Verse ConceptsBeing FirstPeople Providing FoodSalvation For IsraelGood ChildrenFamily FirstKidsPetsFeeding The Poor

But she answered and says to him, Yes, Lord, for even the house dogs under the table eat of the children's crumbs.

Verse ConceptsTablesFrugalityRemaining FoodNoting What Animals EatPets

And if I send them away without food to their house, they will faint on the way, for some of them come from afar.

Verse ConceptsSending people homePeople From Far AwayTired In Activity

And those who ate were about four thousand, and he sent them away.

Verse ConceptsFour Thousand

And he commanded them, saying, Take heed, watch for the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.

Verse ConceptsLegalismWatchfulness, Of BelieversLeavenLeavened

When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did ye take up? They say to him, Twelve.

Verse ConceptsFleeting ImpressionsFive ThingsFive ThousandRemaining FoodTwelve Things

And when the seven for the four thousand, how many hampers full of fragments did ye take up? And they said, Seven.

Verse ConceptsSeven ThingsFour ThousandRemaining Food

And he comes to Bethsaida, and they bring a blind man to him, and call for him so that he might touch him.

Verse ConceptsdisabilitiesTouching For Healing

For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever will lose his life because of me and the good-news, this man will save it.

Verse ConceptsGiving, Of OneselfCommitment, to Jesus ChristSurrenderingLove, Abuse OfLossRestitutionGain Through LossKeeping Oneself AliveSuffering For The GospelLosing One's Life

And having responded, Peter says to Jesus, Rabbi, it is good for us to be here. And we could make three tabernacles: one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

Verse ConceptsPeter, The DiscipleRabbiBoothsThree Other ThingsGood Activity

For he knew not what he would say, for they were frightened.

Verse ConceptsFear Of ChristThose Who Were Ignorant

And having answered, he said to them, Elijah indeed comes first and restores all. And how it is written for the Son of man, that he would suffer many things and be rejected.

Verse ConceptsSonsSuffering, Of Jesus ChristPeople Going BeforeRestoring Things

But I say to you, that Elijah has also come, and they did to him as much as they wanted, just as it is written for him.

Verse ConceptsWho Is John The Baptist?Other Scriptures FulfilledThe Will Of Men

And it often casts him both into the fire and into the waters so that it might destroy him. But if thou can do anything, help us, having compassion toward us.

Verse ConceptsSelf PityThrowing PeopleBurning PeopleGod Help!Signs Of Possible Demon Possessionjumpingpity

And having cried out, and having convulsed him much, it came out. And he became as if dead, so as for many to said that he was dead.

Verse ConceptsExorcismsConvulsionsThe Finality Of DeathDeath Is Final

For he taught his disciples, and said to them, The Son of man is delivered up into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And after being killed, he will rise the third day.

Verse ConceptsPredictionsSuffering, Of Jesus ChristProphecies Said By JesusChrist Predicting The FutureHanding Over ChristChrist TeachingChrist Speaking To DisciplesChrist Would Be KilledChrist Would RiseDanger From MenHurt And Betrayal

But they were silent, for on the way they discussed among each other, who is greater.

Verse ConceptsDiscussionsIndividuals Being SilentGreatness Of Disciples

But Jesus said, Forbid him not, for there is no man who will do a mighty work in my name, and will be able quickly to speak evil of me.

Verse ConceptsCuresMiracles, Nature OfIn The Name Of ChristOther MiraclesMiracles Authenticate God's Message

For he who is not against you is for you.

And if thy hand may cause thee to stumble, cut it off. It is good for thee to enter into life maimed, than having thy two hands to go into hell, into the unquenchable fire,

Verse ConceptsCripplesPunishment, By GodSelf DenialGehennaEntering LifeCausing Others To StumbleNot Maintaining LifeFire Of HellCutting Off Hands And FeetTwo Of Body PartsMissing The Markcutting

where their worm does not perish, and the fire is not quenched.

Verse ConceptsMaggotsworms

And if thy foot may cause thee to stumble, cut it off. It is good for thee to enter into life crippled, than having thy two feet to be cast into hell, into the unquenchable fire

Verse ConceptsFeetLamenessGehennaInjury To FeetEntering LifeCausing Others To StumbleCare Of FeetTwo Of Body Parts

where their worm does not perish, and the fire is not quenched.

Verse Conceptsworms

And if thine eye may cause thee to stumble, pluck it out. It is good for thee to enter into the kingdom of God one-eyed, rather than having two eyes to be cast into the hell of fire,

Verse ConceptsSelf DisciplineGehennaEntering The KingdomPlucking OutCausing Others To StumbleEyes HarmedOne Material ThingTwo Of Body Parts

For every man will be salted with fire, and every sacrifice will be salted with salt material.

Verse ConceptsSaltBurning PeopleSournessSacrifice

And the Pharisees having approached, they demanded of him if it is permitted for a man to divorce a wife, testing him.

Verse ConceptsTestingSnares Laid For ChristQuestioning ChristTesting ChristDivorce PermittedPharisees Concerned About Christ

But having answered, Jesus said to them, For your hard heart he wrote for you this commandment.

Verse Conceptsdivorce, amongst believersHardness Of Heart

But when Jesus saw it, he was displeased, and said to them, Allow the children to come to me. Forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God.

Verse ConceptsBack to schoolBad ChildrenKingdom Of God, Entry IntoDivine DispleasureDispleasureDrawing Near To ChristLike ChildrenDo Not HinderPeople Of The KingdomKingdom Of Heavengirlfriends

And the disciples were astonished at his words. But again having answered, Jesus says to them, Children, how difficult it is for those who trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God.

Verse ConceptsAffluenceChildren, Figurative SenseProsperityAmazement, Of Jesus ChristFalse ConfidenceRiches, Dangers OfEntering The KingdomThe Disciples ReactionsSaying RepeatedlyHard To Be Saved

It is easier for a camel to go through the hole of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Verse ConceptsExaggerationsNeedlesSharp ToolsEntering The KingdomDrawbacks To RichesEasy For PeopleOther OpeningsGoing To Heaven

And James and John, the sons of Zebedee, come to him, saying, Teacher, we wish that thou would do for us whatever we ask.

Verse ConceptsSelfishness

And he said to them, What do ye want me to do for you?

Verse ConceptsRight Desires

But to sit at my right hand or at my left hand is not mine to give, but for whom it has been prepared.

Verse ConceptsA Place Prepared

And having stood still, Jesus said for him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying to him, Cheer up. Arise, he calls thee.

Verse ConceptsChrist SummoningGet Up!Take Courage!

And having answered, Jesus says to him, What do thou wish I would do for thee? And the blind man said to him, Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.

Verse ConceptsRabbiReceiving SightRight DesiresBlindness

And having seen a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if perhaps he will find anything on it. And when he came to it he found nothing except leaves, for it was not the time of figs.

Verse ConceptsFruitStanding At A DistanceFoliageNot Findingdistance

And he taught, saying to them, Is it not written, My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations? But ye made it a den of robbers.

Verse ConceptsHouse Of GodUnity, God's Goal OfPeople In CavesStatus Of The TempleThe Gospel To The Nationsthieves

And the scholars and the chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him, for they feared him, because all the people were awed at his doctrine.

Verse ConceptsScribesTeachers Of The LawMalice, Examples OfAmazement, Of Jesus ChristCrowds AmazedChrist TeachingChrist Would Be KilledFear Of ChristOpposition To Christ From Scribes

For truly I say to you, that whoever may say to this mountain, Be thou taken up and cast into the sea, and will not doubt in his heart, but will believe that what he says comes to pass, whatever he may say will be for him.

Verse Conceptsdoubt, results ofHeart, And Holy SpiritIndecisionMountains RemovedChrist Telling The TruthIn The Heart Of The SeaMan's Words FulfilledHindrancesFaith Moving Mountainsjumping

But should we say, From men? (They feared the people, for all held John that he was indeed a prophet.)

Verse ConceptsFearing Other PeopleIndividual ProphetsMan's Teaching

And they sought to seize him. And they feared the multitude, for they knew that he spoke the parable against them. And having left him, they went away.

Verse ConceptsCrowdsPharisees, Attitudes To Jesus ChristTeachers Of The LawProper UnderstandingArresting ChristFearing Other PeopleJesus Using ParablesLeaving People Alone

And when they came, they say to him, Teacher, we have seen that thou are true, and it is not a care to thee about any man, for thou look not to a personage of men, but teach the way of God in truth. Is it permitted to give tribute

Verse ConceptsFlatteryKnowing God's WaysHonestyTributesWay, TheCaesarPerforming The TruthChrist TeachingTeaching The Way Of GodGod's Word Is TrueTelling The Truthattentiontaxes

Teacher, Moses wrote to us, If a man's brother dies, and leaves behind a wife, and leaves no child, that his brother should take his wife, and raise up seed for his brother.

Verse ConceptsOffspringWidowsConceptionLack Of Sons

In the resurrection when they rise, whose wife will she be of them? For the seven had her as wife.

Verse ConceptsSeven ChildrenMarriage No MoreTransferring WivesThe Resurrection

And when Jesus saw him, that he answered wisely, he said to him, Thou are not far from the kingdom of God. And no man dared to question him any more.

Verse ConceptsNot Asking OthersAnsweringGod's Blessings Are NearLosing CourageQuestioning GodSchoolanswers

For they all cast in from that which is abundant to them, but she from her need cast in all, as many things she had, her whole living.

Verse ConceptsPoverty, Causes OfSurplusBlessings Of The PoorGiving Money To The ChurchThe poorGiving

And when ye may hear of wars and rumors of wars, be not alarmed, for it must happen, but the end is not yet.

Verse ConceptsTrouble, Causes OfCivil StrifeRumoursWarsEnd Of The WorldPrinciples Of WarSigns Of The TimesWarrumors

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be earthquakes in various places, and there will be famines and troubles. These things are the beginnings of travails.

Verse ConceptsearthquakesBeginningPlaguesLabour PainsFamine ComingBeginning Of PeriodsDealing With The NationsFamine Will ComeSigns Of The Timesrumors

But watch ye yourselves, for they will deliver you up to councils, and ye will be beaten in synagogues. And ye will be stood before rulers and kings because of me, for a testimony to them.

Verse ConceptsFloggingGovernorsPersecution, Forms OfPersecution, Nature OfSanhedrinSynagogueHanding Over PeopleBeating BelieversWitness To The GospelTaking HeedGentile Rulers

and let the man who is in the field not turn back for the things behind, to take his cloak.

Verse ConceptsCloaksOuter Garments

For those days will be tribulation, such as has not happened from the beginning of the creation that God created until now, and no, will not happen.

Verse ConceptsDay of the LORDBeginningUnique EventsFrom The Beginning

And then he will send forth his heavenly agents, and will gather together his chosen from the four winds, from the outermost part of the earth as far as the outermost part of heaven.

Verse ConceptsGathered By GodFour WindsGod Sending ProphetsThe Gospel WorldwideAccompanying The Second Cominggathering

For this could have been sold for over three hundred denarii, and given to the poor. And they grumbled at her.

Verse ConceptsMoney, Uses OfWagesFrugalityGiving To The Poor

But Jesus said, Leave her be. Why do ye cause troubles for her? She performed a good work on me.

Verse ConceptsLeave Them AloneTroubling Individuals

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