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And Jehovah God will build the rib which he took from the man, into a woman, and will bring her to the man.
And the woman will see that the tree is good for food, and that it is a desire to the eyes, and a tree desired to make wise; and she will take from its fruit and will eat, and will give also to her man with her, and he will eat
And they shall hear the voice of Jehovah God walking in the garden at the breeze of the day: and Adam and his wife will hide from the face of Jehovah God in the midst of the wood of the garden.
And I will put enmity between thee and between the woman, and between thy seed and between her seed; it shall lie in wait for thee as to the head, and thou shalt lie in wait for him as to the heel.
And now cursed art thou, from the earth, which opened her mouth to take thy brother's bloods from thy hand.
When thou shalt work the earth she shall not add to give her strength to thee. Wandering and fleeing shalt thou be in the earth.
And Lamech will say his wives, Adah and Zillah, Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, and give ear to my word: for I killed a man to my wound, and a son to my cutting.
And the dove found not rest to the hollow of her foot, and she will turn back to him to the ark, for the waters are over the face of all the earth; and he will send forth his hand and will take her and will cause her to come to him to the ark.
And the dove will come in to him at the time of evening, and lo, an olive leaf plucked off, in her mouth. And Noah will know that the waters were diminished from over the earth.
Come, we will come down and mix their lip that they shall not hear a man the lip of his neighbor.
And Sarai shall be barren; to her not a child.
And Pharaoh's rulers will see her, and will praise her to Pharaoh, and the woman shall be taken into Pharaoh's house.
And he will do good to Abram on account of her; and there shall be to him sheep and oxen and he-asses, and servants and maids, and she-asses and camels.
Why saidst thou, She is my sister and I shall take her to me for a wife? and now behold thy wife, take and go.
And Abram shall hear that his brother was carried away captive, and he will draw forth his trained, born in his house, eighteen and three hundred, and will pursue, even to Dan.
And Sarai, Abram's wife, brought not forth to him; and to her a maid servant, an Egyptian, and her name Hagar.
And Sarai will say to Abram, Behold now, Jehovah restrained me from bringing forth; go now to my maid servant; perhaps I shall have children from her. And Abram will listen to the voice of Sarai.
And Sarai, Abram's wife, will take Hagar the Egyptian, her maid servant, at the end of ten years of Abram's resting in the land of Canaan, and will give her to Abram her husband, to him for a wife.
And Abram will go in to Hagar, and she will conceive, and she will see that she conceived; and her mistress will be despised in her eyes.
And Sarai will say to Abram, My wrong upon thee: I gave my maid servant into thy bosom, and she will see that she conceived, and I shall be despised in her eyes. Jehovah will judge between me and between thee.
And Abram will say to Sarai, Behold thy maid servant in thy hand; do to her the good in thine eyes. And Sarai shall afflict her, and she will flee from her face.
And the messenger of Jehovah shall find her by a fountain of water in the wilderness, by the fountain in the way to Shur.
And he will say, Hagar, Sarai's maid servant, how camest thou here? and whither wilt thou go? And she will say, I flee from the face of Sarai, my mistress.
And the messenger of Jehovah will say to her, Turn back to thy mistress and be humbled under her hands.
And the messenger of Jehovah will say to her, Multiplying, I will multiply thy seed, and it shall not be counted for multitude.
And the messenger of Jehovah will say to her, Behold, thou being great with child, and will bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael, for Jehovah listened to thy humiliation.
And she will call the name of Jehovah, having spoken to her, Thou God seest me: for she said, Here also I looked after him seeing me.
And God will say to Abraham, Sarai, thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, for Sarah her name.
And I blessed her, and I gave thee also a son of her: and I blessed her and she was for nations, and kings of people shall be from her.
And Sarah will laugh within her, saying, After it has not been to me till now, and my lord, being old.
And the men will say to Lot, Who to thee here yet? son-in-law, and thy sons, and thy daughters, and all which are to thee in the city, bring forth out of this place.
And they will give their father wine to drink in that night, and the first-born will go in and will lie down with her father; and he will not know in her lying down, and in her rising up.
And they will give their father wine to drink also in that night, and the small will arise and will he down with him, and he will not know in her lying down and her rising up.
And Abimelech came not near to her: and he will say, Lord, wilt thou also slay a just nation?
And God will say to him in a dream, I knew also that in the uprightness of thy heart thou didst this; and I also will restrain thee from sinning against me: for this I suffered thee not to touch her.
And now turn back to the man the woman; for he is a prophet, and he shall pray for thee, and do thou live: and if thou turn her not back, know that dying, thou shalt die, thou and all which are to thee.
And it shall be when God causes me to wander front my father's house, and I said to. her, This thy kindness which thou shalt do by me; at every place to which we shall come, there say of me, He is my brother.
And she will say to Abraham, Cast out this maid-servant and her son; for the son of this maid-servant shall not inherit with my son, with Isaak.
And God will say to Abraham, It shall not be evil in thine eyes concerning the boy, and concerning thy maidservant; all which Sarah shall say to thee, hear to her voice; for in Isaak the seed shall be called to thee.
And Abraham will rise early in the morning, and take food, and a leathern bottle of water, and give to Hagar (putting upon her shoulder), and the child, and will send her away: and she will go forth and wander in the desert to the well of the oath.
And she will go and seat herself from over against., being far off as the bending of a bow: for she said, I will not see the death of the child. And she will seat herself from over against, and she will lift up her voice and weep.
And God will hear the voice of the child: and the messenger of God will call to Hagar from the heavens, and will say to her, What to thee Hagar? thou. shalt not fear, for God heard the voice of the child, from where he is.
And God will open her eyes, and she will see a well of waters, and will go and fill the water skin with water, and will give the child to drink.
And Abimelech will say to Abraham, What here these seven ewe lambs which thou didst set alone?
And it shall be after these words, and God tried Abraham, and he will say to him, Abraham: and he will say, Behold, here I.
And Abraham will say to his boys, Sit ye here in this place with the ass; I and the boy will go even there and worship, and will turn back to you.
And his concubine, and her name Reumah, and she will bare Tebah, and Gaham, and Thahash, and Maachab.
And Sarah shall die in the city of four; this is Hebron, in the land of Canaan. And Abraham will come to mourn for Sarah, and to weep for her.
Hear us, lord; thou a prince of God in the midst of us: in the choice of our graves, bury thy dead; a man of us shall not withhold from thee his grave from burying thy dead.
And he will speak to them, saying, If it is your soul to bury my dead from my face, hear me, and entreat for me to Ephron, son of Zohar.
Nay, lord, hear me; the field I gave thee, and the cave which is in it, to thee I gave it before the eyes of the sons of my people; I gave to thee: bury thy dead.
And he will speak to Ephron in the ears of the people of the land, saying, Surely, if thou art for it, hear me: I' gave silver for the field, take of me: and I will bury my dead there.
Lord, hear me: the land, four hundred shekels of silver; between me and between thee, what is that? and bury thy dead.
And it shall be the girl to whom saying to her, incline now thy bucket, and I will drink; and she said, Drink, and I will also give thy camels to drink; thou didst appoint for thy servant Isaak; and by it I shall know that thou didst kindness with my lord.
And it shall be before he finished speaking, and behold Rebekah came forth, who was born to Bethuel, son of Milcah, the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, and her bucket upon her shoulder.
And the girl good of aspect exceedingly; a virgin, and man knew her not: and she will go down to the fountain and fill her bucket, and come up.
And the servant will run to meet her, and he will say, Give me to drink now a little water from thy bucket
And she will say, Drink, lord: and she will hasten, and she will bring down her bucket upon her hand, and will give him to drink
And she will hasten and empty her bucket into the watering trough, and will run again to the well to draw, and will draw for all his camels.
And the man looking with attention at her, being silent to know whether Jehovah prospered his way or not
And it shall be when the camels finished drinking, and the man will take a gold ring of half a shekel, and two bracelets for her hands of ten shekels of gold.
And the girl will run and announce to the house of her mother, according to these words.
Behold, I stand by the fountain of waters, and the virgin coming forth to draw, and I said to her, Now give me to drink a little water from thy bucket
Before I shall finish speaking to my heart, and behold, Rebekah went forth, and her bucket upon her shoulder; and she will go down to the fountain and draw; and saying to her, Give me to drink now.
And she will hasten and will bring down her bucket from her, and will say, Drink, and I will water thy camels also: and I shall drink, and she watered the camels also.
And I shall ask her and say., Whose daughter thou? And she will say, The daughter of Bethuel, son of Nahor, whom Milcah brought forth to him: and I shall place the ring upon her face, and the bracelets upon her hands.
And the servant will bring forth silver vessels, and gold vessels, and garments, and he will give to Rebekah; and giving precious things to her brother and to her mother.
And her brother will say, and her mother, The girl shall remain with us, perhaps ten days; after that she shall go.
And they will say, We will, call to the girl, and ask her mouth.
And they will call to Rebekah, and will say to her, Wilt thou go with this man? And she will say, I will go.
And they will send forth Rebekah their sister, and her nurse, and Abraham's servant, and his men.
And they will bless Rebekah and will say to her, Thou our sister; be thou into thousands of ten thousands, and thy seed shall inherit the gate of his enemies.
And Rebekah will rise up, and her maidens, and ride upon the camels, and will go after the man: and the servant will take Rebekah and will go.
And Rebekah will lift up her eyes, and see Isaak; and she will descend from the camel.
And Isaak will come into Sarah's his mother's tent, and will take Rebekah and she will be to him for a wife; and he will love her: and Isaak will be comforted after that for his mother.
And Abraham will add and take a wife; and her name Keturah.
And the sons will struggle within her: and she will say,. If so, wherefore am I thus? And she will go to inquire of Jehovah.
And Jehovah will say to her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two peoples shall be separated from thy belly: and a people shall be strong above a people, and the great shall serve the small.
And her days shall be completed to bring forth; and behold, twins in her belly.
And the first shall come forth red, wholly as a mantle of hair: and they will call his name Esau.
And after this, his brother will come forth, and his hand having laid hold upon Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaak the son of sixty years in her bringing them forth.
And Abimelech will call to Isaak, and will say, Surely, behold, she thy wife; and how saidst thou, She is my sister? And Isaak will say to him, Because I said, Lest I shall die for her.
And Rebekah spake to Jacob her son, saying, Behold, I heard thy father speaking to Esau thy brother, saying,
And now my son, hear to my voice, according to that I command thee.
And Jacob will say to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Esau my brother a man of hair, and I a smooth man:
And his mother will say to him, Upon me thy curse my son; only hear to my voice, and go take to me.
And Rebekah will take desirable covering of Esau her son, the great, which was with her in the house, and will put upon Jacob her son, the small.
And she will give the dainties, and the bread which she made, into the hand of Jacob her son.
And he knew him not, for his hands were as the hands of Esau, his brother of hair: and he will praise him.
And the words of Esau her son, the great, will be announced to Rebekah; and she will send and call to Jacob her son, the small, and she will say to him, Behold, Esau thy brother will avenge himself toward thee by killing thee.
And now my son, hear to my voice: and arising escape for thyself to Laban my brother, to Haran.
And Jacob will hear to his father, and to his mother, and will go to Padan Aram.
He yet speaking to them, and Rachel came with the sheep were to her father; for she fed them.
And Jacob will announce to Rachel that he is her father's brother, and that he is Rebekah's son; and she will run and announce to her father.
And Laban will say, Good for me to give her to thee rather than for me to give her to another man. Dwell with me.
And Jacob will serve for Rachel seven years, and they will be in his eyes as a few days in his loving her.
And Jacob will say to Laban, Give my wife, for the days were completed, and I will go in to her.
And it will be in the evening, and he will take Leah his daughter, and bring her to him, and he will go in to her.
And Laban will give to her, Zilpah his maid, to Leah his daughter a maid.
Complete her seven, and we will give to thee also this for work which thou shalt work with me yet other seven years.
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- God Will Be Angry
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- Seven Days For Legal Purposes
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- Animals At Specific Ages
- Poverty, Remedies For
- The Hair Of The Body
- White Hair
- Quarantining
- Loneliness
- Shallowness
- Facial Hair
- Scars
- Spreading
- Beards
- Cutting Hair
- Trimming Facial Hair
- Other Volume Measures
- Sex And Uncleanness
- Unclean Until Evening
- Sexual Purity
- Unclean Things
- Action For A Long Time
- Two Animals
- Liberation
- Nakedness Uncovered
- Sexual Immorality
- Grandmothers
- Mothers, Responsibilities Of
- Forbidden Sexual Relationships
- Attitude Towards Your Mother
- Mums
- Adulterers
- Adultery
- Defilement
- Sin, Effects Of
- Polluting The Land
- Purity, Moral And Spiritual
- Servants Of People
- Abominations
- Accompaniments Of Mourning
- Cutting
- Sexuality
- Harlots
- Aging
- Old Age, Attitudes To
- Respect, For Human Beings
- Youth
- Get Up!
- Fear God!
- Respect
- Respecting Parents
- Respecting Authority
- The Elderly
- Elders
- Reverence
- Honour
- Spirits
- Divination
- Psychics
- Mothers And Daughters
- Baldness, Unnatural
- Baldness
- Priests, Function In Ot Times
- Gashing Bodies
- Divorce, in OT
- Divorce
- Branding
- Rivers
- Women's Roles
- Woman
- Priests
- Land Producing
- Reaping What You Sow
- Rain
- Weather, God's Sovereignty Over
- Obeying God
- Obeying
- Discipline, divine
- Useless Labour
- Rejection Of God
- Ignorant Of Facts
- Spirit, Emotional Aspects Of
- Those Jealous For People
- Bitter Water
- Other References To Hair
- Repulsive Food
- Bitterness
- Infidelity
- Hurt And Betrayal
- Adultry
- Emotions
- Dreadlocks
- Heads
- Cripples
- God's Voice
- Finding
- Paying Attention To God
- Waiting On The Lord
- Balaams Donkey
- Hearing
- Wind
- Knowing God, Nature Of
- Prophets, Role Of
- Visions
- Prophetic Visions
- Visions From God
- Snow
- Moses, Significance Of
- Opposition, To Sin And Evil
- Recovery
- Abundance, Material
- Food
- Land, Spiritual Aspects Of
- Rising Early
- Swallowing
- Possessions
- Yokes
- Unused
- Fingers
- Assembling Israel
- Angels as God's servants
- Prayer, Answers To
- Borders
- Nations Attacking Israel
- Annihilation
- Faults
- No Food
- Messengers Sent Out
- Lying Down To Rest
- Rebuke
- Individuals going home
- We Have Sinned
- Spoken Greetings
- Mouths
- Speaking The Word God Gives
- Height
- Blessing And Curse
- Curses
- Communicating Three Times
- Human Authority, Nature Of
- God Will Forgive
- Impulsiveness
- Unfaithfulness, To People
- A Good Husband
- Five People
- Killing Kings
- Killing Prophets
- Named Gentile Rulers
- Dress
- Ready For War
- Prejudice
- Fractions, One Half
- Month
- Ethics, personal
- Magistrates
- Do Not Fear Men
- Making Decisions
- Conflict
- Discrimination
- Self Will
- Proud People
- Spiritual Deafness
- Pessimism
- Terrorism
- Ethics, and grace
- Keep The Commandments!
- The Law Given To Israel
- Understanding
- God's Word Gives Wisdom
- Discernment
- Wise
- Discipleship, nature of
- Learning From Other People
- How Death Is Inevitable
- Deafness
- Smells
- Unreliability
- Unhearing
- Serving God
- End Of Days
- God Appearing In Fire
- Punishment, By God
- God, Sovereignty Of
- Orthodoxy, In Ot
- Present, The
- Risk
- God, Living And Self sustaining
- Eternal life, nature of
- Listening To God
- God, Unity Of
- Monotheism
- Uniqueness
- Israel
- Fortifications
- City
- Largeness
- Conversion, God's demands for
- Sin, Nature Of
- The Need To Love God
- Drought, physical
- Obedience
- Disobedience, To God
- Doing The Right Thing
- Love For God
- Do Not Listen!
- Commitment, to God
- People Hiding People
- Pity
- Fear Will Come
- God, Fatherhood Of
- Spiritual Adoption
- Deer Etc.
- Deer
- Horns
- Values
- Hardship
- Ethics, social
- Death penalty
- Stubbornness
- Sorcery
- Types Of Christ
- Refusing To Hear
- Battles
- Moving To A New Place
- Vineyard
- Fear And Worry
- Being Scared
- Divorce, amongst believers
- Avoid Divorce
- Hate
- Loving Children
- Birthrights
- Heirs
- Mothers Love For Her Children
- Parents Love
- Discipline Child
- Teenager
- Parenthood
- Banishment
- Connection
- Town
- Coinage
- Premarital
- Rescue
- Giving Money To The Church
- Pets
- Sales
- Adultery and Divorce
- Bills Of Divorce
- Divorce Permitted
- Troubling Individuals
- Spouse
- Debt
- Ethics, incentives towards
- People Unwilling
- Manhood
- Show No Mercy
- Warfare, Examples Of
- God Lifting People
- Blessings And Prosperity
- Money Blessings
- Atonement
- Foreigners
- Aliens
- Wings
- Eagles
- People From Far Away
- People Opposed
- Ears
- Going To Heaven
- The Ocean
- God, The Creator
- Origins Of Spiritual Life
- Covenant breakers
- Outsiders
- Fathers, Responsibilities Of
- Nests
- Mothers, As A Symbol
- Soaring
- Foundations
- Hell, As An Experience
- Death, Preparation For
- Fate
- Pay Attention O God!
- Hands
- Wisdom, Human Importance
- Beyond Jordan
- Bravery
- Courage
- Property, Houses
- Secrecy
- Two Other Men
- People Made Known
- Houses
- Losing Courage
- Ropes
- Walls
- Roses
- Twelve Things
- Dryness
- Overcoming Obstacles
- Attacking
- God's Activity In Israel
- Helpfulness
- Invasions
- Conquest
- People Tumbling
- Trumpets For Battle
- God, Greatness Of
- Fearing Other People
- Extermination
- Kingdoms
- Reinforcement
- Chariots
- Iron Objects
- Four Cities
- The Region Of Jordan
- History Of Nations
- Special Revelation
- Ethics, basis of
- Revelation, Responses To
- Battle
- Commander
- Those Looking For People
- Giving, Of Oneself
- People Going Before
- Volunteering
- Music
- God, Righteousness Of
- Voices
- No Help
- Cloth
- Wood
- Army
- Enemy Attacks
- Towers
- Private Rooms
- Prepping
- Tearing Of Clothes
- Those Who Tore Clothes
- Sympathy
- Communication
- From The Womb
- Man Of God
- Hospitality, Examples Of
- God's Things Revealed
- Empowerment
- Insects
- Honey
- Weddings
- Thirty
- Crying
- Nagging
- Harvest
- Tying Up
- Arms
- Long Hair
- Barbers
- Treachery
- No Strength Left
- Growing
- Searching
- Those Who Committed Adultery
- Persuasion
- Night
- Wine
- Abuse
- Harassment
- Others Not Answering
- People Cut In Pieces
- Lewdness
- Man's Counsel
- Handing Over People
- Kissing
- Goodbyes
- Going Together
- Mother In Laws
- Mothers, Examples Of
- Ruth
- Tragedy
- Grain
- Noon
- Living Together
- Prostration
- Self Denial
- Self Sacrifice
- Poverty, Attitudes Towards
- Life And Death
- Eating And Drinking
- Gates
- Offspring
- Seven Children
- School
- Fun
- Heartbroken
- God As A Warrior
- Renewed Heart
- Moving On
- Praying
- Drunkards
- Hear Prayer!
- Petition
- Early Rising
- Breasts, Nursing Mothers
- Prayer, Practicalities Of
- Children, needs of
- Robes
- Shame
- They Committed Immorality
- Godly Man
- Parents Being Wrong
- God's Call
- Sensitivity
- Despair
- Cancer
- God Helps
- Help
- Helping
- Government
- Rejection
- Injustice, Nature And Source Of
- Children Suffering
- God Not Answering
- Outward Appearance
- Tall People
- Structure
- Saul
- The Sun
- Trumpet
- Trumpets For Signalling
- Offence
- Unity, Of God's People
- Watchman
- Unfaithfulness, To God
- Plundering
- Sin Confessed
- Hairs Protected
- Soldiers
- Hearing Things
- God, Joy Of
- Evil, believers' responses to
- Prayer, Advice For Effective
- Sin, God's Remedy For
- Not Pleasing God
- Sacrifice
- Optimism
- Not Dying
- Death Averted
- Worthiness
- Leadership Qualities
- Harps
- Animals Eating People
- Birds
- Skulls
- Peoples Who Fled
- Heroes
- Man Trapping
- Plans
- One Hundred
- Urgency
- Unique Things
- Good Friends
- Companionship
- Seeking
- Rumors
- Greetings
- Riding Donkeys
- Bowing Before David
- Readiness
- Participation, In Christ
- Magic
- Trap
- Beds
- Killing Domesticated Animals
- Heat
- Entering Cities
- Movement
- Heart, Fallen And Redeemed
- Superiority
- Humility
- Family Love
- Love And Family
- Roof
- Ministry, Qualifications For
- Encouragement, examples of
- Resigned To Death
- Sin, And God's Character
- Sick Individuals
- Pretending
- Bedrooms
- Anointing With Oil
- Ointment
- Beggars
- Weight
- Claims
- Desertion
- Killing Will Happen
- Good News
- Evangelism, nature of
- God Saving From Enemies
- Natural Deafness
- Home
- Health
- God Answered Prayer
- Face Of God
- The Temple In Heaven
- God Paid Attention To Me
- Good Rebounding
- Killing Many People
- Three Men
- Pits
- Strength, Human
- Deliverance From Lions
- Threshing
- Excitement
- Queens
- Right Sides
- Assenting
- Aliances
- Building
- Building Jerusalem's Wall
- Natural Disasters
- Choking
- Shrewdness
- All Nations
- A Place For God's Name
- Felling Trees
- God Answering Prayers
- Supplication
- Worship Day And Night
- Direction
- Sinners
- Heaven, Glimpsed By Humans
- God Acts From Heaven
- God Forgive!
- Let Evil Rebound
- Rebuilding Jerusalem
- Jewels
- Precious Stones
- Steps
- Overwhelmed
- Wealth And Prosperity
- Rejoicing In God's Works
- Sound
- Entering Houses
- False Gods
- Grandmas
- List Of Kings Of Israel
- Cooking
- Bread
- Stairways
- Secret Prayer
- Crying To God
- Answered Prayer
- Personal Contact
- Religion
- Ruins
- Weather In The Last Days
- Syria
- Sackcloth And Ashes
- Lions
- Busyness
- Word Of God
- Hair Garments
- Kids
- God Will Cause Defeat
- Pot
- Tables
- Sabbath, In Ot
- Speed
- God's Things Concealed
- Being A Mother
- Mission, Of Israel
- Hills
- Tomorrow
- Prophecy, Methods Of Ot
- Looking At God's Works
- Royalty
- Surrender
- Footsteps
- Evangelists, identity of
- Damascus
- Jezebel
- Spiritual Harlotry
- Artists
- Makeup
- Killing Sons And Daughters
- Covenant Relationships
- Named Gates
- Confrontation
- Harming Pregnant Women
- Exiled Foreigners
- Capturing Cities
- Impenitence, Warnings Against
- Breaking The Covenant
- Shrines
- Languages
- Languages Mentioned In Scripture
- Herald
- Vines
- Being Mislead
- Birth Not Being Possible
- Remnant
- Rumours
- Africa
- God, Purpose Of
- God's Plans
- Shields
- Covenant, God's with David
- Credibility
- Receiving God's Word
- Destruction Of Jerusalem
- Travel
- Forts
- The Environment
- Songs
- Cymbals
- Lyres
- Man's Purposes
- Pleasing God
- Motives
- Iron
- Sin, God's Judgment On
- Fellowship, In The Gospel
- Prayer, God's Promises Concerning
- Prayer, Offered With
- Heart, Divine
- Holiness, Believers' Growth In
- Sanctification
- Rejection Of God, Results Of
- Chief priests
- Plagues
- Faith, And Blessings Of God
- Decisions
- Nobles
- Obstinacy Against God
- Prophets
- Talents
- Rebuilding
- Pride, Results Of
- Jerusalem, Significance Of
- Judaism
- Provinces
- Letters
- Fasting
- Shame Has Come
- Short Time For Action
- Archaeology
- City Gates
- Burning Jerusalem
- Character Of Wicked
- Ridicule, Nature Of
- Perfume
- Wicked Prophets
- Bible, Names Of
- Breaking God's Law
- Abandonment
- Rebellion, Of Israel
- Doing Repeatedly
- Works Of The Law
- Challenges
- God's attitude towards people
- The Holy Spirit, And Scripture
- God Enduring
- Speaking By The Spirit
- Right Desires
- Favor
- Crowns
- Afflicted Saints
- Overcoming Hard Times
- Love, For One Another
- Best Friends
- Losing A Friend
- Losing Friends
- The Past
- Hope, In God
- Muteness
- Disappointment
- Metaphorical Pillars
- Trembling
- God On High
- Animal Offspring
- Astronomy
- Things On High
- God Answers Prayer
- Benefits Of Wisdom
- Value
- Balance
- The Fact Of Death
- Teaching The Way Of God
- Work Ethic
- Clouds
- God's Will
- Serving
- Repentance, Importance Of
- Rumbling
- Thinking Aright
- God Being Outside Of Creation
- Unicorns
- Wings Of Birds
- Forgetting Things
- South
- Good Things From Far Away
- White
- Calling upon God
- Lonliness
- Pressure
- Saints
- Character Of Saints
- Psalms As Prayers
- Prayerfulness
- When To Pray
- God, Glory Of
- Glory Of God
- God's Glory Revealed
- Excellence
- Not Seeing Spiritual Things
- Prospering
- Like Creatures
- Causes of failure in
- A Good Man
- God Will Answer
- The First Temple
- Protection From Enemies
- Sun
- Race
- Trusting God In Difficult Times
- Power, God's Saving
- Right Hand Of God
- Anxiety And Fear
- False Confidence
- Faith and strength
- Being Saved
- Strength And Faith
- Boasting
- Answers
- People Ended
- Patience, In Christian Living
- Receptiveness
- The Faculty Of Hearing
- Waterfalls
- Brides
- Forgetting People
- Homecoming
- Names And Titles For The Church
- Inner Beauty
- Her Strength
- A New Day
- Childbirth
- Labour Pains
- Zion
- I Will Be Their God
- Accepting Christ
- Lack Of Rejoicing
- Joy And Happiness
- God Doing Good
- Jerusalem
- Money, Attitudes To
- Rich, The
- Trust, Lack Of
- Riches, Dangers Of
- Trusting God's Plan
- Trusting Others
- God Hiding
- Thoughts
- Being Overwhelmed
- Distractions
- Doves
- Saints, As Pilgrims
- Birds, Figurative Use
- Rest
- Lying And Deceit
- Fearing God
- Glory, Revelation Of
- Taking Care Of The Earth
- Lordship, Human And Divine
- Speaking
- Telling The Truth
- Biting
- Seeking Food
- The End Of The World
- Potential
- Change And Growth
- Witnessing, Importance Of
- Why Prayer Is Unanswered
- Unanswered Prayer
- Confession of sin
- Prayer, And God's Will
- Holy Spirit, Types Of
- The Almighty
- Scattering The Peoples
- Envoy
- Devotion
- Earthquakes
- Anger Of God, Consequences
- God, As Shepherd
- Shepherds, As Kings And Leaders
- Indifference
- Folly, Effects Of
- Peace And Strength
- People
- Poverty, Spiritual
- What Heaven Will Be Like
- Today
- Freedom, Of The Will
- Avoiding Obstinacy
- God's Timing
- Eclipse
- Gods Timing
- God Freeing Captives
- Sea
- Names And Titles For Satan
- Ships
- Storms
- God's Truth
- Energy
- Praise The Lord!
- Motherhood
- Mothering
- Chains
- Servants Of The Lord
- Man's Ways
- Symbols
- No Peace
- Peace
- Employees
- Desires
- Clothed With Good Things
- You Are Our God
- Prayer, As A Response To God
- Guidance
- Having A Good Day
- Lovers
- Wool
- Education
- Wisdom And Guidance
- Improvement
- Bad Parents
- Mothers Love For Children
- Mothers
- Dads
- Being A Good Father
- Loving Your Parents
- Streets
- Serenity
- Helping Those In Need
- Studying
- Missing Someone
- Being Lost
- Sinners Grasped By Death
- Paths
- Virtuous Woman
- Internal Adornment
- Self Worth
- Worth
- Beauty And Self Worth
- Closure
- Staying Positive
- Parenting
- Thought
- Uncertainty
- Breasts
- Work, As Ordained By God
- Industry
- Working Hard And Not Being Lazy
- Sloth
- Summer
- Preparing Food
- Awakening
- Tongue
- Being Beautiful
- Satan, Agents Of
- Scripture
- Alcohol
- Being A Women
- Profits
- Wives
- Women
- Good Wives Description
- Spiritual crowns
- Gays
- Being Gay
- Gay Marriage
- Moral Decay
- Diligence
- Success And Hard Work
- Rebuking
- Motivation
- Fathers Birthday
- Dignity
- Attitudes, to other people
- Being Patient
- Patients
- Eating, Metaphorical Use
- Speech, Power And Significance Of
- Death of
- Christmas Tree
- Life After Death
- The Power Of Words
- The Future
- Admiration
- Injustice, Hated By God
- Repaid For Deeds
- Humiliation
- Thieves
- Insensibility
- Unceasing
- Eagerness
- Seafaring
- Buying and selling
- Money Management
- Family Strength
- Purple Clothes
- Worrying About The Future
- Confidence And Self Esteem
- One's Deeds
- Accomplishment
- Useless Endeavour
- Natural Life
- Everything Happening For A Reason
- Affluence
- Family And Friends
- Going To Church
- Behavior
- Evangelising
- Worry And Stress
- Anxiety And Stress
- Worries
- Surprises
- Storing Treasure On Earth
- Criticism
- Gossiping
- Error
- Romance
- True Love
- Wearing Jewellery
- Love
- Being In Love
- Appearance Of Hair
- Teeth
- Belonging
- Being Unique
- Sibling Love
- Passion
- Maturity
- Kings of judah
- Babylon
- A Righteous People
- Baldness, Figurative Use
- Mourning Due To Catastrophe
- Names And Titles For The Holy Spirit
- Fire Of Judgement
- Smoke
- Ministers, Should Be
- Gospel, Responses To
- Rejection Of God's Call
- Being Without Understanding
- No Healing
- Pools
- Schisms
- Land Becoming Empty
- Children In The Faith
- Bird Sounds
- Eclipses
- Darkening Sun Moon And Stars
- Darkness At The End
- The Universe Destroyed
- Short Time Till The End
- Love, Abuse Of
- Going Up To Heaven
- Rebellion of Satan and Angels
- Lamenting
- Losing Honour
- Prophecies concerning
- Empty Cities
- Sea Travel
- Guidance, Need For God's
- Weak Women
- Healing And Comfort
- Destruction Of Babylon
- Babylon Destroyed
- Abandoning Idols
- Forests
- Markets
- Destruction Of Strongholds
- God Making Drunk
- Last Days
- Day of the LORD
- Punishment
- Fitness
- Metaphorical Vineyards
- Thorns
- Burning Plants
- Always Being Active
- The Deaf Hearing
- Not Mourning
- Noise
- Confidence
- Self Esteem
- Knowing
- The Day Of Judgement
- God Executes Vengeance
- Revenge
- Wolves
- Spiritual Vitality
- Anxious
- Blindness
- Stress And Hard Times
- Staying Strong During Hard Times
- Gifts
- God Has Forgiven
- Watchfulness, Of Believers
- Names And Titles For Christ
- Beginning
- A new beginning
- Predicting The Future
- Equipping, spiritual
- Pleasure
- The Gentiles Conversion
- Preaching Gospel To Foreigners
- Gentiles
- Future
- Foreknowledge
- War
- Straight Paths
- Free
- Craftsmen
- Weighing
- Care
- Suddenly
- What God Does
- Now
- Opportunities, And Salvation
- Seasons, Of Life
- Acceptance
- Forgetting
- Feelings Of Rejection By God
- God, Suffering Of
- Certificate of divorce
- Marriage, Between God And His People
- Weakness, Spiritual
- Discipleship
- Humility Of Christ
- Salvation, Nature Of
- Vindication
- Afflictions, Consolation During
- Peace And Comfort
- Imputed Righteousness
- Knowing God
- Commitment, to the world
- Participation, In Sin
- Jesus Christ, Meekness Of
- Christ, Character Of
- Spirit, Nature Of
- Life By God's Word
- Unconditional Love
- God's Plan
- The Mind
- God's Plan For Us
- Sin Separates From God
- Sunshine
- God's Salvation Made Known
- Marriage To God
- Relaxing
- Election, to salvation
- Changing Yourself
- Rest, Eternal
- Before
- Shame Will Come
- Attacks On Jerusalem Foretold
- Figurative Walls
- Futility
- Prayerlessness
- Related Nations
- Backsliding
- Backsliders
- Honor
- Kingdom Of God, Coming Of
- Before God Acts
- Citizenship
- Being Single
- Destruction Of Plants
- Corrupt Priests
- Violence In The Earth
- Feeling Lost
- God Will Bring Harm
- Hope, Nature Of
- Furnaces
- No Escape
- Do Not Be Proud
- Hope, As Confidence
- Zion, As A Symbol
- Hope And Healing
- Those Who Destroy
- The Dead
- The Source Of Fruit
- Worrying
- Holiday
- Hissing
- Persecution, Forms Of
- Woe To The Wicked
- The Word Of God
- Prophecy
- God Sends Prophets
- Made A Horror
- Deception
- People Appalled
- Celebration
- Gospel, Confirmation Of
- No Comfort
- Faith And Healing
- Unable To Do Other Things
- Killed With The Sword
- Famine Coming
- Famine Will Come
- Burning Cities
- Shame Of Idolatry
- God Not Delaying
- Sceptre
- Inadequate Shepherding
- Treating Others
- The judgment of babylon
- Famine
- Condemnation Of Babylon
- Great Things
- Worry
- Festivals Disregarded
- Nakedness
- Sin, Accepting Forgiveness Of
- Growth Of Evil
- Decay
- People Following People
- Nature Of The Heart
- Watchfulness, Of Leaders
- Vocation
- Prophesy!
- Pots For Cooking And Eating
- Dullness
- Idol Worship
- Hindering God's Work
- Shame Of Bad Conduct
- Greed
- Suffering, Of The Innocent
- People Torn To Pieces
- Crowds
- Near The Time Generally
- Dying With The Uncircumcised
- Shallowness
- Practice
- Fat Animals
- Losing Someone
- Pillars For Ezekiel's Temple
- Ten Things
- Measurement
- Predictions
- Confusion
- Colors, White
- Christ, Names For
- White And Bright Clothes
- Horns In Allegory
- End Of The World
- Resolving Conflict
- Intelligence
- End times prophecy
- Signs Of The End Times
- End Times
- Three And A Half Years
- Taking A Wife
- Being Loved
- The Great Prostitute
- Treading Grapes
- Hurricanes
- Leisure, Nature And Purpose Of
- Hearing God's Word
- Sailing
- The Final Days Of Time
- Solar Eclipse
- Man Defending
- The Timing Of His Coming
- Keeping Faith
- Believing In Yourself
- Construction
- Amazing
- Healing Cancer
- Judgement Day
- People Have Honour
- Doing God's Works
- Judgments
- Abusive Husbands
- Abuse From a Spouse
- Annulment
- Taking Heed
- Remembrance
- Incarnation
- The Holy Spirit Giving Life
- Nativity of Jesus Christ
- Jesus Birth
- Ghosts
- Christmas
- Interpreting Language
- Jews
- John The Baptist
- Individuals Shouting
- Adultery In The Church
- Math
- Self Discipline
- Abusive Relationships
- Focus
- Do Not Be Anxious
- Not Worrying
- Trusting God And Not Worrying
- Taking Care Of Your Body
- Hour
- Last Things
- Nervousness
- Not Believing In Jesus
- Hearing Christ
- Commands, in NT
- Faith, Growth In
- Those Jesus Healed
- Taking By The Hand
- Exorcisms
- Not The Time
- Demonic Influence
- Saved By Faith
- Laying On Hands To Heal
- Jesus Healing
- Miracles, Responses To
- How Healing Came
- Christ's Orders
- Mercy, Of Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ, Love Of
- Christ Seeing
- Christ Sending
- Trails
- Darkness
- Commitment, to Jesus Christ
- Finding Things
- Losing One's Life
- Gluttony
- Tax Collectors
- Signs Of Repentance
- Perspective
- Prophecies Said By Jesus
- Greatness Of Christ
- The Final Judgement
- The Dead Are Raised
- Judgement
- Condemnation
- Jesus Using Parables
- Blessing Others
- Christ Telling The Truth
- Faith, Nature Of
- Acceptance, Of The Gospel
- Hundredfold Return
- Heaven, Redeemed Community
- Christ Driving Out People
- Feeding The Poor
- Drawing Near To Christ
- Lakes
- Christ Summoning
- Christ With His Disciples
- Those Demonised
- Christ And Heaven
- Signs Of The Times
- Goals
- The Church Universal
- Restitution
- The Second Coming
- Ecstasy
- Light, Spiritual
- God's Glory In Jesus Christ
- Peter, The Disciple
- Witnesses, To Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ, Son Of God
- Unbelief, And Life Of Faith
- Demons, Christ's Authority
- The Devil
- Faith In God
- Handing Over Christ
- Each Local Church
- Believing
- Relationship Of Father And Son
- Heaven, Inheritance Of
- Giving To The Poor
- Following
- Entering Life
- 3 Pm
- One Hour
- Bowing Before Messiah
- Baptism
- Binding As Animals
- Praise, Manner And Methods Of
- The Resurrection
- Chickens
- The Rapture
- Ignorance Of Christ’s Return
- The Time Unknown
- Angels
- Interaction Of Father And Son
- Second Comiing, Sudden And Unexpected
- Withheld Knowledge
- The Lord As A Thief
- Lack Of Expectation
- Types
- Jesus Death
- Crucifixion
- Christ Knowing About People
- Denial
- Times Of The Christ
- Arresting Christ
- Doctrine
- Crowds Around Jesus
- Brothers Love
- Unbelief, Nature And Effects Of
- Spiritual Warfare, Enemies In
- Reclining To Eat
- Groups
- Demons, Kinds of
- Overworking
- Last Judgment
- The Future Age
- Poverty, Causes Of
- Evangelism, motivation for
- The Cross
- Christ Appearing
- Christ's Life
- Luck
- Power, Human
- Child Bearing
- Jesus As A Bridegroom
- Knowing About God's Kingdom
- Maturity, Spiritual
- Endurance
- Fellowship With Christ
- Ministry, In The Church
- Principalities
- Evil, origins of
- Not Believing The Gospel
- Division
- Spiritually Dead
- Lazarus
- Purgatory
- Persistence
- Perserverance
- The Gospel Of Salvation
- Christ With People On Earth
- Taken To Heaven
- Baptism Of The Holy Spirit
- Gospel, Historical Foundation Of
- Orthodoxy, In Nt
- Revelation, In Nt
- Grace
- Said To Be The Christ
- Gospel, Essence Of
- Restored In Jesus Christ
- Perfection, Human
- Unmarried
- The Father
- That Which Is Spiritual
- Evangelism, kinds of
- Positive Thinking
- Fathers Love
- Life In A Material World
- Spiritual life
- Boldness
- God Sending Others
- Child Of God
- Gentiles, In Nt
- Recognition
- Christ's Love
- Belief
- Christ As The Object Of Saving Faith
- Glory of Christ
- Glorifying God
- Putting God First
- Peter
- Believers
- Peter, Preacher And Teacher
- Signs And Wonders Of The Gospel
- Faith, As A Body Of Beliefs
- Christians
- Teachers
- Church, Examples Of
- The church
- Christianity
- Holy Boldness
- Israel Hardened
- Death Of God's People
- Sin Produces Death
- Universalism
- Freedom
- Living For The Material
- The Body
- Respecting Your Body
- Sonship
- The World
- Maintaining Faith
- The Grace Given To Men
- Patient
- Benefits Of Heaven
- Spiritual Gifts
- Communication In Marriage
- Faithfulness, Examples Of
- Exercise
- Persevering
- A Short Time
- God's Grace
- Slaves Of God
- People Of God, In Nt
- Sharing In Christ
- Agape Love
- Taught By The Spirit
- Love, Nature Of
- Keeping Christ's Commands
- God's Love For Us
- Gods Love
- Revelation
- Angels Doing God's Work
- False Religious System