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He who was near to falling has been lifted up by your words, and you have given strength to bent knees.

God's wrath may not be turned back; the helpers of Rahab were bent down under him.

He undoes the chains of kings, and puts his band on them;

He does not get wealth for himself, and is unable to keep what he has got; the heads of his grain are not bent down to the earth.

For the band of the evil-doers gives no fruit, and the tents of those who give wrong decisions for reward are burned with fire.

He is pulling it out, and it comes out of his back; and its shining point comes out of his side; he is overcome by fears.

They are bent down, they give birth to their young, they let loose the fruit of their body.

The bow is sounding against him; he sees the shining point of spear and arrow.