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Because it has been my saviour from all my trouble; and my eyes have seen the punishment of my haters.

I am troubled because of the voice of the cruel ones, because of the loud cry of the evil-doers; for they put a weight of evil on me, and they are cruel in their hate for me.

And I said, If only I had wings like a dove! for then I would go in flight from here and be at rest.

Send destruction on them, O Lord, make a division of tongues among them: for I have seen fighting and violent acts in the town.

By day and night they go round the town, on the walls; trouble and sorrow are in the heart of it.

For it was not my hater who said evil of me; that would have been no grief to me; it was not one outside the number of my friends who made himself strong against me, or I would have kept myself from him in a secret place;

Let the hand of death come on them suddenly, and let them go down living into the underworld; because evil is in their houses and in their hearts.

God will give thought to me; he who from early times is strong will send pain and trouble on them. (Selah.) Because they are unchanged, they have no fear of God.

The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, but they were sharp swords.

But you, O God, will send them down into the underworld; the cruel and the false will be cut off before half their days are ended; but I will have faith in you.

In God will I give praise to his word; in God have I put my hope; I will have no fear of what flesh may do to me.

Every day they make wrong use of my words; all their thoughts are against me for evil.

They come together, they are waiting in secret places, they take note of my steps, they are waiting for my soul.

When I send up my cry to you, my haters will be turned back; I am certain of this, for God is with me.

I keep the memory of my debt to you, O God; I will give you the offerings of praise.

Because you have taken my soul from the power of death; and kept my feet from falling, so that I may be walking before God in the light of life.

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me; for the hope of my soul is in you: I will keep myself safely under the shade of your wings, till these troubles are past.

He will send from heaven, and take me from the power of him whose desire is for my destruction. God will send out his mercy and his good faith.

My soul is among lions; I am stretched out among those who are on fire, even the sons of men, whose teeth are spears and arrows, and whose tongue is a sharp sword.

You are my glory; let the instruments of music be awake; I myself will be awake with the dawn.

Is there righteousness in your mouths, O you gods? are you upright judges, O you sons of men?

The purposes of your hearts are evil; your hands are full of cruel doings on the earth.

Who will not be moved by the voice of the wonder-worker, however great are his powers.

O God, let their teeth be broken in their mouths; let the great teeth of the young lions be pulled out, O Lord.

Let them be turned to liquid like the ever-flowing waters; let them be cut off like the grass by the way.

Let them be like an after-birth which is turned to water and comes to an end; like the fruit of a woman who gives birth before her time, let them not see the sun.

Before they are conscious of it, let them be cut down like thorns; let a strong wind take them away like waste growth.

The upright man will be glad when he sees their punishment; his feet will be washed in the blood of the evil-doer.

Take me out of the power of the workers of evil, and keep me safe from the men of blood.

For see, they are watching in secret for my soul; the strong have come together against me? but not because of my sin, or my evil-doing, O Lord.

For no sin of mine they go quickly and get themselves ready; be awake and come to my help, and see.

You, O Lord God of armies, are the God of Israel; come now and give punishment to the nations; have no mercy on any workers of deceit. (Selah.)

But you are laughing at them, O Lord; you will make sport of all the nations.

The God of my mercy will go before me: God will let me see my desire effected on my haters.

Put them not to death, for so my people will keep the memory of them: let them be sent in all directions by your power; make them low, O Lord our saviour.

Because of the sin of their mouths and the word of their lips, let them even be taken in their pride; and for their curses and their deceit,

Put an end to them in your wrath, put an end to them, so that they may not be seen again; let them see that God is ruling in Jacob and to the ends of the earth. (Selah.)

Let them go wandering up and down in search of food, and be there all night if they have not enough.

To you, O my strength, will I make my song: because God is my high tower, even the God of my mercy.

By the power of your hand the earth is shaking and broken; make it strong again, for it is moved.

You have made the people see hard times; you have given us the wine of shaking for our drink.

God has said in his holy place, I will be glad: I will make a division of Shechem, and the valley of Succoth will be measured out.

Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is mine; and Ephraim is the strength of my head; Judah is my law-giver;

From the end of the earth will I send up my cry to you, when my heart is overcome: take me to the rock which is over-high for me.

I will make your tent my resting-place for ever: I will keep myself under the cover of your wings. (Selah.)

For you, O God, have made answer to my prayers; you have given me the heritage of those who give honour to your name.

May the seat of his authority be before God for ever; may mercy and righteousness keep him safe.

So will I make songs in praise of your name for ever, giving to God that which is right day by day.

How long will you go on designing evil against a man? running against him as against a broken wall, which is on the point of falling?

Truly men of low birth are nothing, and men of high position are not what they seem; if they are put in the scales together they are less than a breath.

O God, you are my God; early will I make my search for you: my soul is dry for need of you, my flesh is wasted with desire for you, as a dry and burning land where no water is;

O God, let the voice of my grief come to your ear: keep my life from the fear of those who are against me.

The evil of their tongues is the cause of their fall; all those who see them are shaking their heads at them.

And in fear men make public the works of God; and giving thought to his acts they get wisdom.

The upright will be glad in the Lord and have hope in him; and all the lovers of righteousness will give him glory.

Happy is the man of your selection, to whom you give a resting-place in your house; we will be full of the good things out of your holy place.

You will give us an answer in righteousness by great acts of power, O God of our salvation; you who are the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of the far-off lands of the sea;

Those in the farthest parts of the earth have fear when they see your signs: the outgoings of the morning and evening are glad because of you.

You make the ploughed lands full of water; you make smooth the slopes: you make the earth soft with showers, sending your blessing on its growth.

Falling on the grass of the waste land: and the little hills are glad on every side.

The grass-land is thick with flocks; the valleys are full of grain; they give glad cries and songs of joy.

Make a song in honour of his name: give praise and glory to him.

Say to God, How greatly to be feared are your works! because of your great power your haters are forced to put themselves under your feet.

Give blessings to our God, O you peoples, let the voice of his praise be loud;

I will come into your house with burned offerings, I will make payment of my debt to you,

I will give you burned offerings of fat beasts, and the smoke of sheep; I will make offerings of oxen and goats. (Selah.)

But truly God's ear has been open; he has give attention to the voice of my prayer.

O let the nations be glad, and make song of joy; for you will be the judge of the peoples in righteousness, guiding the nations of the earth. (Selah.)

God will give us his blessing; so let all the ends of the earth be in fear of him.

Let them be like smoke before the driving wind; as wax turning soft before the fire, so let them come to an end before the power of God.

But let the upright be glad; let them have delight before God; let them be full of joy.

Make songs to God, make songs of praise to his name; make a way for him who comes through the waste lands; his name is Jah; be glad before him.

The earth was shaking and the heavens were streaming, because God was present; even Sinai itself was moved before God, the God of Israel.

Kings of armies quickly go in flight: and the women in the houses make a division of their goods.

Will you take your rest among the flocks? like the wings of a dove covered with silver, and its feathers with yellow gold.

A hill of God is the hill of Bashan; a hill with high tops is the hill of Bashan.