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I obtained servants and maids, and sons of the house were to me; also obtaining cattle, and many sheep were to me more than all that were before me in Jerusalem.

And I was magnified and increased more than all being before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom stood to me.

And I saw there is profit to wisdom more than to folly, as the excellence of the light above darkness.

And I said in my heart, As the event of the foolish one, also I, it will meet me; and wherefore then was I more wise? And I spake in my heart, This is also vanity.

And I saw that no good more than that man shall rejoice in his works; for this is his portion: for who shall bring him to look upon what shall be after him?

For what will remain to the wise one more than the foolish one? what to the poor that shall know to go before the living

Wisdom shall strengthen to the wise one more than ten having power which were in the city.

For the living know they shall die: and the dead know not any thing, and no more to them a reward; for their remembrance was forgotten.

Also their love, also their hatred, also their envy perished already; and no more portion to them forever in all which was done under the sun.

The words of the wise being heard in quiet more than the cry of him ruling among the foolish.