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And thou - O son of man, lo! they have put upon thee bands, and they will bind thee therewith, that thou go not forth in their midst;

and thou shalt take from thence, a few in number, - and shalt bind them in thy skirts;

Yet not in their ways, didst thou walk, nor according to their abominations, didst thou do, - As though that were quite too little, thou didst corrupt thyself beyond them in all thy ways.

And I will cause you to pass under the rod And will bring you into the bond of the covenant;

Yea verily, that ye must needs send for men, ready to come in. from afar-in that a messenger was sent unto them. and to they came, For whom thou didst bathe thyself Paint thine eyes And deck thyself with ornaments.

To groan, forbear, Over the dead - no mourning, shalt thou make Thy chaplet, bind thou on thee And thy sandals:, put thou on thy feet, And thou shalt not cover thy beard, And the bread of other men, shalt thou not eat.

Son of man, The arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt, have I broken,- And lo! it hath not been bound up-To apply healing remedies To put on a bandage for binding it up. To make it strong to grasp the sword.