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if the disciple fare as well as his master, and the servant as his lord, is not that sufficient? if they style the master of the house Beelzebub, much more will they call his domestics so.

then he goes and takes seven other spirits besides himself, but more mischievous than himself, and they all enter in and lodge there: so that the last state of that man is worse than the first. just so shall it likewise fare with this wicked generation.

and if he happen to find it, you may be sure he is more affected with that one, than with the ninety and nine which went not astray.

if he does not relent, tell it to the church: but if he is not moved by the church, show him no more regard than you would to a pagan or a publican.

last of all they came who were hired first, expecting to have received more, but they had only a penny a man,

and the people reprimanded them, to make them hold their tongue: but they bawl'd out the more, have mercy on us, O Lord, thou son of David.

when seeing a fig-tree by the way, he came to it, and finding nothing thereon, but bare leaves, said to it, may you never more bear fruit. and presently the fig-tree withered away.

but not a man was able to answer him a word, and from that time there was no body so hardy as to ask him any more questions.

wo unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, who ransack sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is gain'd, ye make him deserve Gehenna much more than your selves.

now he that had received five talents, immediately employed them in trade, and gain'd five talents more.

accordingly he that had received five talents, came and brought other five talents, saying, Lord, you delivered to me five talents: besides those, there's five talents more, which I have gain'd.

for he that makes use of what he has, shall have more; but if he makes no improvement thereof, it shall be taken from him.

but this I tell you, I shall not drink any more wine with you from this time forth to the day, when I shall drink with you, of the spiritual wine, in my father's kingdom.

then he left them once more, and went to prayers the third time, using the same words.

the governor said, why, what mischief has he done? but they cried out the more, let him be crucified.

Pilate perceiving he was so far from prevailing, that they were more tumultuous, he took water, and washed his hands before all the people, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: you are answerable for it.