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And at this [point] his disciples came, and they were astonished that he was speaking with a woman. However, no one said, "What do you seek?" or "Why are you speaking with her?"

The one who had died came out, his feet and his hands bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped with a facecloth. Jesus said to them, "Untie him and let him go."

Then Mary took a pound of ointment of very valuable genuine nard [and] anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment.

From this [point on] Pilate was seeking to release him, but the Jews shouted, saying, "If you release this man, you are not a friend of Caesar! Everyone who makes himself out to be a king opposes Caesar!"

But Mary stood outside at the tomb, weeping. Then, while she was weeping, she bent over to look into the tomb,