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Another saying of His was this: "How are we to picture the Kingdom of God? or by what figure of speech shall we represent it?

At once, on His landing, there came from the tombs to meet Him a man possessed by a foul spirit.

Then, taking her by the hand, He says to her, "Talitha, koum;" that is to say, "Little girl, I command you to wake!"

but He gave strict injunctions that the matter should not be made known, and directed them to give her something to eat.

Leaving that place He came into His own country, accompanied by His disciples.

For John had repeatedly told Herod, "You have no right to be living with your brother's wife."

for Herod stood in awe of John, knowing him to be an upright and holy man, and he protected him. After listening to him he was in great perplexity, and yet he found a pleasure in listening.

But the people saw them going, and many knew them; and coming by land they ran together there from all the neighbouring towns, and arrived before them.

By this time it was late; so His disciples came to Him, and said, "This is a lonely place, and the hour is now late:

send them away that they may go to the farms and villages near here and buy themselves something to eat."

"Give them food yourselves," He replied. "Are we," they asked, "to go and buy two hundred shillings' worth of bread and give them food?"

for they all saw Him and were terrified. He, however, immediately spoke to them. "There is no danger," He said; "it is I; be not alarmed."

thus nullifying God's precept by your tradition which you have handed down. And many things of that kind you do."

because it does not go into his heart, but into his stomach, and passes away ejected from him?" By these words Jesus pronounced all kinds of food clean.

Forthwith a woman whose little daughter was possessed by a foul spirit heard of Him, and came and flung herself at His feet.

She was a Gentile woman, a Syro-phoenician by nation: and again and again she begged Him to expel the demon from her daughter.

Returning from the neighbourhood of Tyre, He came by way of Sidon to the Lake of Galilee, passing through the district of the Ten Towns.

Heaving a deep and troubled sigh, He said, "Why do the men of to-day ask for a sign? In solemn truth I tell you that no sign will be given to the men of to-day."

and when He admonished them, "See to it, be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod,"

they explained His words to one another by saying, "We have no bread!"

So He took the blind man by the arm and brought him out of the village, and spitting into his eyes He put His hands on him and asked him, "Can you see anything?"

Moreover there appeared to them Elijah accompanied by Moses; and the two were conversing with Jesus,

So they kept the matter to themselves, although frequently asking one another what was meant by the rising from the dead.

"Elijah," He replied, "does indeed come first and reforms everything; but how is it that it is written of the Son of Man that He will endure much suffering and be held in contempt?

"O unbelieving generation!" replied Jesus; "how long must I be with you? how long must I have patience with you? Bring the boy to me."

So with a loud cry he threw the boy into fit after fit, and came out. The boy looked as if he were dead, so that most of them said he was dead;

for He was teaching His disciples, and telling them, "The Son of Man is to be betrayed into the hands of men, and they will put Him to death; and after being put to death, in three days He will rise to life again."

"You should not have tried to hinder him," replied Jesus, "for there is no one who will use my name to perform a miracle and be able the next minute to speak evil of me.

If your hand should cause you to sin, cut it off: it would be better for you to enter into Life maimed, than remain in possession of both your hands and go away into Gehenna, into the fire which cannot be put out.

Or if your foot should cause you to sin, cut it off: it would be better for you to enter into Life crippled, than remain in possession of both your feet and be thrown into Gehenna.

Or if your eye should cause you to sin, tear it out. It would be better for you to enter into the Kingdom of God half-blind than remain in possession of two eyes and be thrown into Gehenna,

In solemn truth I tell you that no one who does not receive the Kingdom of God like a little child will by any possibility enter it."

They were astonished beyond measure, and said to one another, "Who then *can* be saved?"

"See," He said, "we are going up to Jerusalem, where the Son of Man will be betrayed to the High Priests and the Scribes. They will condemn Him to death, and will hand Him over to the Gentiles;

"You know not," said He, "what you are asking. Are you able to drink out of the cup from which I am to drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am to be baptized?"

"We are able," they replied. "Out of the cup," said Jesus, "from which I am to drink you shall drink, and with the baptism with which I am to be baptized you shall be baptized;

but as to sitting at my right hand or at my left, that is not mine to give: it will be for those for whom it is reserved."

and whoever desires to be first among you must be the bondservant of all.

while those who led the way and those who followed kept shouting "God save Him!" Blessed be He who comes in the Lord's name.

And He remonstrated with them. "Is it not written," He said, "'My House shall be called The House of Prayer for all the nations?' But you have made it what it now is--a robbers' cave."

This the High Priests and Scribes heard, and they began to devise means to destroy Him. For they were afraid of Him, because of the deep impression produced on all the people by His teaching.

In the early morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig-tree withered to the roots;

In solemn truth I tell you that if any one shall say to this mountain, 'Remove, and hurl thyself into the sea,' and has no doubt about it in his heart, but stedfastly believes that what he says will happen, it shall be granted him.

and asked, "By what authority are you doing these things? and who gave you authority to do them?"

"And I will put a question to you," replied Jesus; "answer me, and then I will tell you by what authority I do these things.

So they answered Jesus, "We do not know." "Nor do I tell you," said Jesus, "by what authority I do these things."

"But those men--the vine-dressers--said to one another, "'Here is the heir: come, let us kill him, and then the property will one day be ours.'

So they came to Him. "Rabbi," they said, "we know that you are a truthful man and you do not fear any one; for you do not recognize human distinctions, but teach God's way truly. Is it allowable to pay poll-tax to Caesar, or not?

Shall we pay, or shall we refuse to pay?" But He, knowing their hypocrisy, replied, "Why try to ensnare me? Bring me a shilling for me to look at."

At the Resurrection whose wife will she be? For they all seven married her."

"David himself calls Him 'Lord:' how then can He be his son?" And the mass of people found pleasure in listening to Jesus.

Moreover in the course of His teaching He said, "Be on your guard against the Scribes who like to walk about in long robes and to be bowed to in places of public resort,

and who swallow up the property of widows and then mask their wickedness by making long prayers: these men will receive far heavier punishment."

"You see all these great buildings?" Jesus replied; "not one stone will be left here upon another--not thrown down."

"Tell us, When will these things be? and what will be the sign when all these predictions are on the point of being fulfilled?"

But when you hear of wars and rumours of wars, do not be alarmed: come they must, but the End is not yet.

For nation will rise in arms against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places; there will be famines. These miseries are but like the early pains of childbirth.

"You yourselves must be on your guard. They will deliver you up to Sanhedrins; you will be brought into synagogues and cruelly beaten; and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to be witnesses to them for me.

You will be objects of universal hatred because you are called by my name, but those who stand firm to the End will be saved.

For those will be times of suffering the like of which has never been from the first creation of God's world until now, and assuredly never will be again;

But as for yourselves, be on your guard: I have forewarned you of everything.

"At that time, however, after that distress, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not shed her light;

the stars will be seen falling from the firmament, and the forces which are in the heavens will be disordered and disturbed.

So also do you, when you see these things happening, be sure that He is near, at your very door.

Be wakeful therefore, for you know not when the master of the house is coming--in the evening, at midnight, at cock-crow, or at dawn.

Moreover, what I say to you I say to all--Be wakeful!"

It was now two days before the Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread, and the High Priests and Scribes were bent on finding how to seize Him by stratagem and put Him to death.

But they said, "Not on the Festival-day, for fear there should be a riot among the people."

And I solemnly tell you that wherever in the whole world the Good News shall be proclaimed, this which she has done shall also be told in remembrance of her."

They were filled with sorrow, and began asking Him, one by one, "Not I, is it?"

For the Son of Man is going His way as it is written about Him; but alas for the man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It had been a happy thing for that man, had he never been born."

Then said Jesus to them, "All of you are about to stumble and fall, for it is written, 'I will strike down the Shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered in all directions.'