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listening closely to wisdom
and directing your heart to understanding;

he taught me and said:
“Your heart must hold on to my words.
Keep my commands and live.

Don’t lose sight of them;
keep them within your heart.

Always bind them to your heart;
tie them around your neck.

Don’t let your heart turn aside to her ways;
don’t stray onto her paths.

Doesn’t Wisdom call out?
Doesn’t Understanding make her voice heard?

The one who corrects a mocker
will bring dishonor on himself;
the one who rebukes a wicked man will get hurt.

The tongue of the righteous is pure silver;
the heart of the wicked is of little value.

The one who brings ruin on his household
will inherit the wind,
and a fool will be a slave
to someone whose heart is wise.

Wisdom resides in the heart of the discerning;
she is known even among fools.

The lips of the wise broadcast knowledge,
but not so the heart of fools.

All the days of the oppressed are miserable,
but a cheerful heart has a continual feast.

I saw, and took it to heart;
I looked, and received instruction:

When he speaks graciously, don’t believe him,
for there are seven abominations in his heart.

Be wise, my son, and bring my heart joy,
so that I can answer anyone who taunts me.