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Ye, are the salt of the earth; but, if the salt become tasteless, wherewith shall it be salted? it is good, for nothing, any more, save, being cast out, to be trampled on by men.

And, if ye salute your brethren only, what, more than common, are ye doing? are not, even the nations, the same thing, doing?

Verily, I say unto you, - More tolerable, will it be, for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for, that, city!

Sufficient for the disciple, that he become, as his teacher, and, the servant, as, his lord. If, the master of the house, Beelzebul, they called, how much more, the men of his house!

But why went ye forth? A prophet, to see? Yea, I say unto you, and much more than a prophet.

Moreover, I say unto you, For Tyre and Zidon, more tolerable, will it be, in the day of judgment, than for you.

Moreover, I say unto you - For the land of Sodom, more tolerable, will it be in a day of judgment, than, for thee.

Then, it goeth, and taketh along with itself, seven diverse spirits, more wicked than itself, - and, entering, abideth there; and, the last state of that man, becometh, worse than the first. So, shall it be, with this, wicked, generation.

And, if it should be that he find it, Verily, I say unto you - He rejoiceth over it, more than over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray.

And, when the first came, they supposed that, more, they should receive, - and, they also, received severally a denary.

But the multitude rebuked them, that they might hold their peace. But, they, the more, cried aloud, saying - Lord, have mercy on us! Son of David!

and, seeing one fig-tree by the way, he came up to it, and nothing, found he thereon, save leaves only, - and he saith unto it - No more, from thee, let fruit spring forth, unto times age-abiding, - and the fig-tree, instantly withered away.

Again, sent he forth other servants, more than the first, and they did unto them, likewise.

And, no one, was able to answer him a word, neither durst anyone, from that day, question him, any more.

Alas for you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites: because ye compass sea and dry land, to make one convert - and, when it is done, ye make him a son of gehenna, twofold more than ye.

And, on the morrow, which is after the preparation, the High-priests and the Pharisee were gathered together unto Pilate,