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so as to incline thine ear to wisdom, and apply thy heart to understanding,

And he taught me, and said to me, Let thy heart retain my words. Keep my commandments, and live.

Let them not depart from thine eyes. Keep them in the midst of thy heart.

Bind them continually upon thy heart. Tie them about thy neck.

Bind them upon thy fingers. Write them upon the tablet of thy heart.

Let not thy heart decline to her ways. Go not astray in her paths.

O ye simple, understand prudence, and, ye fools, be of an understanding heart.

The tongue of a righteous man is choice silver. The heart of the wicked is little worth.

He who troubles his own house shall inherit the wind. And a foolish man shall be servant to a wise man of heart.

A man shall be commended according to his wisdom, but he who is of a perverse heart shall be despised.

Wisdom rests in the heart of him who has understanding, but [a thing] in the inward part of fools is made known.

The lips of the wise disperse knowledge, but the heart of the foolish, not so.

The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouth of fools feeds on folly.

All the days of the afflicted are evil, but he who is of a cheerful heart [has] a continual feast.

The wise in heart shall be called prudent, and the sweetness of the lips increases learning.

Purpose in the heart of man is deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out.

Incline thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thy heart to my knowledge.

As the heavens for height, and the earth for depth, so the heart of kings is unsearchable.

When he speaks graciously, believe him not, for there are seven abominations in his heart.

My son, be wise, and make my heart glad, that I may answer him who reproaches me.