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Another time, as he was going through the corn-fields on the sabbath-day, his disciples as they pass'd along began to pluck the ears of corn.

and when the eye-witnesses had related what had pass'd with respect to the demoniack, and to the swine:

perceived his disciples had much ado to bear up against the wind, which was contrary; about the fourth watch of the night, he came up, and would have pass'd by them.

then leaving them he went aboard again, and pass'd to the other side.

it is easier for a cable to pass thro' the eye of a needle, than for such a rich man to enter into the divine kingdom.

then advancing a little further, he fell on the ground, and prayed, that this anxiety might pass from him.

one Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, as he pass'd by in his return out of the country, was compell'd to carry the cross.

besides the people that pass'd by, shook their heads, and impiously said: ah, you that can destroy the temple, and rebuild it in three days,