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I beg you brothers, to listen patiently to this appeal, for I have written you but briefly.

but one who is rich ought to rejoice at being reduced in circumstances, for the rich will disappear like the wild flowers.

For he who said, "You must not commit adultery," said also, "You must not commit murder." Now if you abstain from adultery, but commit murder, you are still a violator of the Law.

But someone may say, "You have faith, and I good deeds." Show me your faith without any good deeds, and I will show you my faith by my good deeds.

But do you want proof, my senseless friend, that faith without good deeds amounts to nothing?

If we put bridles into horses' mouths to make them obey us, we can guide their whole bodies.

but no human being can tame the tongue. It is an irreconcilable evil, full of deadly poison.

But if you cherish bitter feelings of jealousy and rivalry in your hearts, do not pride yourselves on it and thus belie the truth.

Do you suppose the Scripture means nothing when it says, "He yearns jealously over the Spirit he has put in our hearts?"

But, as it is, you pride yourselves on your pretensions. All such pride is wrong.

But the word of the Lord will last forever," that is, the good news that has been brought to you.

You servants must be submissive to your masters and perfectly respectful to them; not only to those who are kind and considerate, but also to those who are unreasonable.

For God approves a man if from a sense of duty he endures suffering unjustly inflicted??20 for what credit is there in your enduring being beaten for doing wrong? But if you endure suffering for doing what is right, you have God's approval.

I appeal therefore to those who are elders among you; I am their brother-elder and a witness to what the Christ suffered, and I am to share in the glory that is to be revealed??2 be shepherds of the flock of God that is among you, not as though it were forced upon you but of your own free will, and not from base love of gain but freely,

but he was rebuked for his offense; a dumb animal spoke with a human voice and checked the prophet's madness.

But do not overlook this one fact, dear friends, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like one day.

Dear friends, it is no new command that I am writing you, but an old one that you have had from the beginning. That old command is the same as the message you have heard.

But whoever hates his brother is in darkness, and is living in darkness, and he does not know where he is going, for the darkness has blinded his eyes.

They have gone out from our number, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had, they would have stayed with us. It was to make it clear that none of them really belonged to us that they withdrew.

I do not write to you because you do not know it, but because you do know it, and because no lie can come from the truth.

You still retain in your hearts the anointing with the Spirit that you received from him, and you do not need to have anyone teach you. But just as that anointing of his teaches you about everything, and as it is true and no falsehood, keep in union with him just as it has taught you to do.

It was he, Jesus Christ himself, who came in water and in blood; not in water only, but in water and in blood. The Spirit also testifies to this, for the Spirit is truth.

Any wrongdoing is sin, but there are sins that are not deadly.

We know that no child of God commits sin, but the fact that he is God's child protects him, and the evil one cannot touch him.

The Elder to the chosen lady and her children, whom I truly love??nd not only I but all who know the truth??2 because of the truth that stays in our hearts and will be with us forever;

And now I beg you, my lady??ot as though I were writing you any new command, but one which we have had from the beginning??et us love one another.

If anyone comes to you without bringing this teaching, do not let him come into the house or bid him good morning.

Though I have a great deal to write to you, I would rather not write it with paper and ink, but I hope to come to see you, and talk with you face to face, so that your happiness may be complete.

I have written briefly to the church, but Diotrephes who likes to be their leader will not accept what I say.

So if I come, I will bring up the things that he is doing, and how he is maliciously accusing me. Not content with that, he refuses to welcome the brothers himself, and he is interfering with those who want to do so, and has them put out of the church.

Dear friend, do not follow bad examples, but good ones. The man who does right is a child of God; the man who does wrong has never seen God.

I have a great deal to write to you, but I do not want to write it with pen and ink;

and the angels who neglected their responsibilities and abandoned their homes he has put in everlasting chains to be kept in darkness for the judgment of the great Day,

But these people deride anything they do not understand, and the things they know by instinct, like unreasoning animals, they use for their own destruction.

They are stains on your religious meals, where they carouse together, boldly attending to no one but themselves; rainless clouds driven before the wind; leafless trees without fruit, doubly dead, and uprooted;

But you, dear friends, must remember what was foretold by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ,

But it is in your favor that you hate the practices of the Nicolaitans, as I do.

I know where you live; where Satan has his throne! Yet you cling to my name and did not renounce your faith in me even in the days when my faithful Antipas, my witness, was put to death among you??here Satan lives.