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Rescue me from the mud and do not let me sink. Rescue me from those who hate me, and from the deep waters.

For they persecute those whom you have struck, and they brag about the pain of those you have wounded.

The descendants of his servants will inherit it, and those who cherish his name will live there. To the Music director. Davidic. As a memorial.

May those who seek to kill me be publicly humiliated. May those who take pleasure in my harm be turned back in humiliation.

May those who say "Aha! Aha!" be turned back because of their shameful deeds.

Let those who seek you greatly rejoice in you. Let those who love your deliverance say, "May God be continuously exalted."

For my enemies talk against me; those who seek to kill me plot together

Let my adversaries be ashamed and consumed; let those who seek my destruction be covered with scorn and disgrace.

Moreover, my tongue will speak all day about your justice; for those who seek my destruction will be utterly humiliated. Solomonic

Those far from you will perish; you will destroy those who are unfaithful to you.

Those who are opposing you roar where we were meeting with you; they unfurl their war banners as signs.

Don't ignore the shout of those opposing you, The uproar of those who rebel against you continuously. To the Director: To the tune of "Do not Destroy!" A psalm of Asaph. A song.

We have become a reproach to our neighbors, a mockery and a derision to those around us.

Let the cries of the prisoners reach you. With the strength of your power, release those condemned to death.

Why did you break down its walls so that those who pass by pluck its fruits?

Those who hate the LORD will cringe before him; their punishment will be permanent.

See! Your enemies rage; those who hate you issue threats.

How happy are those who live in your Temple, for they can praise you continuously. Interlude

LORD of Heavenly Armies, how happy are those who trust in you. To the Director: A Psalm by the descendants of Korah.

Show me a sign of your goodness, so that those who hate me will see it and be ashamed. For you, LORD, will help and comfort me. A psalm by the descendants of Korah. A song.

I will mention Rahab and Babylon among those who acknowledge me including Philistia, Tyre, and Ethiopia "This one was born there," they say.

I am considered as one of those descending into the Pit, like a mighty man without strength,

I will crush his enemies before him and strike those who hate him.

My eyes gloated over those who lie in wait for me; when those of evil intent attack me, my ears will hear.

Who will rise up for me against the wicked? Who will stand for me against those who practice iniquity?

All who serve carved images and those who praise idols will be humiliated. Worship him, all you "gods"!

Moses and Aaron were among his priests; Samuel also was among those who invoked his name. When they called on the LORD, he answered them.

to listen to the groans of prisoners, to set free those condemned to death,

Yet the LORD's gracious love remains throughout eternity for those who fear him and his righteous acts extend to their children's children,

to those who keep his covenant and to those who remember to observe his precepts.

Exult in his holy name; let all those who seek the LORD rejoice!

He turned them over to domination by nations where those who hated them ruled over them.

Let those who have been redeemed by the LORD declare it those whom he redeemed from the power of the enemy,

those whom he gathered from other lands from the east, west, north, and south.

In order that those you love may be rescued, deliver with your power and answer me!

May those curses wrap around him like a garment, or like a belt that one always wears.

May this be the way the LORD repays my accuser, those who speak evil against me.

Those who craft them will become like them, as will all those who trust in them.

Neither can the dead praise the LORD, nor those who go down into the silence of death.

Let those who fear the LORD now say, "His gracious love is eternal."

With the LORD beside me as my helper, I will triumph over those who hate me.

How blessed are those who observe his decrees, who seek him with all of their heart,

Confirm your promise to your servant, which is for those who fear you.

May those who fear you turn to me, along with those who know your decrees.

How many days must your servant endure this? When will you judge those who persecute me?

Turn in my direction and show mercy to me, as you have decreed regarding those who love your name.

Those who pursue wickedness draw near; they remain far from your instruction.

Our lives overflow with scorn from those who live at ease, with contempt from those who are proud. A Davidic Song of Ascents

LORD, do good to those who are good, and to those who are upright in heart.

But for those who choose their own devious paths, the LORD will lead them away, along with those who practice evil. Peace be upon Israel. A Song of Ascents

And may those who pass by never tell them, "May the LORD's blessing be upon you. We bless you in the name of the LORD." A Song of Ascents

Those who craft them and all who trust in them will become like them.

Though the LORD is highly exalted, yet he pays attention to those who are lowly regarded, but he is aware of the arrogant from afar.

I hate those who hate you, LORD, do I not? I loathe those who rebel against you, do I not ?

May those who surround me discover that the trouble they talk about falls on their own head!

For those who oppose me are pursuing my life, crushing me to the ground, making me sit in darkness like those who died long ago.

Answer me quickly, LORD; my spirit is failing. Do not hide your face from me; otherwise, I will become like those who descend to the Pit,

May those he loves be exalted, singing for joy on their couches.