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a time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance;

Verse ConceptsDancingA Time ToSmilingSeasons Changinggrieving

a time to throw away stones and a time to gather stones; a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing;

Verse ConceptsThrowing StonesA Time Togatheringshunninghugs

a time to seek and a time to lose; a time to keep and a time to throw away;

Verse ConceptsAsh WednesdayAbandoning ThingsA Time ToBeing Lost

So I said {to myself}, "God will surely judge the righteous and the wicked, for he has appointed a time [of judgment] for every deed and every work."

Verse ConceptsJudgmentThe Nature Of The JudgementThe Right TimeGod Suing

Even if a man fathers a hundred [children] and lives many years so that the days of his years are many, if his heart is not satisfied with {his prosperity} and {he does not receive a proper burial}, I deem the stillborn better than him.

Verse ConceptsUnburied BodiesOne HundredNo BurialsLiving LongMiscarriages And StillbornLack Of A Proper BurialThe More Children The BetterDadsDeath Of A ChildRaising ChildrenLiveBeing A Good FatherDeath Of A FatherHaving A Good DayBeing Happy And Enjoying LifeHaving A BabyLeaving Parents For Spousefatherhood

Do not act excessively wicked, and do not be a fool, lest you die before your time.

Verse ConceptsEuthanasiaEarly DeathFools Becoming WiseDeathAssisted Suicide

Whoever obeys [his] command will not suffer disaster. The wise mind knows the [proper] time and the right [procedure].

Verse ConceptsThe Right TimeWhat Manner?Man's Wisdom

For there is a [proper] time and right [procedure] for every matter, even though the trouble of man [weighs] heavy upon him.

Verse ConceptsThe Right TimeArriving On TimeWhat Manner?PurposeMaking DecisionsGod's TimingEverything Happening For A ReasonGods TimingLife Purposeprocess

Just as no one can control the wind to restrain the wind, so also no one can control the day of his death. Just as no one is discharged in time of war, so wickedness will not deliver the wicked.

Verse ConceptsUniversality Of DeathEuthanasiaCoping With DeathHow Death Is InevitableEvil And FreedomPrinciples Of WarSalvation By Other ThingsDeathstruggleWarGod Being In Controlpractice

I looked again and saw under the sun that the race [does] not [belong] to the swift, the battle [does] not [belong] to the mighty, food [does] not [belong] to the wise, wealth [does] not [belong] to the intelligent, and success [does] not [belong] to the skillful, for time and chance befalls all of them.

Verse ConceptsBattlesCompetitionsBeing FairBrawnChanceLimitations Of StrengthSpeedFast RunnersGathering FoodEducationSunGod's TimingBattleGods TimingRaceGod's Timing And Planheroes

For man does not know his time. Just as fish are caught in a cruel net and like birds who are seized in a snare, so also {humans} are ensnared at a cruel time when it falls suddenly upon them.

Verse ConceptsDisastersThe Right TimeThe Insecurity Of The WickedWithheld KnowledgeSudden DestructionSudden EventsUnreadinessNot Knowing The FutureGod TrappingBad DaysHard TimesBirdsGod's TimingTragedyGods TimingFishGetting Through Hard Timessurprises

Blessed are you, O land, when your king is a son of nobility and your princes feast at the proper time-- to gain strength and not to get drunk.

Verse ConceptsBad LeadershipAlcoholBeing A LeaderDigestionRight Time For PeopleFamily Strength