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But, seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain, - and, when he had taken a seat, his disciples came unto him;

And Jesus said unto them, - Can, the sons of the bridechamber, mourn, so long as, the bridegroom, is, with them? But days will come, when the bridegroom, shall be taken from them, and, then, will they fast.

For, whosoever hath, it shall be given, to him, and he shall be made to abound, - but, whoever hath not, even what he hath, shall be taken from him?

Wherefore I say unto you, The kingdom of God, will be taken away from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof:

For, to every one that hath, shall be given, and he shall be made to abound; but, from him that hath not, even what he hath, shall be taken away from him: