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Because thou wilt not abandon my soul unto hades, neither wilt thou give thy man of lovingkindness to see corruption;

Thou madest known unto me paths of life, thou wilt make me full of gladness with thy countenance.

Who, by our father, through means of the Holy Spirit, even by the mouth of David thy servant, said - Unto what end did nations rage, and, peoples, busy themselves with empty things?

For they were gathered together, of a truth, in this city, against thy holy servant Jesus, whom thou hadst anointed, - both Herod, and Pontius Pilate, with them of the nations, and peoples of Israel; -

As to the present things, then, O Lord, - look upon their threats, and grant unto thy servants, with all freedom of utterance, to be speaking thy word,

While it remained, was it not, as thine own, it remained? and, when sold, was it not, in thine own authority, that it still continued? Why was it that thou didst contrive in thy heart this deed? Thou hast not dealt falsely with men but, with God.

And said unto him - Get thee forth, out of thy land, and from among thy kindred, and come unto the land which, unto thee, I will point out.

I, am the God of thy fathers, The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob. And Moses becoming, terrified, durst not observe.

And the Lord said unto him - Loose the sandals of thy feet; for, the place whereon thou art standing, is, hallowed ground.

And Peter said unto him - Thy silver, with thee, go to destruction! Because, the free-gift of God, thou didst suppose could, with money, be obtained!

Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter; for, thy heart, is not upright before God.

Repent, therefore, from this thy baseness, and entreat of the Lord - whether, after all, the purpose of thy heart shall be forgiven thee;

And Ananias, answered - Lord! I have heard from many concerning this man, how many evil things unto thy saints he hath done in Jerusalem;

And, here, he hath authority from the High-priests to bind all them that call upon thy name.

And Peter said unto him - Aeneas! Jesus Christ healeth thee! Arise, and smooth thy bed for thyself. And, straightway, he arose.

And he, looking steadfastly at him, and becoming full of fear, said - What is it, Lord? And he said unto him - Thy prayers and thine alms, have gone up for a memorial before God.

And the messenger said unto him - Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals. And he did so. And he saith unto him - Throw around thee thy mantle, and be following me.

Wherefore also, in a different place , he saith - Thou wilt not give thy man of lovingkindness to see corruption.

Said, with a loud voice - Stand up on thy feet, erect! And he sprang up, and began to walk about.

And the Lord said by night, through means of a vision, unto Paul - Be not afraid! but be speaking, - and do not hold thy peace;

And said - What shall I do, Lord? And, the Lord, said unto me - Arise, and be going thy way into Damascus, and, there, shall it be told thee of all things which are appointed for thee to do.

and saw him, saying unto me - Haste thee, and go forth speedily out of Jerusalem, inasmuch as they will not accept thy witness concerning me.

And, when the blood of Stephen thy witness was being shed, even I myself, was standing by, and approving, and guarding the mantles of them who were slaying him.

And Paul said - I was not aware, brethren, that he was high-priest; because it is written - Of a ruler of thy people, shalt thou not speak injuriously.

And, when he was called, Tertullus began to make accusation, saying - Seeing that, great peace, we are obtaining through thee, and that, reforms, are being brought about for this nation through thy forethought,

But, lest I too long detain thee, I beseech thee to hear us concisely in thy considerateness.

And, as he was reasoning of righteousness, and self-control, and the judgment to come, Felix, becoming greatly afraid, answered - For the present, be going thy way, and, when I find an opportunity, I will send for thee, -

But rise and stand upon thy feet; for, to this end, have I appeared unto thee, - To appoint thee an attendant and a witness, both of the things as to which thou hast seen me, and of those as to which I will appear unto thee:

Now, as he was saying these things in his defence, Festus, with a loud voice, saith - Thou art raving, Paul! Thy great learning, is turning thee round unto, raving madness.

saying - Go thy way unto this people, and say - Ye shall, surely hear, and yet will in nowise understand. And, surely see, and yet will in nowise perceive;