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"Are not we right, after all," replied the Jews, "in saying that you are a Samaritan, and are possessed by a demon?"

At this, Simon Peter, who had a sword with him, drew it, and struck the High Priest's servant, and cut off his right ear. The servant's name was Malchus.

These words were read by many of the Jews, because the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city; and they were written in Hebrew, Latin and Greek.

The Jewish Chief Priests said to Pilate: "Do not write 'The King of the Jews', but write what the man said--'I am the King of the Jews.'"

"Cast your net to the right of the boat," he said, "and you will find fish." So they cast the net, and now they could not haul it in on account of the quantity of fish.

Indeed it was to him that David was referring when he said-- 'I have had the Lord ever before my eyes, For he stands at my right hand, that I should not be disquieted.

And now that he has been exalted to the right hand of God, and has received from the Father the promised gift of the Holy Spirit, he has begun to pour out that gift, as you yourselves now see and hear.

It was not David who went up into Heaven; for he himself says- -'The Lord said to my master: "Sit on my right hand,

Grasping the lame man by the right hand, Peter lifted him up. Instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong,

You have no share or part in our Message, for your 'heart is not right with God.'

Presently, as they were going along the road, they came to some water, and the Treasurer exclaimed: "Look! here is water; what is to prevent my being baptized?"

But that in every nation he who reverences him and does what is right is acceptable to him.

"I was in the town of Jaffa," he said, "and was praying; and, while in a trance, I saw a vision. There was something like a great sail descending, let down by its four corners out of the heavens; and it came right down to me.

On his knocking at the door in the gate, a maidservant, named Rhoda, came to answer it.

The people of Jerusalem and their leading men, failing to recognize Jesus, and not understanding the utterances of the Prophets that are read every Sabbath, fulfilled them by condemning him.

For in every town, for generations past, there have been those who preach Moses, read as he is in the Synagogues every Sabbath."

"They are Jews, and they are teaching customs which it is not right for us, as Romans, to sanction or adopt."

When he wanted to cross to Greece, the Brethren furthered his plans, and wrote to the disciples there to welcome him. On his arrival he proved of great assistance to those who had, through the loving-kindness of God, become believers in Christ,

For I tell you that we are in danger of being proceeded against for to-day's riot, there being nothing to account for it; and in that case we shall be at a loss to give any reason for this disorderly gathering."

And to have horses ready for Paul to ride, so that they might take him safely to Felix, the Governor.

To him he wrote a letter, somewhat as follows--

As soon as Felix had read the letter, he enquired to what province Paul belonged, and, learning that he came from Cilicia, he said:

And asked a favor of him, to Paul's injury--to have Paul brought to Jerusalem. All the while they were plotting to make away with him on the road.

But I have nothing definite to write about him to my Imperial Master; and for that reason I have brought him before you all, and especially before you, King Agrippa, that, after examining him, I may have something to write.

That at mid-day, your Majesty, I saw right in my path, coming from the heavens, a light brighter than the glare of the sun, which shone all round me and those traveling with me.

But there will be glory, honor, and peace for every one who does right-for the Jew first, but also for the Greek,

Not after, but before. And it was as a sign of this that he received the rite of circumcision-to attest the righteousness due to the faith of an uncircumcised man-in order that he might be the father of all who have faith in God even when uncircumcised, that they also may be regarded by God as righteous;

But when I do what I want not to do, I am admitting that the Law is right.

For in order that the purpose of God, working through selection, might not fail-a selection depending, not on obedience, but on his Call-Rebecca was told, before her children were born and before they had done anything either right or wrong,

If the first handful of dough in holy, so is the whole mass; and if the root is holy, so are the branches.

Some, however, of the branches were broken off, and you, who were only a wild olive, were grafted in among them, and came to share with them the root which is the source of the richness of the cultivated olive.

Yet do not exult over the other branches. But, if you do exult over them, remember that you do not support the root, but that the root supports you.

Do not let what is right for you become a matter of reproach.

As for yourself--keep this faith of yours to yourself, as in the presence of God. Happy is he who never has to condemn himself in regard to the very thing which he thinks right!

What do you wish? Am I to come to you with a rod, or in a loving and gentle spirit?

Get rid entirely of the old leaven, so that you may be like new dough-free from leaven, as in truth you are. For our Passover Lamb is already sacrificed-Christ himself;

If, however, a father thinks that he is not acting fairly by his unmarried daughter, when she is past her youth, and if under these circumstances her marriage ought to take place, let him act as he thinks right. He is doing nothing wrong-let the marriage take place.

On the other hand, a father, who has definitely made up his mind, and is under no compulsion, but is free to carry out his own wishes, and who has come to the decision, in his own mind, to keep his unmarried daughter at home will be doing right.

In short, the one who consents to his daughter's marriage is doing right, and yet the other will be doing better.

Have not we a right to take a wife with us, if she is a Christian, as the other Apostles and the Master's brothers and Kephas all do?

Or is it only Barnabas and I who have no right to give up working for our bread?

If others share in this right over you, do not we even more? Still we did not avail ourselves of this right. No, we endure anything rather than impede the progress of the Good News of the Christ.

If, however, any one still thinks it right to contest the point-well, we have no such custom, nor have the Churches of God.

We never write anything to you other than what you will acknowledge to the very end--

And, indeed, you have already partly acknowledged it about us--that you have a right to be proud of us, as we shall be proud of you, on the Day of our Lord Jesus.

So I wrote as I did, for fear that, if I had come, I should have been pained by those who ought to have made me glad; for I felt sure that it was true of you all that my joy was in every case yours also.

I had this further object, also, in what I wrote--to ascertain whether you might be relied upon to be obedient in everything.

You yourselves are our letter--a letter written on our hearts, and one which everybody can read and understand.

So, then, even though I did write to you, it was not for the sake of the wrong-doer, or of the man who was wronged, but to make you conscious, in the sight of God, of your own earnest care for us. And it is this that has encouraged us.

For we are trying to make arrangements which shall be right, not only in the eyes of the Lord, but also in the eyes of men.

We pray God that you may do nothing wrong, not that we may be seen to stand the test, but that you may do what is right, even though we may seem not to stand the test.

Even these men who are circumcised do not themselves keep the Law; yet they want you to be circumcised, so that they may boast of your observance of the rite.

The same mighty power was exerted upon the Christ, when he raised the Christ from the dead and 'caused him to sit at his right hand' on high, exalting him above all Angels and Archangels of every rank,

And when this letter has been read to you, see that it is also read before the Church at Laodicea, and that you yourselves read the letter which will be forwarded from there.

But as to the times and the moments, there is no need, Brothers, for any one to write to you.

This was not because we had not a right to receive support, but our object was to give you a pattern for you to copy.

I, Paul, add this greeting in my own handwriting. It is my signature to every letter. This is how I write.

Even as I write, I have such confidence in your compliance with my wishes, that I am sure that you will do even more than I am asking.

On the other hand, we read in that passage-- ' They shall never enter upon my Rest.'

To sum up what I have been saying:--Such is the High Priest that we have, one who 'has taken his seat at the right hand' of the throne of God's Majesty in Heaven,