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For he hath brought down the inhabitants of the height the city exalted, - He layeth it low, Layeth it low even to the ground, Levelleth it, even to the dust:

Verse ConceptsHumiliationHumilityPride, Results OfHumbling The ProudDestruction Of CitiesPutting Things Down

Surely in the path of thy regulations, O Yahweh, we waited for thee, - Unto thy Name and unto thy Memorial, was there a longing of soul:

Verse ConceptsMotives, Importance OfPrayer, Persistence InCelebritiesThose Who Wait For Godremembrance

With my soul, longed I for thee in the night, Yea with my spirit within me, I kept on searching for thee, - For, when thy regulations extend to the earth, The inhabitants of the world will have learned, righteousness.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual Desiresdiscipleship, nature ofLonging For GodEarth, Judgment OfNightPrayer, As A Relationship With GodThirstAfflictions, Benefits Of

O Yahweh though thy hand be lifted up, - yet do they not see, Would they might see - and turn pale at a peoples zeal, - Surely, the fire of thine enemies, must consume them!

Verse ConceptsGod, Zeal OfJealousyHand Of GodShameStoringZealGod's HandBurning PeopleNot Seeing Spiritual ThingsShame Will Come

O Yahweh, thou wilt ensure prosperity for us, - hor even all our works, hast thou wrought for us,

Verse ConceptsSpiritual PeaceGod's Work In Usaccomplishmentsaccomplishment

Thou hast increased the nation, O Yahweh, Thou hast increased the nation thou hast gotten thyself glory, Thou hast extended far, all the ends of the land.

Verse ConceptsBoundariesEnlargementGod Multipling People

We were with child - We were in pain, As it were we brought forth wind, - Salvation, we could not accomplish for the earth, Neither were horn the inhabitants of the world.

Verse ConceptsMission, Of IsraelWindBirth Not Being PossibleHaving A Babydeliverancechildbearing

For lo! Yahweh, is coming forth out of his place, To visit the iniquity of earths inhabitant upon him, - Therefore shall the earth unveil her shed-blood, And throw a covering, no longer over her slain.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with NoahBlood, as symbol of guiltBlood, as basis of lifePunishment, By GodReward, DivineSin, God's Judgment OnVeilsSin Made Known

Fury, have I none, - Oh that there were delivered to me briars and thorns, in battle! I would march in among them I would set fire to them one and all.

Verse ConceptsBriersThornsWeedsBurning Plants

For the fortified city, is solitary, The dwelling forsaken and left as a wilderness, - There, shall the calf feed, And, there, lie down And shall consume the branches thereof:

Verse ConceptsChaosCities Under AttackEmpty CitiesChaos As JudgmentHomestead

When the cut-off boughs thereof are dry, they shall be broken to pieces, Women, coming, are kindling it! For it is not a people of understanding, For this cause, Will he that made him, not have compassion upon him, And, he that formed him, will shew him no favour.

Verse ConceptsSympathyDullnessFirewoodGod Without Mercy

Alas! for the proud crown of the drunkards of Ephraim, And for his fading wreath of majestic beauty, - Which is on the head of the fertile valley, of them who are overcome with wine.

Verse ConceptsFlowersAlcoholWineBeauty, Temporal Nature OfNo BeautyThe Proud Will Be AbasedWoe To Israel And JerusalemWorseNorthern Kingdom Of Israeldrunkards

But as for these, With wine, do they reel, and With strong drink, do they stagger, - Priest and prophet, reel with strong drink They are swallowed up through wine They stagger through strong drink, They reel in prophetic vision, They totter in pronouncing judgment.

Verse ConceptsAlcoholdrinking, abstention fromDrunkenness, Figurative OfDebaucheryLeaders, SpiritualStumblingDrunkenness, ResultsStaggeringStrong DrinkWicked ProphetsDrunkennessMaking DecisionsDecision Makingbeer

For, all tables, are full of filthy vomit, - There is no place!

Verse ConceptsFilthinessAlcoholdirt

For it is - Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, Line upon line, line upon line, - A little here a little there.

Verse ConceptsLearning MethodsGraduallyA Little BitGod's OrdersStudyingorder

Because ye have said - We have solemnised a covenant with death, And with hades, have we effected a vision, - The overflowing scourge when it sweepeth by, shall not reach unto us, For we have made lying our refuge. And in falsehood, have we hid ourselves,

Verse ConceptsAgreement, Example OfFalse ConfidenceGrave, TheHell, As An ExperienceImmunityRefugeSelf ConfidenceTrust, Lack OfArrogance, Characterizes The WickedHiding From Peopleshelter

As often as it sweepeth past, it shall take you away, For morning by morning, shall it pass along. By day and by night, - And it shall be nothing less than a terror to make out the message;

Verse ConceptsEvery MorningFearing God's Wordterrorism

For too short is the couch to stretch oneself out, - And, the coverlet, too narrow, when one draweth up his feet.

Verse ConceptsCovering The BodyNarrownessAccommodationsSmall ThingsBeds

For as in Mount Perazim, will Yahweh, arise, As in the vale of Gibeon, will he be stirred, - To do his work - foreign is his work, And to perform his task - strange is his task.

Verse ConceptsGod ArisingWhat God Does

Now, therefore do not show yourselves scoffers, Lest your fetters, be bound fast, - For, of a full end, and that a decreed one, have I heard from My Lord, Yahweh of hosts upon all the land

Verse ConceptsChainsMockeryRejection Of God, Results OfRidicule, Objects OfDestructionTying Upmockers

For not with a sledge, must, black coriander be threshed, Nor must, the wheel of a cart, on cummin, be turned, But with a staff, must fennel be eaten, And cummin with a rod:

Verse ConceptsHerbs And SpicesSticksCummin

Alas for Ariel, Ariel, The city against which, David encamped, - Add ye a year to a year. Let the festivals, come round;

Verse ConceptsNames For JerusalemAttacks On Jerusalem ForetoldWoe To Israel And JerusalemFestivals ObservedSchedules

From Yahweh of hosts, shalt thou be visited, With thunder, and with earthquake and a great noise, hurricane and storm and flame of fire devouring;

Verse ConceptsearthquakesSuffering, Causes OfThunderGod Dispensing WindFire Of JudgementHurricanesThunder Expressing God's Judgment

For Yahweh, hath poured out upon you, a spirit of deep sleep, Yea hath tightly shut your eyes - the prophets, - And, your heads - the seers, hath he covered,

Verse ConceptsHearingSeersSleep, SpiritualSleep, PhysicalSpirit, Emotional Aspects OfEyes HarmedProphecy AbolishedHead As Chiefprophets

And so all vision hath become unto you as the words of a writing that is sealed, Which is delivered unto one acquainted with writing, saying, Pray thee read this, And he saith, I cannot, for it is sealed;

Verse ConceptsScrollsDullnessSealing The MessageReading The Bible

Alas! for them who would fain have been too deep for Yahweh by giving secret counsel, - and therefore in the dark, have been their doings, and they have said Who can see us? and - Who can understand us?

Verse ConceptsConcealment, Of SinVeilsSecret SinsDarkness Of EvilNot Seeing PeopleUnseenHiding SinsWoe To The WickedDarknesshiding

Your perverseness! As if like clay, the potter could he reckoned; For shall, the thing made say of him that made it, he made me not? Or hath the thing fashioned ever said of him that fashioned it, He hath no understanding.

Verse ConceptsCriticism, amongst believersClayPotterPotteryTurning Upside DownBeing Without UnderstandingMan's Relationship With His CreatorWeedatheismpot

Is it not yet a very little while, And Lebanon shall be turned, into garden land, - And garden land, for a forest, be reckoned?

Verse ConceptsA Short TimeIncreasing FruitShort Time Till The Endfruitfulness

For the tyrant, hath vanished, And the scoffer, is no more, Yea cut off are all who watch for iniquity: -

Verse ConceptsCruelty, God's attitude toMockeryInfidelity To GodUncharitablenessWatching To EntrapPeople EndedScoffersmockers

Who bring a man into condemnation with a rumour, And for him that decideth in the gate, lay a snare, - And have driven away, for a thing of nought, one who was righteous.

Verse ConceptsInjustice, Examples OfTrapUncharitablenessBusiness At The GatewayMan Trapping

For, when he seeth his children the work of my hands, in his midst, They will hallow my Name, - Yea they will hallow the Holy One of Jacob, And the God of Israel, will they regard with awe.

Verse ConceptsFalse WorshipReverence, And God's NatureTerror Of GodSanctification

Who are setting out to go down to Egypt, But at my mouth, have not asked, - Betaking them to the protection of Pharaoh And seeking refuge under the shadow of Egypt.

Verse ConceptsForbidden AlliancesTrusting In Man, Warnings AgainstGod's Counsel

Therefore shall the protection of Pharaoh become to you a shame, And, the refuge in the shadow of Egypt, an insult;

Verse ConceptsProtection And Safety

For their princes have been, in Zoan, - And, their messengers unto Hanes, would draw near.

Verse Conceptsenvoy

Now, enter - Write it upon a tablet before them And upon a scroll, inscribe it, - That it may serve for a later day, For futurity, unto times age-abiding: -

Verse ConceptsInscriptionsProphecy, Methods Of OtScrollsTabletsJournalizing

Yea he will break it - as the breaking of the pitcher of a potter, crushed, he will not spare; So that there shall not be found when it is smashed, A sherd wherewith to snatch fire from a hearth, Or to skim off water out of a cistern.

Verse ConceptsPotterBreaking ContainersWeed

But ye said, - Nay! but on horses, will we flee For this cause, shall ye indeed flee, - And on the swift, will we ride, For this cause, swift, shall be your pursuers:

Verse ConceptsBackPursuing PeopleCavalryRiding HorsesSpeed

And, therefore, will Yahweh wait, That he may grant you favour, And, therefore, will he lift himself up, That he may show you compassion, - For A God of justice, is, Yahweh, How happy all they who are waiting for him

Verse ConceptsGod, Compassion OfJusticeCommendationGod Is GraciousGod, Justice OfTendernessWaiting On GodLongsuffering Of GodDivine FavourGod WaitingGod Showed MercyGod's InterventionWaiting On The LordWaiting For God's Timingjournaling

For, a people, In Zion, shall dwell, In Jerusalem, - As for weeping, thou shalt not weep! As for favour, he will grant thee favour, at the sound of thine outcry, - As soon as he heareth, he hath answered thee!

Verse ConceptsAnswered PromisesGod Will AnswerNot Mourning

Then will he give - Rain for thy seed - wherewith thou shalt sow thy ground and Bread as the increase of thy ground, which shall be fertile and fat, - Thy cattle, in that day, shall feed in broad pasture:

Verse ConceptsFutureCowsBreadthSowing And ReapingWeather, God's Sovereignty OverGifts From God, TemporalLand ProducingGod Sending RainGod Feeds All The EarthPlanting SeedsSeedsspringtimesowing

Lo! the Name of Yahweh, coming in from afar, His anger kindling, A heavy storm, - His lips, are full of indignation, And, his tongue, is like a fire that devoureth;

Verse ConceptsFace Of GodLipsSmokeTheophanyFire Emanating From GodGod Has AngerGood Things From Far Away

Then will Yahweh cause to be heard - the resounding of his voice And the bringing down of his arm, shall be seen, In a rage of anger, And with the flame of a devouring fire, - A burst and a downpour, and a hailstone!

Verse ConceptsGod, Majesty OfThunderWeather, As God's JudgmentArm Of GodFire Of God's AngerPaying Attention To GodLightning Used MetaphoricallyThunder Expressing God's Judgment

For at the voice of Yahweh, shall Assyria be crushed, - With his rod, will he smite.

Verse ConceptsSceptreTerror Of God

For there hath been set in order, beforehand a Topheth, Yea, the same, for the king, hath been prepared He hath made it deep - made it large, - The circumference thereof is for fire and wood in abundance, the breath of Yahweh, like a torrent of brimstone, is ready to kindle it.

Verse ConceptsPitsTheophanyBrimstonePreparation For BurialSulphurA Place Prepared

For Thus, hath Yahweh said unto me - Like as a lion or a young lion growleth over his prey. Who - though there be called out against him a multitude of shepherds - Will not at their voice, be dismayed, Nor, at their noise, be daunted, So, will Yahweh of hosts come down, to make war over Mount Zion, and over the hill thereof.

Verse ConceptsNoiseShepherds, As Kings And LeadersStock Keeping

For in that day, will every man reject his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, - Which your hands had made for you as a sin!

Verse ConceptsGoldThrowing AwayAbandoning Idols

For, a base man, with baseness, will speak, And, his heart, will practise iniquity, - Practising profanity, And speaking, against Yahweh that which misleadeth, Emptying the soul of the hungry, And the drink of the thirsty, he causeth to fail;

Verse ConceptsFools, Characteristics OfMind, The HumanMorality, And CreationSin, Nature OfHypocrites, Description OfMischiefBeing MisleadStingy PeopleErrorHypocrisy

Yea, a knave, his weapons are wicked, - He, base schemes, hath devised To ruin the oppressed with speeches of falsehood Even when the needy pleadeth, for justice.

Verse ConceptsDishonesty, Kinds OfEvil PlansTrapEvil DevicesPlottinginstruments

Some days beyond a year, ye shall be troubled ye confident ones, - For failed hath the vintage, No, gathering, cometh in.

Verse ConceptsHarvestUnfruitfulnessAfflictions Of The WickedVintageOne Year

Upon your breasts, continue smiting: For desirable fields, For fruitful vine.

Verse Conceptsbreastsfruitfulness

For the palace, is abandoned, the tumult of the city, hath ceased - Hill and watch-tower, serve as caves, unto times age-abiding, The joy of wild-asses, The pasture of flocks: -

Verse ConceptsChaosTowersEmpty CitiesWild DonkeysDwellings Of CreaturesOther Dwellings Of CreaturesChaos As Judgment

Until there be poured out upon us the spirit, from on high, - Then shall the wilderness become, garden-land, And the garden-land, for a forest, be reckoned;

Verse ConceptsGift Of The Holy SpiritThe Spirit Of GodPromises Of The Holy SpiritThe Holy Spirit Giving LifeIncreasing FruitChange And GrowthSpilling Your Seed On The Groundfruitfulness

O Yahweh! shew us favour, - For thee, have we waited, - Be thou their arm every morning, Yea our salvation in the time of distress.

Verse ConceptsGrace, In OtPrayer, As A Relationship With GodRising EarlyDivine FavourEvery MorningMay God Strengthen YouThose Who Wait For GodWaiting On The Lord

Exalted is Yahweh, for he inhabiteth a height, - He hath filled Zion with justice and righteousness.

Verse ConceptsCivic RighteousnessA Righteous PeopleJerusalem In Millennial KingdomGod Being Outside Of Creationfairness

Ye shall conceive chaff Ye shall bring forth stubble, - Your own breath, like fire, shall devour you.

Verse ConceptsChaffStrawLight As ChaffFire Of Evil

So shall peoples, become, as the burnings of lime, - As thorns lopped off, with fire, shall they be burned.

Verse ConceptsThorns

Hear - ye that are far off. what I have done, And know - ye that are near my might:

Verse ConceptsAcknowledged

Terror-stricken in Zion, - are sinners, Shuddering hath seized the impious, - Who among us can sojourn with a fire that devoureth? Who among us can sojourn with burnings age-abiding?

Verse ConceptsEternal DeathGuilt, Human Aspects OfHell, Punishment OfHell, Description OfPunishment, By GodSinnersUngodlinessGuilty FearTerror Of God

He that walketh righteously, And speaketh uprightly, - He that refuseth the gain of exactions That shaketh his hands free from holding a bribe, That stoppeth his ear from hearkening to deeds of blood, And shutteth his eyes from giving countenance to wrong,

Verse ConceptsAcceptance Of BribesEyes, GuardedBeing FairFinancial AdviceAvoiding Bribes

The fierce people, shalt thou not see, - The people of too deep a lip to be understood, of too barbarous a tongue for thee to comprehend.

Verse ConceptsNot Understanding LanguageUnknown LanguagesSpeech Impediments

Look thou on Zion, the city of our appointed feast, - Thine own eyes, shall see Jerusalem - A home of comfort A tent which shall not be packed up - Whose pins shall not be pulled out, for ever, And none of, whose cords, shall be broken.

Verse ConceptsStretching OutZion, As A PlaceThe Prophecy Towards JerusalemMotionlessnessUndisturbedFestivals Observed

For my sword hath been sated in the heavens, - Lo! upon Edom, shall it descend, Even on the people whom I have devoted to justice.

Verse ConceptsMore Than EnoughGod's Sword

A sword, hath Yahweh - Glutted with blood Sated with fat, - With the blood of well-fed lambs and he-goats, With the fat of the kidneys of rams, - For, a sacrifice, hath Yahweh in Bozrah, Yea a great slaughter in the land of Edom;

Verse ConceptsBullsCovered With BloodFat Of AnimalsGod's Sword

For a day of avenging, hath Yahweh, - A year of requitals for the quarrel of Zion.

Verse ConceptsThe Day Of JudgementGod Executes VengeanceRevengezion

Then shall come up, in her palaces thorns Nettles and thistles in her fortresses, - And she shall become A home for wild dogs, An enclosure for ostriches;

Verse ConceptsNettlesCitadelsThornsBramblesOstriches

Then shall criers meet with howlers, And, the shaggy creature, unto his fellow, shall call, - Only, there, shall, the night-spectre, Make her settlement, And find for herself a place of rest:

Verse ConceptsOwlsWolvesWild GoatProvision Of Nightcatsvampires

Seek ye out of the scroll of Yahweh, and read, Not, one from among them, is lacking, None, hath missed, her mate, - For, a mouth, hath, itself commanded, And, his spirit, hath itself gathered them:

Verse ConceptsGod, As SpiritUnity, Of God's PeopleStudentsBible, Names OfThe Holy Spirit In CreationNothing MissingOld Testament Claims InspirationMissing SomeoneReading The BibleSoulmatesgatheringseekinghomecoming

Yea he himself, hath cast for them a lot, And his own hand, hath given to them a portion by line, - Unto times age-abiding, shall they possess it, To generation after generation, shall they dwell therein.

Verse ConceptsHand Of God

Wilderness and parched land, shall be glad for them, - And the waste plain, shall exult, and blossom as the lily:

Verse ConceptsDesertsBeauty, In NatureWaste Places RestoredAutumnBlossomingBlessing In The WildernessRejoicing In ProsperityRosesspringtime

Then, shall leap as a hart the lame, Then shall shout the tongue of the dumb, For, there have broken forth - In the desert - waters, And streams, in the waste plain:

Verse ConceptsLeapingCripplesLamenessTonguePeople JumpingRunning Water From GodDumbnessRenewedDumbDeserts Used FigurativelyDeer Etc.Deerjumping

Then shall the glowing sand, become a lake, And thirsty ground - springs of water, - In the home of the wild dog - its lair, Shall he an enclosure for cane and paper - reed.

Verse ConceptsSpiritual RenewalGrassPapyrusReedsPoolsMetaphorical Springs

I have said sayest thou - they are only words of the lips - Counsel and might have I for the war, - Now, upon whom dost thou trust, that thou hast rebelled against me?

Verse Conceptsemptiness

Lo! thou dost trust on the support of this bruised cane, on Egypt, whereon if a man lean it will enter his hand and lay it open, - So, is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all who trust upon him.

Verse ConceptsFalse ConfidenceReedsStaffTrusting In Man, Warnings AgainstTrusting Other People

How then wilt thou turn away the face of one pasha of the least of my lords servants? Or hast thou on thy part trusted upon Egypt, for chariots and for horsemen?

Verse ConceptsChariotsOfficersTrusting In ChariotsTrusting Other People

Then said Eliakim, and Shebna, and Joah, unto Rabshakeh - Speak we pray thee unto thy servants in the Syrian language, for we, can, understand, it, - and do not speak unto us in the Jews language, in the ears of the people who are upon the wall.

Verse ConceptsLanguages

Thus, saith the king, Let not Hezekiah deceive you, - for he shall not be able to deliver you.

Verse ConceptsAbilityTo DeliverPeople's Inability To SaveBeing MisleadSalvation By Other ThingsUnable To Save

Do not hearken unto Hezekiah, - for, thus, saith the king of Assyria, Deal with me thankfully, and come out unto me, Then shall ye eat, Every one of his own vine and Every one of his own fig-tree, And drink every one the Waters of his own cistern:

Verse ConceptsCisternsVinesDo Not Listen!

But they held their peace, and answered him not a word, - for the command of the king, it was, saying, - Ye must not answer him.

Verse ConceptsResponseIndividuals Being SilentOthers Not Answering

and they said unto him, Thus, saith Hezekiah, A day of distress and rebuke and reviling, is this day, - For children are come to the birth, and, strength, is there none to bring forth.

Verse ConceptsBirth Not Being PossibleNo Strength To CopeStress And Hard TimesWomen's StrengthWeaknessStaying Strong During Hard TimesGetting Through Hard Timesenergybabystrengh

It may be, that Yahweh thy God will hear the words of Rabshakeh whom the king of Assyria his lord, hath sent to reproach a Living God, and will rebuke the words which Yahweh thy God hath heard, - Wherefore lift thou up a prayer, for the remnant that remaineth.

Verse ConceptsGod, Living And Self sustainingRemnantRidicule, Objects OfSurvivors FavouredPray For UsWill God Pay Attention?

So Rabshakeh returned, and found the king of Assyria, warring against Libnah, - for he had heard, that he had broken up from Lachish.

and have put their gods in the fire, - for, no-gods, were they, but the work of the hands of men wood and stone and so they destroyed them.

Verse ConceptsMonotheismStonesWoodBurning Idolatrous ThingsWood And Stonestatues

For, out of Jerusalem, shall come forth a remnant, And that which hath escaped, out of Mount Zion, - the jealousy of Yahweh of hosts, will perform, this.

Verse ConceptsGod, Zeal OfSurvivors Of Israelzion

Thus will I throw a covering over this city to save it, - For mine own sake, And for the sake of David my servant.

Verse ConceptsCovenant, God's with DavidGod Being Our DefenceGod DefendingFor The Sake Of God's People

In those days, was Hezekiah sick, unto death, - and Isaiah the prophet son of Amoz came in unto him, and said unto him - Thus, saith Yahweh, Set in order thy house, for, about to die thou art and shalt not recover.

Verse ConceptsHousesProphecy, Fulfilment Of OtProphets, Role OfReadinessSuffering, Nature OfPutting In OrderNearness Of DeathSick IndividualsDeath Will Soon HappenNamed Prophets Of The LordDeathDiseaseDyingDeath Of A Family MemberDeath Of A ChildRecoveryIllness

What can I say? Since he hath promised for me, Himself, will perform. I will go softly, all my years. Because of the bitterness of my soul,

Verse ConceptsHumilityBitterness

Lo! for well-being, I had bitterness - bitterness, - But, thou, cleaving unto my soul, hast raised me from the pit of corruption, For thou hast cast, behind thy back all my sins.

Verse ConceptsReinstatementSuffering, Of BelieversBeing BitterGod Has ForgivenPits Symbolizing GriefHope In Hard TimesBitternesscorruption

For, hades, cannot praise thee Nor, death, celebrate thee, - They who go down to the pit cannot wait for thy faithfulness.

Verse ConceptsGrave, TheHope, Nature OfHope, Results Of Its AbsenceSheolNot Praising GodState Of The DeadDeath Of Loved OneCelebrationLoss Of A Loved One

At that time, Merodach-baladan son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a present unto Hezekiah, - for he had heard that Hezekiah had been sick, and had recovered.

Verse ConceptsGiftsLetters

Then came Isaiah the prophet, unto King Hezekiah, - and said unto him - What said these men? and whence came they unto thee? And Hezekiah said, From a land far away, came they unto me, from Babylon!

Verse ConceptsPeople From Far AwayWhere From?Named Prophets Of The Lord

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