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But what says the writing? Cast out the bondmaid and her son; for the son of the bondmaid shall not inherit with the son of the free.

Therefore, brethren, we are not children of the bondmaid, but of the free.

As many as: wish to have an agreeable demeanor in the flesh, they compel you to be circumcised; only lest they should be driven out for the cross of Christ.

For neither they being circumcised themselves observe the law; but they wish you to be circumcised, that they might boast in your flesh.

Wherefore I desire not to lose courage in my pressures for you, which is your glory.

And all things refuted, by light are made manifest: for everything made manifest is light.

And for me, that the word might be given me, in the opening of my mouth in freedom of speech, to make known the mystery of the good news,

Whom I sent to you for this same, that ye might know the things concerning us, and he might comfort your hearts.

For what? but in any manner, whether in pretence, or truth, Christ is announced; and in this I rejoice, and certainly I will rejoice.

For I know that this shall be turned to me for salvation by your prayer, and the furnishing more of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,

And to tarry yet longer in the flesh is more necessary for you.

And confident in this, I know that I shall remain, and shall remain near together with you all for your advancement and joy of faith:

That your boasting may abound in Jesus Christ in me, for my coming again to you.

For I have none having a like soul, who naturally will have care for the things concerning you.

Since he was longing for you all, and harassed because ye heard that he was sick.

Therefore I sent him the more earnestly, that, seeing him, ye might again rejoice, and I be more free from sorrow.

Because for the work of Christ he drew near to death, having exposed the soul to danger, that he might fill up your want of service to me.

Not that I have alreaedy attained or have been already perfected: and I pursue, if I also may overtake, for which also I was overtaken by Christ Jesus.

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