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Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him "I do choose," he said, "become clean," and immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy.

"So do not fear them; for there is nothing concealed which shall not be revealed, nor anything secret which shall not become known.

The man stretched it out, and it had become sound like the other. But when the Pharisees came out, they consulted together how they might destroy him.

Because Jesus knew what was in their minds, he said to them. "Any kingdom divided against itself will become desolate; and any city or household divided against himself will not stand.

"This is indeed the smallest of seeds, but when it is grown it is greater than any herb, and becomes a tree, so that the winged things of the sky come and roost in its branches."

"Not so shall it be among you. But whoever among you wishes to become great, shall be your minister,

"Learn from the fig tree, her parable; when her branches are become soft, and put forth leaves, you know that summer is near;