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After this, Jesus and His disciples went to the Judean countryside, where He spent time with them and baptized.

He asked them at what time he got better. “Yesterday at seven in the morning the fever left him,” they answered.

because an angel would go down into the pool from time to time and stir up the water. Then the first one who got in after the water was stirred up recovered from whatever ailment he had].

When Jesus saw him lying there and knew he had already been there a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to get well?”

Do not be amazed at this, because a time is coming when all who are in the graves will hear His voice

John was a burning and shining lamp, and for a time you were willing to enjoy his light.

Jesus told them, “My time has not yet arrived, but your time is always at hand.

Go up to the festival yourselves. I’m not going up to the festival yet, because My time has not yet fully come.”

So a second time they summoned the man who had been blind and told him, “Give glory to God. We know that this man is a sinner!”

Now by the time of supper, the Devil had already put it into the heart of Judas, Simon Iscariot’s son, to betray Him.

But I have told you these things so that when their time comes you may remember I told them to you. I didn’t tell you these things from the beginning, because I was with you.

When a woman is in labor she has pain because her time has come. But when she has given birth to a child, she no longer remembers the suffering because of the joy that a person has been born into the world.

“I have spoken these things to you in figures of speech. A time is coming when I will no longer speak to you in figures, but I will tell you plainly about the Father.

This was now the third time Jesus appeared to the disciples after He was raised from the dead.

When they had eaten breakfast, Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?”

“Yes, Lord,” he said to Him, “You know that I love You.”

“Feed My lambs,” He told him.

A second time He asked him, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?”

“Yes, Lord,” he said to Him, “You know that I love You.”

“Shepherd My sheep,” He told him.

He asked him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?”

Peter was grieved that He asked him the third time, “Do you love Me?” He said, “Lord, You know everything! You know that I love You.”

“Feed My sheep,” Jesus said.