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And one of the elders answered and said to me, Who are those clothed with white robes, and whence did they come?

And the fourth angel sounded; and a third part of the sun was smitten, and a third part of the moon, and a third part of the stars, and a third part of them were darkened, and the day did not appear a third part of it, nor the night.

For the power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails were like serpents, having heads, and with them they did injury.

And the rest of men, who were not killed with these plagues, did not change their minds [to turn] from the works of their hands, not to worship demons and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood, which cannot see nor hear nor walk,

and did not change their minds [to turn] from their murders, nor from their magic arts, nor from their fornication, nor from their thefts.

And their dead bodies shall lie in the streets of the great city, which is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.

And the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half, and shall not permit their dead bodies to be buried.

and the nations were angry, and thy wrath came, and the time of the dead to be judged and to give the reward to thy servants the prophets and to the saints and those that fear thy name, small and great, and to destroy those that destroy the earth.

And the second poured out his bowl on the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead body, and every living soul died, the [creatures] in the sea.

And the angel said to me, Why did you wonder? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast which carries her, having the seven heads and ten horns.

And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given them, and the souls of those who have been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus and the word of God, and who did not worship the beast nor his image and did not receive the mark on their forehead and on their right hand; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years;

And I saw the dead, great and small, stand before the throne, and the books were opened; and another book was opened, which is of life. And the dead were judged from the things written in the books according to their works.

And the sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged each according to their works.