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As to his house where he lived, the other court was within the porch, as this work was. Solomon also made a house for Pharaoh's daughter, whom he had taken, like this porch.

And they shall answer, Because they left Jehovah their God who brought out their fathers from the land of Egypt, and have taken hold on other gods and have worshiped them and served them. On account of this Jehovah has brought on them all this evil.

For Pharaoh, king of Egypt, had gone up and had taken Gezer and had burned it with fire, and had slain the Canaanites who lived in the city. And he had given it for a present to his daughter, Solomon's wife.

And it happened when Zimri saw that the city was taken, he went into the palace of the king's house and burned the king's house over him with fire, and died,

And you shall speak to him, saying, So says Jehovah, Have you killed and also taken possession? And you shall speak to him saying, So says Jehovah, In the place where the dogs licked the blood of Naboth, dogs shall lick your blood, even yours.

And he walked in all the ways of Asa his father. He did not turn aside from it, doing right in the eyes of Jehovah. But the high places were not taken away, for the people offered and burned incense yet in the high places.