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Hear, heavens, and listen, earth, for Yahweh has spoken: "I reared children and I brought [them] up, but they rebelled against me.

Ah, sinful nation, a people heavy [with] iniquity, offspring of evildoers, children who deal corruptly. They have forsaken Yahweh; they have despised the holy one of Israel. They are estranged [and gone] backward.

If Yahweh of hosts had not left us survivors, we would have been as few as Sodom, we would have become like Gomorrah.

Hear the word of Yahweh, rulers of Sodom! Listen [to] the teaching of our God, people of Gomorrah!

What [is the] abundance of your sacrifices to me? says Yahweh. I have had enough [of] burnt offerings of rams and [the] fat [of] fattened animals and I do not delight in [the] blood of bulls and ram-lambs and goats.

But if you refuse and you rebel, you shall be devoured [by the] sword. For the mouth of Yahweh has spoken."

Therefore, the declaration of the Lord Yahweh of hosts, the Mighty One of Israel: "Ah, I will be relieved of my enemies, and I will avenge myself on my foes.

But [the] destruction [of] rebels and sinners [shall be] together, and those who forsake Yahweh will perish.

And it shall happen in the future of the days the mountain of the house of Yahweh [shall] be established; it will be among the highest of the mountains, and it shall be raised from [the] hills. All [of] the nations shall travel to him;

many peoples shall come. And they shall say, "Come, let us go up to the mountain of Yahweh, to the house of the God of Jacob, and may he teach us part of his ways, and let us walk in his paths." For instruction shall go out from Zion, and the word of Yahweh from Jerusalem.

House of Jacob, come and let us walk in the light of Yahweh.

Enter into the rock and hide yourself in the dust from the presence of the terror of Yahweh and from the glory of his majesty.

The {haughty eyes} of humanity will be brought low, and the pride of everyone will be humbled, and Yahweh alone will be exalted on that day.

For [there is] a day for Yahweh of hosts against all of [the] proud and [the] lofty and against all that is lifted up and humble,

And the haughtiness of the people shall be humbled, and the pride of everyone shall be brought low, and Yahweh alone will be exalted on that day.

and they will enter into [the] caves of [the] rocks and into [the] holes of [the] ground from the presence of the terror of Yahweh and from the glory of his majesty {when he rises} to terrify the earth.

to enter into the crevices of the rocks and into the clefts of the crags from the presence of the terror of Yahweh and from the glory of his majesty, {when he rises} to terrify the earth.

For look, the Lord Yahweh of hosts [is] removing {every source of support} from Jerusalem and from Judah: all of [the] supplies of bread and all of [the] supplies of water,

For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen because their speech and their deeds [are] against Yahweh, defying the eyes of his glory.

Yahweh takes his stand to conduct a legal case and takes his stand to judge [the] peoples.

Yahweh enters into judgment with the elders of his people and its princes. "And you! You have devoured the vineyard; the spoil of the poor [is] in your houses!

{Why} do you crush my people and grind [the] face of [the] poor?" {declares} the Lord Yahweh of hosts.

And Yahweh said: "Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and they walk [with] outstretched neck, and they give flirting glances [with their] eyes, {mincing along as they go}, and {with their feet they rattle their bangles},

the Lord will make the heads of the daughters of Zion scabby, and Yahweh will lay their foreheads bare."

On that day the branch of Yahweh shall become beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land [shall become the] pride and glory of the survivors of Israel.

Then Yahweh will create over all of the site of {Mount Zion} and over her assembly a cloud by day and smoke and the brightness of flaming fire [by] night. Indeed, over all [the] glory [there will be] a canopy,

For the vineyard of Yahweh of hosts [is] the house of Israel, and the man of Judah [is] the plantation of his delight. [And] he waited for justice, but look! Bloodshed! For righteousness, but look! A cry of distress!

Yahweh of hosts [said] in my ears: {Surely} many houses shall become a desolation, large and beautiful [ones] without inhabitant.

And [there] will be lyre and harp, tambourine and flute, and wine [at] their feasts, but they do not look at the deeds of Yahweh, and they do not see the work of his hands.

But Yahweh of hosts is exalted by justice, and the holy God shows himself holy by righteousness.

Therefore as the tongue of fire devours the stubble, and dry grass sinks down [in the] flame, so their root will become like [the] stench, and their blossom will go up like [the] dust. For they have rejected the instruction of Yahweh of hosts, and they have treated the word of the holy one of Israel with contempt.

Therefore {Yahweh's wrath was kindled} against his people, and he stretched out his hand against them and struck them, and the mountains quaked, and their corpses were like refuse in [the] middle of [the] streets.

and Yahweh sends the people far away, and the abandonment is great in the midst of the land.

Then Yahweh said to Isaiah, "Go out to meet Ahaz, you and Shear-Jashub your son, at the end of the conduit of the upper pool on [the] highway of [the] washer's field.

Thus says the Lord Yahweh, "It shall not stand, and it shall not come to pass.

And Yahweh continued to speak to Ahaz, saying,

"Ask for a sign for yourself from Yahweh God; make [it] deep [as] Sheol or make [it] high as above."

But Ahaz said, "I will not ask, and I will not put Yahweh to the test."

"Yahweh will bring on you and on your people and on the house of your ancestor days that have not come since [the] day Ephraim departed from Judah: the king of Assyria."

And this shall happen: On that day, Yahweh will whistle for the fly that [is] at the end of the stream of Egypt and the bee that [is] in the land of Assyria.

Then Yahweh said to me, "Take yourself a large tablet and write on it with a common stylus pen: Maher-Halal-Hash-Baz.

And I approached the prophetess, and she conceived, and she gave birth to a son. And Yahweh said to me, "Call his name Maher-Halal-Hash-Baz.

And Yahweh continued to speak to me again, saying,

For Yahweh said this to me {while his hand weighed heavily on me}, and he {warned me not to walk} in the way of this people, saying,

You shall regard Yahweh of hosts as holy, and he [is] your fear, and he [is] your dread.

Look! I and the children whom Yahweh has given to me [are] like signs and portents in Israel from Yahweh of hosts, the one who dwells on the mountain of Zion.

{His dominion will grow continually, and to peace there will be no end} on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and sustain it with justice and righteousness now and forever. The zeal of Yahweh of hosts will do this.

So Yahweh strengthened {the adversaries of Rezin} against him, and he provoked his enemies--

So Yahweh cut off head and tail from Israel, palm branch and reed [in] one day.

The land was burned through the wrath of Yahweh of hosts, and the people became like fire fuel. {People had no compassion toward each other}.

Therefore the Lord, Yahweh of hosts, will send leanness among his sturdy warriors, and a burning like [the] burning of fire will burn under his glory.

And this shall happen: on that day, the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the house of Jacob will not continue to lean on [the] one who struck it but will lean on Yahweh, the holy one of Israel, in truth.

For the Lord Yahweh of hosts [is] about to make a complete destruction and a determined end in the midst of all the earth.

Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh of hosts: "My people who live [in] Zion, you must not be afraid of Assyria. It beats you with the rod, and it lifts up its staff against you {as the Egyptians did}.

And Yahweh of hosts is going to swing a whip against him, as when Midian was defeated at the rock of Oreb; and his staff [will be] over the sea, and he will lift him up {as he did in Egypt}.

Look! The Lord Yahweh of hosts is about to lop off [the] branches with great power, and {the towering trees} will be felled, and the {tall trees} will be brought low.

And his {breath} [is] in the fear of Yahweh. And he shall judge not by his eyesight, and he shall rebuke not by {what he hears with} his ears.

And Yahweh will divide the tongue of the sea of Egypt, and he will wave his hand over the river with his scorching wind; and he will strike it into seven streams, and he will {make it passable by foot}.

And you will say on that day, "I will give you thanks, Yahweh, for though you were angry with me, your anger turned away, and you comforted me.

And you will say on that day, "Give thanks to Yahweh; call on his name. Make his deeds known among the peoples; bring to remembrance that his name [is] exalted.

Sing praises [to] Yahweh, for he has done a glorious thing; this [is] known in all the earth.

A sound, a noise [is] on the mountains, [the] likeness [of] many people! A sound of [the] roar of [the] kingdoms, of nations gathering! Yahweh of hosts [is] mustering an army for battle.

[They are] coming from a distant land, from the end of the heavens, Yahweh and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy {the whole earth}.

Wail, for the day of Yahweh [is] near; it will come like destruction from Shaddai!

Look! The day of Yahweh [is] coming, cruel and wrath and [the] burning [of] anger, to make the earth a desolation, and he will destroy its sinners from it.

Therefore I will make [the] heavens tremble, and the earth will quake from its place because of the wrath of Yahweh of hosts, and in the day his anger burns.

And [the] nations will take them and bring them to their place, and the house of Israel will take possession of them in the land of Yahweh as slaves and female slaves. And this will happen: they will take their captors captive and rule over their oppressors.

And it shall happen on the day Yahweh gives you rest from your pain and turmoil and hard labor which {you had to perform},

Yahweh has broken [the] staff of [the] wicked, [the] scepter of rulers,

"And I will rise up against them," {declares} Yahweh of hosts, "and I will cut off name and a remnant from Babylon, and offspring and posterity," {declares} Yahweh.

"And I will make her a possession of [the] hedgehog, and pools of water, and I will sweep her away with [the] broom of destruction," {declares} Yahweh of hosts.

And what will one answer [the] messengers of [the] nation? That Yahweh has founded Zion, and the needy of his people will take refuge in it.

This [was] the word that Yahweh spoke to Moab {in the past}.

But now Yahweh speaks, saying, "In three years, like [the] years of a hired worker, the glory of Moab will become contemptible, with all of the great multitude, and [the] remnant [will be] a few, small, not strong.

And [the] fortified city will disappear from Ephraim, and [the] kingdom from Damascus; and the remnant of Aram will be like the glory of the children of Israel," {declares} Yahweh of hosts.

And gleanings will be left over in it, as {when an olive tree is beaten}, two [or] three ripe olive berries in [the] top of a branch, four [or] five on its fruitful branches," {declares} Yahweh, the God of Israel.

For Yahweh said this to me: "I will be quiet, and I will look from my dwelling place like {clear heat because of light}, like a cloud of dew in [the] heat of harvest."

At that time, a gift will be brought to Yahweh of hosts [from] a {tall} and {smooth} people, and from a people feared near and far, a mighty, mighty and trampling nation, whose land [the] rivers divide, to the place of the name of Yahweh of hosts, the mountain of Zion.

An oracle of Egypt: Look! Yahweh [is] riding on a swift cloud and [is] coming [to] Egypt. And the idols of Egypt will tremble in front of him, and the heart of Egypt melts in his inner parts.

And I will hand over {the Egyptians} into [the] hand of a hard master, and a powerful king will rule over them," {declares} the Lord Yahweh of hosts.

Where [are] your sages then? Now, let them tell you, and let them know what Yahweh of hosts has planned against Egypt.

Yahweh has mixed a spirit of confusion into her midst, and they have caused Egypt to stagger in all of its doings, as {when a drunkard staggers} in his vomit.

On that day, Egypt will be like women, and will tremble and be afraid before the waving hand of Yahweh of hosts that he [is] waving against it.

And the land of Judah will become a terror to Egypt, everyone [to] whom one mentions it will be afraid in himself because of the plan of Yahweh of hosts that he [is] planning against him.

On that day, there will be five cities in the land of Egypt that speak the {language} of Canaan and swear an oath to Yahweh of hosts. One will be called "City of the Sun."

On that day, there will be an altar for Yahweh [in] in the middle of the land of Egypt, and a stone pillar for Yahweh at her border.

And it will be a sign and a witness to Yahweh of hosts in the land of Egypt; when they cry out to Yahweh because of oppressors, he will send them a savior and a {defender}, and he will deliver them.

And Yahweh will make himself known to Egypt, and Egypt will know Yahweh on that day, and they will worship [with] sacrifice and offering, and they will make vows to Yahweh, and they will fulfill [them].

And Yahweh will strike Egypt, striking and healing; and they will return to Yahweh, and he will respond to their prayer, and he will heal them.