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Now after John had been put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the good news of God,

And in the evening, at sundown, they took to him all who were diseased, and those who had evil spirits.

And a number, who were ill with different diseases, he made well, and sent out evil spirits; but he did not let the evil spirits say anything, because they had knowledge of him.

And a great number had come together, so that there was no longer room for them, no, not even about the door: and he gave them teaching.

And four men came to him with one on a bed who had no power of moving.

And he said to them, Have you no knowledge of what David did, when he had need and was without food, he, and those who were with him?

For he had made such a great number well that all those who were diseased were falling down before him for the purpose of touching him.

And again he was teaching by the seaside. And a very great number of people had come to him, so that he got into a boat on the sea and took his seat; and all the people were on the land by the seaside.

And some went on the stones, where it had not much earth; and it came up straight away, because the earth was not deep:

And when the sun was high, it was burned; and because it had no root, it became dry and dead.

And some went among the thorns, and the thorns came up, and it had no room for growth and gave no fruit.

And on that day, when the evening had come, he said to them, Let us go over to the other side.

And when he had got out of the boat, straight away there came to him from the place of the dead a man with an unclean spirit.

Because he had frequently been prisoned in chains and iron bands, and the chains had been parted and the bands broken by him: and no man was strong enough to make him quiet.

For Jesus had said to him, Come out of the man, you unclean spirit.

And their keepers went running and gave an account of it in the town and in the country. And people came to see what had taken place.

And those who had seen it gave them an account of what had been done to him who had the evil spirits, and of the fate of the pigs.

And when he was getting into the boat, the man in whom had been the evil spirits had a great desire to come with him.

And he would not let him, but said to him, Go to your house, to your friends, and give them news of the great things the Lord has done for you, and how he had mercy on you.

And he went on his way, and made public in the country of Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for him: and all men were full of wonder.

And when Jesus had gone over again in the boat to the other side, a great number of people came to him: and he was by the sea.

And had undergone much at the hands of a number of medical men, and had given all she had, and was no better, but even worse,

When she had news of the things which Jesus did, went among the people coming after him, and put her hand on his robe.

And straight away the fountain of her blood was stopped, and she had a feeling in her body that her disease had gone and she was well.

And straight away Jesus was conscious that power had gone out of him; and, turning to the people, he said, Who was touching my robe?

And on his looking round to see her who had done this thing,

The woman, shaking with fear, conscious of what had been done to her, came and, falling on her face before him, gave him a true account of everything.

And when he had gone in, he said to them, Why are you making such a noise and weeping? The child is not dead, but sleeping.

And when the Sabbath day had come, he was teaching in the Synagogue; and a number of people hearing him were surprised, saying, From where did this man get these things? and, What is the wisdom given to this man, and what are these works of power done by his hands?

And he was greatly surprised because they had no faith. And he went about the country places teaching.

And king Herod had news of him, because his name was on the lips of all; and he said, John the Baptist has come back from the dead, and for this reason these powers are working in him.

But Herod, when he had news of it, said, John, whom I put to death, has come back from the dead.

For Herod himself had sent men out to take John and put him in prison, because of Herodias, his brother Philip's wife, whom he had taken for himself.

And when his disciples had news of it, they came and took up his body, and put it in its last resting-place.

And the twelve came together to Jesus; and they gave him an account of all the things they had done, and all they had been teaching.

And he said to them, Come away by yourselves to a quiet place, and take a rest for a time. Because there were a great number coming and going, and they had no time even for food.

And he got out, and saw a great mass of people, and he had pity on them, because they were like sheep without a keeper: and he gave them teaching about a number of things.

And he said to them, How much bread have you? go and see. And when they had seen, they said, Five cakes of bread and two fishes.

And after he had sent them away, he went up into a mountain for prayer.

And seeing that they had trouble in getting their boat through the water, because the wind was against them, about the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea; and he would have gone past them;

And when they had gone across, they came to Gennesaret, and got their boat to land.

And when they had got out of the boat, the people quickly had news of him,

And there came together to him the Pharisees and certain of the scribes who had come from Jerusalem,

But you say, If a man says to his father or his mother, That by which you might have had profit from me is Corban, that is to say, Given to God,

And when he had gone into the house away from all the people, his disciples put questions to him about the saying.

But a woman, whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having had news of him, came straight away and went down at his feet.

And they came to him with one who had no power of hearing and had trouble in talking; and they made a request to him to put his hands on him.

In those days again, when there was a great mass of people and they had no food, he made his disciples come to him and said to them,

And they had some small fishes; and blessing them he had them put before the people in the same way.

And they took the food, and had enough; and they took up seven baskets full of the broken bits.

And they had taken no thought to get bread; and they had only one cake of bread with them in the boat.

And he took the blind man by the hand, and went with him out of the town; and when he had put water from his mouth on his eyes, and put his hands on him, he said, Do you see anything?

And while they were coming down from the mountain, he gave them orders not to give word to any man of the things they had seen, till the Son of man had come back from the dead.

But they said nothing: because they had had an argument between themselves on the way, about who was the greatest.

And they said to them the words which Jesus had said; and they let them go.

And a great number put down their clothing in the way; and others put down branches which they had taken from the fields.

And on the day after, when they had come out from Bethany, he was in need of food.

And seeing a fig-tree in the distance with leaves, he went to see if by chance it had anything on it: and when he came to it, he saw nothing but leaves, for it was not the time for the fruit.

And he gave them teaching in the form of stories. A man had a vine-garden planted, and put a wall about it, and made a place for crushing out the wine, and put up a tower, and let it out to field-workers, and went into another country.

He still had one, a dearly loved son: he sent him last to them, saying, They will have respect for my son.

And when they had come, they said to him, Master, we are certain that you are true, and have no fear of anyone: you have no respect for a man's position, but you are teaching the true way of God: Is it right to give taxes to Caesar or not?

And all the seven had no seed. Last of all the woman herself came to her death.

In the future life, when they come back from the dead, whose wife will she be? for the seven had her for a wife.

And one of the scribes came, and hearing their argument together, and seeing that he had given them a good answer, put the question to him, Which law is the first of all?

And he took a seat by the place where the money was kept, and saw how the people put money into the boxes: and a number who had wealth put in much.

Because they all put in something out of what they had no need for; but she out of her need put in all she had, even all her living.

And if the Lord had not made the time short, no flesh would have been kept from destruction; but because of the saints he has made the time short.

And the disciples went out and came into the town, and saw that it was as he had said: and they made ready the Passover.

The Son of man goes, even as the Writings say of him: but cursed is that man through whom the Son of man is given up! It would have been well for that man if he had never been given birth.

And he took a cup, and when he had given praise, he gave it to them: and they all had a drink from it.

And again he came and saw them sleeping, because their eyes were very tired; and they had nothing to say in answer.

Now he who had been false to him had given them a sign, saying, The one to whom I give a kiss, that is he; take him, and get him away safely.

And when he had come, he went straight to him and said, Master; and gave him a kiss.

And Peter had come after him at a distance, even into the house of the high priest; and he was seated with the captains, warming himself in the light of the fire.

And in the same minute, the cock gave a second cry. And it came to Peter's mind how Jesus had said to him, Before the cock's second cry, you will say three times that you have no knowledge of me. And at this thought he was overcome with weeping.

And the first thing in the morning the chief priests, with those in authority and the scribes and all the Sanhedrin, had a meeting, and put cords round Jesus, and took him away, and gave him up to Pilate.

And there was one named Barabbas, in prison with those who had gone against the government and in the fight had taken life.

And the people went up, requesting him to do as he had done for them in other years.

And when they had made sport of him, they took the purple robe off him and put his clothing on him. And they took him out to put him to death on the cross.

And Pilate was surprised that he was dead; and, sending for the captain, he put a question to see if he had been dead for long.

And when he had news of it from the captain, he let Joseph have the body.

And he got a linen cloth and, taking him down, put the linen cloth round him, and put him in a place for the dead which had been cut out of a rock; and a stone was rolled against the door.

And very early after dawn on the first day of the week, they came at the time of the coming up of the sun to the place where the body had been put.

And they went out quickly from the place, because fear and great wonder had come on them: and they said nothing to anyone, because they were full of fear that ...

She went and gave news of it to those who had been with him, while they were sorrowing and weeping.

And they, when it came to their ears that he was living, and had been seen by her, had no belief in it.

And they went away and gave news of it to the rest; and they had no belief in what was said.