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I would like all men to be as I am. However, everyone is endowed by God in his own way; he has a gift for the one life or the other.

To other people I would say (not the Lord): ??if any brother has a wife who is not a believer, and if she consents to live with him, he must not put her away;

However, she is happier if she remains as she is; that is my opinion ??and I suppose I have the Spirit of God as well as other people!

To other people I may be no apostle, but to you I am, for you are the seal set upon my apostleship in the Lord.

If others share this right over you, why not we all the more? We did not avail ourselves of it, you say? No, we do not mind any privations if we can only avoid putting any obstacle in the way of the gospel of Christ.

Well, I run without swerving; I do not plant my blows upon the empty air ??27 no, I maul and master my body, in case, after preaching to other people, I am disqualified myself.

It all happened to them by way of warning for others, and it was written down for the purpose of instructing us whose lot has been cast in the closing hours of the world.

If anyone presumes to raise objections on this point ??well, I acknowledge no other mode of worship, and neither do the churches of God.

and if anyone is hungry let him eat at home. You must not gather, only to incur condemnation. I will give you my instructions upon the other matters when I come.

but in church I would rather say five words with my own mind for the instruction of other people than ten thousand words in a 'tongue.'

And what you sow is not the body that is to be; it is a mere grain of wheat, for example, or some other seed.

So let no one disparage him. When he leaves to rejoin me, speed him cordially on his journey, for I am expecting him along with the other brothers.

As for our brother Apollos, I urged him to accompany the other brothers on a visit to you; he will come as soon as he has time, but for the present it is not the will of God that he should visit you.