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And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day, and, behold, if the disease is dim, and the disease be not spread in the skin, then the priest shall pronounce him clean. It is a scab, and he shall wash his clothes, and be c

But if the scab spreads abroad in the skin after he has shown himself to the priest for his cleansing, he shall show himself to the priest again.

Or if the raw flesh turns again, and is changed to white, then he shall come to the priest.

And the priest shall come again the seventh day, and shall look. And, behold, if the disease be spread in the walls of the house,

And if the disease comes again, and breaks out in the house, after he has taken out the stones, and after he has scraped the house, and after it is plastered,

When I break your staff of bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver your bread again by weight, and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied.