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And when the days were fulfilled for their purifying according to the law of Moses, they brought him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord

Verse ConceptsBaby dedicationPurificationPurity, Nature OfPurifying OneselfThe Law Given To IsraelJesus Birth

And he came in the Spirit into the temple; and as the parents brought in the child Jesus that they might do for him according to the custom of the law,

Verse ConceptsCustomChrist, Names ForEntering The TempleFulfilling The LawLed By The SpiritDevout mothers

Every gorge shall be filled up, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low, and the crooked places shall become a straight path, and the rough places smooth ways,

Verse ConceptsFilling PlacesMountains RemovedTwisted WaysStraighteningSmoothnessPutting Things DownSmoothPaths

And the devil said to him, If thou be Son of God, speak to this stone, that it become bread.

Verse ConceptsProvision From RocksWho Is Jesus?

And Jesus answered unto him saying, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

Verse ConceptsTemptation, ResistingChrist's Knowledge Of The Scriptures

And he came to Nazareth, where he was brought up; and he entered, according to his custom, into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up to read.

Verse ConceptsCustomReadingHabitsLiteracySabbath, In NtSynagogueWorship, Times ForReading The ScripturesOn The SabbathGoing To Churchculture

And when the sun went down, all, as many as had persons sick with divers diseases, brought them to him, and having laid his hands on every one of them, he healed them;

Verse ConceptsdoctorsHandsHealingSpiritsLaying On Of HandsLaying On Hands To HealEvenings For Jesus And His DisciplesJesus HealingSicknessHealing Sickness

And the disciples of John brought him word concerning all these things:

Verse ConceptsDisciples Of John The BaptistTelling Of Jesusluck

And he said to them, Take nothing for the way, neither staff, nor scrip, nor bread, nor money; nor to have two body-coats apiece.

Verse ConceptsInner GarmentsTwo Other ThingsInstruction About ClothesLacking MoneyNot EquippedWalking With A StaffMissionariesHindrancesEvangelismChanging Yourself

And thou, Capernaum, who hast been raised up to heaven, shalt be brought down even to hades.

Verse ConceptsThe DeadHadesProphecies Said By JesusPutting Things Down

but there is need of one, and Mary has chosen the good part, the which shall not be taken from her.

Verse ConceptsNeedHalf Of ThingsDoing The Right ThingBeauty And Self Worth

But of whom of you that is a father shall a son ask bread, and the father shall give him a stone? or also a fish, and instead of a fish shall give him a serpent?

Verse ConceptsSnakesRepulsive FoodFathers And SonsBreadGivingBeing A Good FatherFishfatherhoodparenthood

But he, knowing their thoughts, said to them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation: and a house set against a house falls;

Verse ConceptsdisagreementsCivil StrifeThoughtHow Jesus Knows The HeartWeakness In DivisionChrist Knowing About People

If therefore thy whole body is light, not having any part dark, it shall be all light as when the lamp lights thee with its brightness.

Verse ConceptsLight Of God's PeopleLight Of Lamps

And he spoke a parable to them, saying, The land of a certain rich man brought forth abundantly.

Verse ConceptsRich, TheFertile LandWealthy PeopleFarminguncertainty

Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those that are sent unto her, how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen her brood under her wings, and ye would not.

Verse ConceptsGod, Feminine Descriptions OfAffection, ExpressingBeing Earnest For IsraelMale And FemaleMercy, Of Jesus ChristMothers, As A SymbolProphets, Lives OfSensitivityWingsChickensGathered By GodDuplicating WordsWings Of BirdsKilling ProphetsPeople Unwilling

And it came to pass, as he went into the house of one of the rulers, who was of the Pharisees, to eat bread on the sabbath, that they were watching him.

Verse ConceptsBanquets, Examples OfGuestsHomeHospitality, Examples OfPharisees, Attitudes To Jesus ChristHospitality Towards ChristWatching To EntrapOn The SabbathReceiving Jesus As A Guest

And one of those that were lying at table with them, hearing these things, said to him, Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God.

Verse ConceptsFeastingMessianic BanquetTablesReclining To EatBlessed Through GodBenefits Of Heaven

And the bondman came up and brought back word of these things to his lord. Then the master of the house, in anger, said to his bondman, Go out quickly into the streets and lanes of the city, and bring here the poor and crippled and lame and blind.

Verse ConceptsAnger, HumanPoverty, Remedies ForStreetsHasteUsing RoadsTelling What People DidAngry People

And coming to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have abundance of bread, and I perish here by famine.

Verse ConceptsSelf KnowledgeRegaining SanitySoliloquyNo FoodDeath Of A Fatherhomecoming

And they brought to him also infants that he might touch them, but the disciples when they saw it rebuked them.

Verse ConceptsRebukeSensitivityTouchTouching For HealingThe Disciples ReactionsChildren And The Kingdom

but they who are counted worthy to have part in that world, and the resurrection from among the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage;

Verse ConceptsParticipation, In ChristSinglenessWorthinessMarriage No MoreWorthy People

Now the feast of unleavened bread, which is called the passover, drew nigh,

Verse ConceptsNear The Time Generally

And the day of unleavened bread came, in which the passover was to be killed.

Verse ConceptsPassover lambLambsTypesluck

said to them, Ye have brought to me this man as turning away the people to rebellion, and behold, I, having examined him before you, have found nothing criminal in this man as to the things of which ye accuse him;

Verse ConceptsFaultlessnessTesting ChristBeing Misleadassertiveness

And it came to pass as he was at table with them, having taken the bread, he blessed, and having broken it, gave it to them.

Verse ConceptsLord's SupperTablesThankfulnessThanksgivingReclining To EatBreaking Of BreadThanking God For FoodTable Grace

And they related what had happened on the way, and how he was made known to them in the breaking of bread.

Verse ConceptsRecognising PeopleBreaking Of Breadrecognition