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He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon, son of John: you shall be called Cephas" --that is to say, Peter (or 'Rock')

But for His part, Jesus did not trust Himself to them, because He knew them all,

As the result, a discussion having arisen on the part of John's disciples with a Jew about purification,

So the disciples began questioning one another. "Can it be," they said, "that some one has brought Him something to eat?"

And when He looked round and saw an immense crowd coming towards Him, He said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for all these people to eat?"

"Seven pounds' worth of bread," replied Philip, "is not enough for them all to get even a scanty meal."

There they got on board a boat, and pushed off to cross the Lake to Capernaum. By this time it had become dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them.

Then they were willing to take Him on board; and in a moment the boat reached the shore at the point to which they were going.

Next morning the crowd who were still standing about on the other side of the Lake found that there had been but one small boat there, and they had seen that Jesus did not go on board with His disciples, but that His disciples went away without Him.

Yet a number of small boats came from Tiberias to the neighbourhood of the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks.

Our forefathers ate the manna in the Desert, as it is written, 'He gave them bread out of Heaven to eat'."

"In most solemn truth I tell you," replied Jesus, "that Moses did not give you the bread out of Heaven, but my Father is giving you the bread--the true bread--out of Heaven.

"Sir," they said, "always give us that bread."

Now the Jews began to find fault about Him because of His claiming to be the bread which came down out of Heaven.

I am the living bread come down out of Heaven. If a man eats this bread, he shall live for ever. Moreover the bread which I will give is my flesh given for the life of the world."

This is the bread which came down out of Heaven; it is unlike that which your forefathers ate--for they ate and yet died. He who eats this bread shall live for ever."

Meanwhile the officers returned to the High Priests and Pharisees, who asked them, "Why have you not brought him?"

and was teaching them when the Scribes and the Pharisees brought to Him a woman who had been found committing adultery. They made her stand in the centre of the court, and they put the case to Him.

They brought him to the Pharisees--the man who had been blind.

When he has brought out his own sheep--all of them--he walks at the head of them; and the sheep follow him, because they know his voice.

Again the Jews brought stones with which to stone Him.

Now it became widely known among the Jews that Jesus was there; but they came not only on His account, but also in order to see Lazarus whom He had brought back to life.

The large number of people, however, who had been present when He called Lazarus out of the tomb and brought him back to life, related what they had witnessed.

I am not speaking of all of you. I know whom I have chosen, but things are as they are in order that the Scripture may be fulfilled, which says, 'He who eats my bread has lifted up his heel against me.'

"It is the one," answered Jesus, "for whom I shall dip this piece of bread and to whom I shall give it." Accordingly He dipped the piece of bread, and took it and gave it to Judas, the son of the Iscariot Simon.

Then, after Judas had received the piece of bread, Satan entered into him. "Lose no time about it," said Jesus to him.

So Judas took the piece of bread and immediately went out. And it was night.

They then brought Him to Annas first; for Annas was the father-in-law of Caiaphas who was High Priest that year.

So they brought Jesus from Caiaphas's house to the Praetorium. It was the early morning, and they would not enter the Praetorium themselves for fear of defilement, and in order that they might be able to eat the Passover.

On hearing this, Pilate brought Jesus out, and sat down on the judge's seat in a place called the Pavement--or in Hebrew, Gabbatha.

So the soldiers, as soon as they had crucified Jesus, took His garments, including His tunic, and divided them into four parts--one part for each soldier. The tunic was without seam, woven from the top in one piece.

Mary of Magdala came and brought word to the disciples. "I have seen the Master," she said. And she told them that He had said these things to her.

Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." "We will go too," said they. So they set out and went on board their boat; but they caught nothing that night.

As soon as they landed, they saw a charcoal fire burning there, with fish broiling on it, and bread close by.

So Simon Peter went on board the boat and drew the net ashore full of large fish, 153 in number; and yet, although there were so many, the net had not broken.

Then Jesus came and took the bread and gave them some, and the fish in the same way.