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"Woman," said Jesus, "what have you to do with me? My time has not come yet."

[vss 22-30 moved to between 2:12 and 2:13] After this Jesus and his disciples went into the country of Judaea, where he spent some time with them baptizing.

"Woman," said Jesus, "believe me, the time is coming when you will be worshipping the Father neither on this mountain nor at Jerusalem.

But the time is coming, it has come already, when the real worshippers will worship the Father in Spirit and in reality; for these are the worshippers that the Father wants.

Then the father realized that it had left him at the very time when Jesus had said to him, "Your son is alive"; and he became a believer with all his household.

For an angel used to descend from time to time into the bath, and disturb the water; whereupon the first person who stepped in after the water was disturbed was restored to health, no matter what disease he had been afflicted with].

Do not wonder at this; for there is a time coming when all who are in the tombs will listen to his voice

and embarking in a boat they started across the sea for Capharnahum. By this time it was dark, Jesus had not reached them yet,

Jesus said to them, "My time has not come yet, but your time is always at hand;

Go up to the festival yourselves; I am not going up to this festival, for my time has not arrived yet."

So they tried to arrest him; but no one laid hands on him, because his time had not come yet.

These words he spoke in the treasury, as he was teaching in the temple, but no one arrested him, because his time had not come yet.

Now the slave does not remain in the household for all time; the son of the house does.

So the man born blind was summoned a second time, and told, "Now give God the praise; this man, we know quite well, is only a sinner."

Jesus said, "Remove the boulder." "Lord," said Martha, the dead man's sister, "he will be stinking by this time; he has been dead four days."

I have told you all this, so that when the time for it arrives, you may remember what I said to you. I did not tell you about this at the beginning, because I was with you then;

When a woman is in labour she is sorry, for her time has come; but when the child is born she remembers her anguish no longer, for joy that a human being has been born into the world:

I have told you this in figures, but the time is coming when I shall speak to you in figures no longer; I shall let you know plainly about the Father.

Behold, the time is coming, it has come already, when you will be scattered to your homes, everyone of you, leaving me alone. But I am not alone, for the Father is with me.

So Jesus spoke; then, lifting his eyes to heaven, he said: "Father, the time has now come; glorify thy Son that thy Son may glorify thee,

This was the third time, now, that Jesus appeared to the disciples after rising from the dead.

Again he asked him, for the second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" "Why, Lord," he said, "you know I love you." "Then be a shepherd to my sheep," said Jesus.

For the third time he asked him, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Now Peter was vexed at being asked a third time, "Do you love me?" So he replied; "Lord, you know everything, you can see I love you." Jesus said, "Then feed my sheep.