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And thus they all continued to be astounded and bewildered, and continued to say to each other, "What can this mean?"

but if it has its origin in God, you can never stop it. It is to be feared that you may find yourselves fighting God."

'"Heaven is my throne, and earth a footstool for my feet. What house can you build for me?" says the Lord; "Or what place is there in which I can rest?

Justice was denied Him in His humiliation, who can tell of His times? For His life is removed from the earth."

"No one can refuse the use of water, can he, for these to be baptized, since they have received the Holy Spirit just as we did ourselves?"

For we are in danger of being charged with rioting for today's assembly, as there is not a single reason we can give for it."

and now, by examining him for yourself, you can find out exactly what charges we bring against him."

for you can verify the fact that not more than twelve days ago I went up to Jerusalem to worship,

If I am guilty and have done anything that deserves death, I am not begging to keep from dying, but if there is nothing in the charges which these men make against me, no one can give me up as a favor to them. I appeal to the emperor."

"I count myself fortunate, King Agrippa," said he, "that it is before you that I can defend myself today against all the charges which the Jews have preferred against me,

The king, indeed, knows about this and I can speak to him with freedom. I do not believe that any of this escaped his notice, for it did not occur in a corner!