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With the knowledge that the law is made, not for the upright man, but for those who have no respect for law and order, for evil men and sinners, for the unholy and those who have no religion, for those who put their fathers or mothers to death, for takers of life,

Such are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have given up to Satan, so that they may say no more evil words against God.

And he is to have a good name among those outside the church, so that nothing may be said against him and he may not be taken by the designs of the Evil One.

Give orders to this effect, so that no evil may be said of anyone.

So it is my desire that the younger widows may be married and have children, controlling their families, and giving the Evil One no chance to say anything against them,

Let all who are servants under the yoke give all honour to their masters, so that no evil may be said against the name of God and his teaching.

He has an over-high opinion of himself; being without knowledge, having only an unhealthy love of questionings and wars of words, from which come envy, fighting, cruel words, evil thoughts,