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which He lavished upon us. Through perfect wisdom and spiritual insight

which in the earlier ages, so different from the present, was not made known to mankind as fully as now, but through the Spirit it has been revealed to His Holy apostles and prophets --

and to make clear how is to be carried out the trusteeship of this secret which has for ages been hidden away in God, the Creator of all things,

in accordance with the eternal purpose which God executed in the gift of Christ Jesus our Lord.

But if to keep on living here means fruit from my labor, I cannot tell which to choose.

which will result in your joy; so that, through union with Christ Jesus, you may have more than sufficient ground for boasting about me, through my being with you again.

since you are having the same struggle that you once saw me have and which you hear that I am still having.

and be actually in union with Him, not having a supposed right standing with God which depends on my doing what the law commands, but one that comes through faith in Christ, the real right standing with God which originates from Him and rests on faith.

It is not a fact that I have already secured it or already reached perfection, but I am pressing on to see if I can capture it, the ideal for which I was captured by Christ Jesus.

Remember me to every one of God's people in union with Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me wish to be remembered to you.

All God's people wish to be remembered to you, but more especially the members of the Emperor's household.

which reached you, and since it is bearing fruit and growing among you, just as it is all over the world, from the day you first heard of God's favor and in reality came to know it,

by whom we possess the ransom from captivity, which means the forgiveness of our sins.

which refer to things that perish in the using, in accordance with human rules and teachings?

Our dearly loved Luke, the physician, and Demas, wish to be remembered to you.

And tell Archippus, "See to it that you continue until you fill full your ministry which you received in the Lord's work."

For another reason too, we, as far as we are concerned, are constantly giving thanks to God; that is, when you received the message you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the message of men but as the message of God, as it really is, which keeps on working in you who believe.

For you are aware of the instructions which we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus.

This is a proof of God's righteous judgment, His aim being to let you show yourselves worthy of His kingdom, for which you are suffering; since,

We have confidence in you through the Lord that you are now practicing the directions which we give you and that you will continue to do so.

They want to be teachers of the law, although they do not understand the words they use or the things about which they make such confident assertions.

as measured by the glorious good news of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.

This is the instruction which I entrust to you, my son Timothy, which is in accordance with the prophetic utterances formerly made about you, that you may, aided by them, continue to fight the good fight,

If you continue to put these things before the brothers, you will be a good minister of Christ Jesus, ever feeding your own soul on the truths of the faith and of the fine teaching which you have followed.

he is a conceited ignoramus with a morbid appetite for discussions and controversies which lead to envy, quarreling, abuse, base suspicions,

by professing which some individuals have failed in the faith. Spiritual blessing be with you all.

for the sake of which I am suffering hardships even to the extent of wearing chains as though I were a criminal. But God's message is not in chains.

When you come, bring the coat which I left with Carpus at Troas; bring the books, too, especially the parchments.

but at the proper time made known as His message through the message that I preach with which I have been entrusted by the command of God our Saviour;

All who are with me wish to be remembered to you. Remember me to all who love me as Christians. Spiritual blessing be with you all.

I am sending him back to you, which is all the same as sending my very heart.

I write you in perfect confidence in your compliance with my wish, because I am sure that you will do even more than I ask.

For it was not to angels that He gave authority over that world to be, of which we are speaking.

so that by these two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to prove false, we who have taken refuge with Him may have encouragement strong enough to make us seize upon the hope that lies ahead of us.

to whom Abraham contributed a tenth of all his spoils, who first of all, in accordance with the meaning of his name, is king of righteousness, and then king of Salem, which means king of peace;

For He of whom this is said became a member of a different tribe no member of which ever officiated at the altar.

For it is very clear that our Lord sprang from Judah, a tribe about which Moses said nothing as to priests.

For the law appoints imperfect men as high priests, but the assertion about the taking of an oath, which was spoken after the time of the law, appoints a Son who is perfectly qualified to be High Priest forever.

as officiating Priest in that sanctuary, which is also the true tent of worship, which the Lord and not man set up.

But, as the case with Him now stands, He has entered upon a priestly service as much superior to theirs as the covenant of which He is the Mediator is superior to theirs, superior because it has been enacted upon superior promises.

For the first or outer part of the tent, which is called the holy place, was equipped with the lamp and table and the presentation bread.

with its golden incense-altar and the chest for the covenant, completely covered with gold, and in it a golden jar which held the manna, Aaron's staff that budded, and the tablets on which the covenant was written;

and above the chest were the winged creatures, the symbols of God's glorious presence, overshadowing the mercy seat, of which I cannot now speak in detail.

but into the second or inner part nobody but the high priest may go, and he only once a year, and never without blood which he offers for himself and for the sins committed in ignorance by the people.

for it is merely a symbol of the present time in connection with which gifts and sacrifices are repeatedly offered though they cannot make the conscience of the worshiper perfect,

since they deal only with food and drink and various washings, that is, with mere material regulations which are in force only until the time of setting things straight.

saying, "This is the blood that ratifies the covenant which God commanded me to make with you."

"Sacrifice and offering you did not wish, but a body you have prepared for me; in burnt-offerings and sin-offerings you never took delight.

Although at first He said, "You never wished or took delight in sacrifices and offerings, burnt-offerings and sin-offerings" -- all of which are repeatedly offered in accordance with the law --

the new and living way which He opened for us, through the curtain, that is, His physical nature,

but only a terrifying prospect of judgment and that fiery indignation which is going to devour God's enemies.

By faith Abraham, on being called, obeyed in starting off for a country which he was to receive as his own, and he did it in spite of the fact that he did not know where he was going.