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And his substance was - seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she-asses, and a body of servants exceeding large, - thus was that man the greatest of all the sons of the East.

Now his sons were wont to go, and make a banquet, at the house of each one upon his day, - and to send and call their three sisters, to eat and to drink with them.

Can that which hath no savour be eaten without salt? Or is there any taste in the white of an egg?

Canst thou bring forth the signs of the Zodiac each in its season? Or, the Bear and her Young, canst thou lead?

Each to its fellow, they cleave, they grasp each other, and cannot be parted;

And, Yahweh, blessed the latter end of Job, more than his beginning, - and so he came to have fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels, and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-asses.