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Many are saying, "Who will show us [something] good?" Lift up over us the light of your face, O Yahweh.

But let all who take shelter in you rejoice. Let them ever sing for joy, {because} you spread protection over them; And let those [who] love your name exult in you.

And let [the] assembly of peoples surround you, and over it return on high.

[those] who say, "With our tongue we will prevail. Our lips [are] on our side. Who [is] master over us?"

How long must I take counsel in my soul, [and] sorrow in my heart [all the] day? How long will my enemy be exalted over me?

From the brightness before him his clouds passed over [with] hail and coals of fire.

You rescued me from strife with people; you set me as head (over) nations. People I did not know served me;

Also, keep back your servant from arrogant [sins]; let them not rule over me. Then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression.

And now my head will be high over my enemies round about me. And I will offer in his tent sacrifices with shouts of joy. I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to Yahweh.

Do not give me over to the desire of my enemies, because false witnesses have arisen against me, and [each] breathing out violence.

The voice of Yahweh [is] over the waters; the God of glory thunders. Yahweh [is] over many waters.

I will exalt you, O Yahweh, because you have drawn me up, and have not made my enemies rejoice over me.

Let not those who [are] wrongfully my enemies rejoice over me. [Nor let] those who hate me without cause wink [the] eye.

Vindicate me according to your righteousness, O Yahweh my God, and do not let them rejoice over me.

For my iniquities have passed over my head; like a heavy burden they are too heavy for me.

I am bowed down; I am bent over greatly. All the day I go about mourning.

For I said, "[Help,] lest they rejoice over me, [lest] they boast against me when my foot slips."

By this I know that you delight in me: because my enemy has not shouted in triumph over me.

Like sheep they are destined to Sheol; death will shepherd them. But the upright will rule over them in the morning, and their forms [will be for] Sheol to consume, [far from] his lofty abode.

For [it is] not an enemy [that] taunts me, or I could bear [it]. [It is not] one who hates me [that] magnifies himself over me, or I could hide myself from him.

Moab [is] my washing pot; over Edom, I will cast my sandal. On account of me, O Philistia, raise a shout."

Iniquities prevail over me. As for our transgressions, you will {forgive} them.

You let men ride over our heads. We went through fire and through water, but you have brought us out to the place of abundance.

Ascribe strength to God. His majesty [is] over Israel, and his strength [is] in the clouds.

I sink in [the] mud of the deep, and there is no foothold. I have come to watery depths, and [the] torrent floods over me.

Do not let the torrent of waters flood over me, or [the] deep swallow me, or the pit close its mouth over me.

He split the sea and caused them to go over, and he caused waters to stand like a heap.

He also handed their cattle over to the hail and their livestock to the lightning bolts.

He cleared a path for his anger. He did not spare them from death but handed their life over to the plague.

He also handed his people over to the sword, and he was very angry with his inheritance.

And he beat back his enemies; he gave them over to perpetual scorn.

Watch over my life because I [am] faithful. You [are] my God; save your servant. [I am] the one who trusts you.

Your burning anger has passed over me; your sudden fears have destroyed me.

North and south, you created them; Tabor and Hermon shout joyfully over your name.

Yahweh [is] great in Zion, and he [is] exalted over all the peoples.

that he looked down from his holy height. Yahweh looked from heaven over [the] earth

When [the] wind passes over it, it is no more, and its place knows it no longer.

You set a boundary that they may not cross over, [so that] they would not return to cover the earth.

[The] earth opened and swallowed up Dathan, and it covered over the gang of Abiram.

Then he gave them into [the] hand of [the] nations, and those who hated them ruled over them.

Moab [is] my washing pot. Over Edom I will cast my sandal; Over Philistia I will shout in triumph."

Appoint over him a wicked [man], and let an accuser stand at his right [hand].

Yahweh watches over [the] simple. I was brought low, but he gave me victory.

In the way of your testimonies I have rejoiced as [I would] over all riches.

I [am] rejoicing over your word, like one who finds great spoil.

Then the waters would have flooded over us, [the] torrent would have passed over our soul.

Then over our soul would have passed the raging waters."

And he let Israel cross over through the midst of it, for his loyal love [endures] forever.

Yahweh [is] good to all, and his mercies [are] over all his works.