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And it cometh to pass, on the third day, while it is morning, that there are voices, and lightnings, and a heavy cloud, on the mount, and the sound of a trumpet very strong; and all the people who are in the camp do tremble.

and mount Sinai is wholly a smoke from the presence of Jehovah, who hath come down on it in fire, and its smoke goeth up as smoke of the furnace, and the whole mount trembleth exceedingly;

and the sound of the trumpet is going on, and very strong; Moses speaketh, and God doth answer him with a voice.

and also the priests who are coming nigh unto Jehovah do sanctify themselves, lest Jehovah break forth on them.'

And Moses saith unto Jehovah, 'The people is unable to come up unto mount Sinai, for Thou -- Thou hast protested to us, saying, Make a border for the mount, then thou hast sanctified it.'

Thou dost not make to thyself a graven image, or any likeness which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth.

and the seventh day is a Sabbath to Jehovah thy God; thou dost not do any work, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, thy man-servant, and thy handmaid, and thy cattle, and thy sojourner who is within thy gates, --

and say unto Moses, 'Speak thou with us, and we hear, and let not God speak with us, lest we die.'

And Moses saith unto the people, 'Fear not, for to try you hath God come, and in order that His fear may be before your faces -- that ye sin not.'

And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Thus dost thou say unto the sons of Israel: Ye -- ye have seen that from the heavens I have spoken with you;

ye do not make with Me gods of silver, even gods of gold ye do not make to yourselves.

'An altar of earth thou dost make for Me, and thou hast sacrificed on it thy burnt-offerings and thy peace-offerings, thy flock and thy herd; in every place where I cause My name to be remembered I come in unto thee, and have blessed thee.

if by himself he cometh in, by himself he goeth out; if he is owner of a wife, then his wife hath gone out with him;

if his lord give to him a wife, and she hath borne to him sons or daughters -- the wife and her children are her lord's, and he goeth out by himself.

And if the servant really say: I have loved my lord, my wife, and my sons -- I do not go out free;

'And when a man selleth his daughter for a handmaid, she doth not go out according to the going out of the men-servants;

if evil in the eyes of her lord, so that he hath not betrothed her, then he hath let her be ransomed; to a strange people he hath not power to sell her, in his dealing treacherously with her.

as to him who hath not laid wait, and God hath brought to his hand, I have even set for thee a place whither he doth flee.

'And when a man doth presume against his neighbour to slay him with subtilty, from Mine altar thou dost take him to die.

'And when men contend, and a man hath smitten his neighbour with a stone, or with the fist, and he die not, but hath fallen on the bed;

And when a man smiteth his man-servant or his handmaid, with a rod, and he hath died under his hand -- he is certainly avenged;

only if he remain a day, or two days, he is not avenged, for he is his money.

'And when men strive, and have smitten a pregnant woman, and her children have come out, and there is no mischief, he is certainly fined, as the husband of the woman doth lay upon him, and he hath given through the judges;

'And when a man smiteth the eye of his man-servant, or the eye of his handmaid, and hath destroyed it, as a freeman he doth send him away for his eye;

and if a tooth of his man-servant or a tooth of his handmaid he knock out, as a freeman he doth send him away for his tooth.

and if the ox is one accustomed to gore heretofore, and it hath been testified to its owner, and he doth not watch it, and it hath put to death a man or woman, the ox is stoned, and its owner also is put to death.

whether it gore a son or gore a daughter, according to this judgment it is done to him.

'If the ox gore a man-servant or a handmaid, thirty silver shekels he doth give to their lord, and the ox is stoned.

And when a man doth open a pit, or when a man doth dig a pit, and doth not cover it, and an ox or ass hath fallen thither, --

'And when a man's ox doth smite the ox of his neighbour, and it hath died, then they have sold the living ox, and halved its money, and also the dead one they do halve;

'When a man doth steal an ox or sheep, and hath slaughtered it or sold it, five of the herd he doth repay for the ox, and four of the flock for the sheep.

When a man depastureth a field or vineyard, and hath sent out his beast, and it hath pastured in the field of another, of the best of his field, and the best of his vineyard, he doth repay.

'When fire goeth forth, and hath found thorns, and a stack, or the standing corn, or the field, hath been consumed, he who causeth the burning doth certainly repay.

'When a man doth give unto his neighbour silver, or vessels to keep, and it hath been stolen out of the man's house; if the thief is found, he repayeth double.

When a man doth give unto his neighbour an ass, or ox, or sheep, or any beast to keep, and it hath died, or hath been hurt, or taken captive, none seeing --

if it is certainly torn, he bringeth it in -- a witness; the torn thing he doth not repay.

And when a man doth ask anything from his neighbour, and it hath been hurt or hath died -- its owner not being with it -- he doth certainly repay;

if its owner is with it, he doth not repay, -- if it is a hired thing, it hath come for its hire.

if her father utterly refuse to give her to him, money he doth weigh out according to the dowry of virgins.

if thou dost really afflict him, surely if he at all cry unto Me, I certainly hear his cry;

and Mine anger hath burned, and I have slain you by the sword, and your wives have been widows, and your sons orphans.

'If thou dost lend My poor people with thee money, thou art not to him as a usurer; thou dost not lay on him usury;

for it alone is his covering, it is his garment for his skin; wherein doth he lie down? and it hath come to pass, when he doth cry unto Me, that I have heard, for I am gracious.

and a poor man thou dost not honour in his strife.

when thou seest the ass of him who is hating thee crouching under its burden, then thou hast ceased from leaving it to it -- thou dost certainly leave it with him.

from a false matter thou dost keep far off, and an innocent and righteous man thou dost not slay; for I do not justify a wicked man.

and in all that which I have said unto you ye do take heed; and the name of other gods ye do not mention; it is not heard on thy mouth.

the Feast of Unleavened things thou dost keep; seven days thou dost eat unleavened things, as I have commanded thee, at the time appointed in the month of Abib; for in it thou hast come forth out of Egypt, and ye do not appear in My presence empty;

'Three times in a year do all thy males appear before the face of the Lord Jehovah.

'Thou dost not sacrifice on a fermented thing the blood of My sacrifice, and the fat of My festival doth not remain till morning;

the beginning of the first-fruits of thy ground thou dost bring into the house of Jehovah thy God; thou dost not boil a kid in its mother's milk.

for, if thou diligently hearken to his voice, and hast done all that which I speak, then I have been at enmity with thine enemies, and have distressed those distressing thee.

'For My messenger goeth before thee, and hath brought thee in unto the Amorite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Canaanite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite, and I have cut them off.

'And ye have served Jehovah your God, and He hath blessed thy bread and thy water, and I have turned aside sickness from thine heart;

there is not a miscarrying and barren one in thy land; the number of thy days I fulfil:

My terror I send before thee, and I have put to death all the people among whom thou comest, and I have given the neck of all thine enemies unto thee.

'And I have sent the hornet before thee, and it hath cast out the Hivite, the Canaanite, and the Hittite, from before thee;

I cast them not out from before thee in one year, lest the land be a desolation, and the beast of the field hath multiplied against thee;

little by little I cast them out from before thee, till thou art fruitful, and hast inherited the land.

'And I have set thy border from the Red Sea, even unto the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness unto the River: for I give into your hand the inhabitants of the land, and thou hast cast them out from before thee;

thou dost not make a covenant with them, and with their gods;

they do not dwell in thy land, lest they cause thee to sin against Me when thou servest their gods, when it becometh a snare to thee.'

And unto Moses He said, 'Come up unto Jehovah, thou, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel, and ye have bowed yourselves afar off;'

And Moses cometh in, and recounteth to the people all the words of Jehovah, and all the judgments, and all the people answer -- one voice, and say, 'All the words which Jehovah hath spoken we do.'

and he taketh the Book of the Covenant, and proclaimeth in the ears of the people, and they say, 'All that which Jehovah hath spoken we do, and obey.'

And Moses taketh the blood, and sprinkleth on the people, and saith, 'Lo, the blood of the covenant which Jehovah hath made with you, concerning all these things.'

and unto those of the sons of Israel who are near He hath not put forth His hand, and they see God, and eat and drink.

And Jehovah saith unto Moses, 'Come up unto Me to the mount, and be there, and I give to thee the tables of stone, and the law, and the command, which I have written to direct them.'

and unto the elders he hath said, 'Abide ye for us in this place, until that we turn back unto you, and lo, Aaron and Hur are with you -- he who hath matters doth come nigh unto them.'

And the appearance of the honour of Jehovah is as a consuming fire on the top of the mount, before the eyes of the sons of Israel;

'Speak unto the sons of Israel, and they take for Me a heave-offering; from every man whose heart impelleth him ye do take My heave-offering.

And this is the heave-offering which ye take from them; gold, and silver, and brass,

shoham stones, and stones for setting for an ephod, and for a breastplate.

according to all that which I am shewing thee, the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all its vessels, even so ye do make it.

'And they have made an ark of shittim wood; two cubits and a half its length, and a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height;