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When Jesus saw Nathanael coming towards him, he said: "Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is no deceit!"

A woman of Samaria came to draw water; and Jesus said to her- - "Give me some to drink,"

"Give me this water, Sir," said the woman, "so that I may not be thirsty, nor have to come all the way here to draw water."

But a time is coming, indeed it is already here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father spiritually and truly; for such are the worshipers that the Father desires.

At this moment his disciples came up, and were surprised to find him talking with a woman; but none of them asked 'What do you want?' or 'Why are you talking with her?'

So the woman, leaving her pitcher, went back to the town, and said to the people:

In truth I tell you that a time is coming, indeed it is already here, when the Dead will listen to the voice of the Son of God, and when those who listen will live.

Do not wonder at this; for the time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice,

"There is a boy here," said Andrew, another of his disciples, Simon Peter's brother,

And, when they found him on the other side of the Sea, they said: "When did you get here, Rabbi?"

"My time," answered Jesus, "is not come yet, but your time is always here.

Yet here he is, speaking out boldly, and they say nothing to him! Is it possible that our leading men have really discovered that he is the Christ?

"If God were your Father," Jesus replied, "you would have loved me, for I came out from God, and now am here; and I have not come of myself, but he sent me as his Messenger.

"I told you just now," he answered, "and you did not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Surely you also do not want to become his disciples?"

Now a man named Lazarus, of Bethany, was lying ill; he belonged to the same village as Mary and her sister Martha.

This Mary, whose brother Lazarus was ill, was the Mary who anointed the Master with perfume, and wiped his feet with her hair.

"Master," Martha said to Jesus, "if you had been here, my brother would not have died.

After saying this, Martha went and called her sister Mary, and whispered: "The Teacher is here, and is asking for you."

So the Jews, who were in the house with Mary, condoling with her, when they saw her get up quickly and go out, followed her, thinking that she was going to the tomb to weep there.

When Mary came where Jesus was and saw him, she threw herself at his feet. "Master," she exclaimed, "if you had been here, my brother would not have died!"

When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who had come with her weeping also, he groaned deeply, and was greatly distressed.

So Mary took a pound of choice spikenard perfume of great value, and anointed the feet of Jesus with it, and then wiped them with her hair. The whole house was filled with the scent of the perfume.

"Let her alone," said Jesus, "that she may keep it till the day when my body is being prepared for burial.

A woman in labor is in pain because her time has come; but no sooner is the child born, than she forgets her trouble in her joy that a man has been born into the world.

After saying this, Jesus raised his eyes heaven-wards, and said: "Father, the hour has come; honor thy Son, that thy Son may honor thee;

Then Jesus came outside, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe; and Pilate said to them: "Here is the man!"

It was the Passover Preparation Day, and about noon. Then he said to the Jews: "Here is your King!"

Then he said to that disciple: "There is your mother." And from that very hour the disciple took her to live in his house.

Then he said to Thomas: "Place your finger here, and look at my hands; and place your hand here, and put it into my side; and do not refuse to believe, but believe."