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So that thou direct, unto wisdom, thine ear, bend thy heart, unto understanding;

So he taught me, and said to me - Let thy heart, lay hold of my words, Keep my commandments and live!

Let them not depart from thine eyes, keep them in the midst of thy heart;

Bind them upon thy heart continually, fasten them upon thy neck;

Bind them upon thy fingers, write them, on the tablet of thy heart;

Let not thy heart, turn aside to her ways, Do not go astray, in her paths.

He that troubleth his own house, shall inherit the wind, but, a servant, shall the foolish be, to the wise in heart.

In proportion to his prudence, is a man, to be praised, but, the perverse in heart, shall be an object of contempt.

Deceit, is in the heart of contrivers of mischief, but, to the counsellors of peace, shall be joy.

With his own ways, shall be filled the backslider in heart, and, from himself, shall a good man be satisfied .

In the heart of the intelligent, reposeth wisdom, but, in the midst of dullards, it maketh itself known.

The lips of the wise, scatter abroad knowledge, but, the heart of dullards, is not right.

The heart of the intelligent, seeketh knowledge, but, the mouth of dullards, feedeth on folly.

All the days of the afflicted, are sorrowful, but, a cheerful heart, is a continual banquet.

The wise in heart, shall be called intelligent, and, sweetness of lips, increaseth persuasiveness.

The crooked in heart, shall not find good, and, he that is perverse with his tongue, shall fall into wickedness.

Deep water, is counsel in a man's heart, but, a man of understanding, will draw it out.

Incline thine ear and hear the words of wise men, then, thy heart, wilt thou apply to my teaching;

For, just as he hath thought in his own mind, so, he is: Eat and drink! he may say to thee, but, his heart, is not with thee.

Bring, to correction, thy heart, and thine ears, to the sayings of knowledge.

Hear, thou, my son, and be wise, and lead forward, in duty, thy heart.

Thine eyes, will see strange women, and, thy heart, will speak perverse things:

So shalt thou become, as one lying down in the heart of the sea, - or as one lying down on the top of the mastgear:

So I observed it, for myself, I applied my heart, I looked - I accepted correction:

The heavens for height, and the earth for depth, but, the heart of kings, cannot be searched.

Though he make gracious his voice, do not trust him, for, seven abominations, are in his heart:

Be wise, my son, and rejoice my heart, that I may answer him that reproacheth me in a matter.

The way of an eagle in the heavens, the way of a serpent on the rock, - the way of a ship in the heart of the sea, and the way of a man with a maid.