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Any clay vessel it is boiled in must be broken, and if it was boiled in a bronze vessel, then that vessel must be rubbed out and rinsed in water.

As for any clay vessel they fall into, everything in it will become unclean and you must break it.

"As for the diseased person who has the infection, his clothes must be torn, the hair of his head must be unbound, he must cover his mustache, and he must call out 'Unclean! Unclean!'

The priest will then command that one bird be slaughtered into a clay vessel over fresh water.

and he is to slaughter one bird into a clay vessel over fresh water.

A clay vessel which the man with the discharge touches must be broken, and any wooden utensil must be rinsed in water.

If a man has sexual intercourse with any animal, he must be put to death, and you must kill the animal.

If a woman approaches any animal to have sexual intercourse with it, you must kill the woman, and the animal must be put to death; their blood guilt is on themselves.