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The Jews retorted, "This Temple took forty-six years to build, and will you 'raise it in three days'?"

Surely you are not greater than our Father Jacob, who gave us the well, and used to drink from it himself, and his sons, and his cattle, too?"

When he reached Galilee, however, the Galileans welcomed him, for they had seen all that he did in Jerusalem at the feast; for they, too, had been at the feast.

Instantly the man became well, and he took up his bed and started to walk. Now it was Sabbath on that day;

Then Jesus took the loaves, and when he had given thanks he distributed them among those who were seated; in like manner also of the fish, as much as they wished,

He answered. "I have told you already, and you did not listen. Why do you wish to hear it again? Can it be that you, too, wish to become his disciples?"

The Jews again took stones with which to stone him. Jesus said to them.

Upon this Thomas, who was called "The Twin," said to his fellow disciples, "Let us go too, that we may die with him."

Then Mary took a pound of pure spikenard, very costly, and poured it over his feet, and wiped his feet with her hair, and the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

For this reason, too, the crowd came to meet him, because they had heard about this sign which he had done.

and was now going to God, rose from supper, laid aside his upper garments, and took a towel and girded himself.

So when he had dipped the bread, he took it and gave it to Judas Iscariot, son of Simon. And after he had received the piece of bread, Satan entered into him. "What you do, do quickly," said Jesus.

If you had known me, you would have known my Father too; from now on you know him and have seen him."

"Yet a little while and the world shall see me no more, but you shall see me; because I live, you, too, shall live.

So the troops and their commandant and the Jewish police took Jesus, and bound him,

But Peter took his stand outside, near the door. So the other disciple who was known to the high priest came out and spoke to the doorkeeper and brought Peter in.

From the house of Caiaphas they took Jesus to the Praetorium, and it was dawn. They themselves would not enter the Praetorium, in order that they might not be ceremonially defiled, but might be able to eat the Passover.

So they took Jesus, who went forth bearing his own cross, to a place called The Place of a Skull??n the Hebrew tongue, Golgotha.

After the soldiers had crucified Jesus, they took his garments and divided them into four parts, to each soldier a part, and the tunic. Now the tunic was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom;

Then he said to the disciple, "Behold your mother." And from that hour the disciple took her to his home.

After these things Joseph of Arimathea, who was a disciple of Jesus, but in secret because of fear of the Jews, asked Pilate for permission to take the body of Jesus, and Pilate gave him leave. So he came and took the body.

So they took the body of Jesus and wound it in linen with the spices, according to the Jewish mode of burial.

Jesus went and took bread and gave it to them, and the fish also.