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Let the one having ears, hear what the Spirit says to the churches; The one conquering can never be hurt by the second death.

Let the one having ears hear what the Spirit says to the churches; unto the one conquering will I give to him of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and on the stone my new name having been written, which no one knows but the one receiving it.

And I gave her time that she might repent, and she does not wish to repent of her fornication.

Behold, I cast her on a bed, and those who commit fornication along with her into great tribulation, until they shall repent of her works.

Let the one having ears, hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Remember therefore how you have received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If you do not watch, I will come as a thief, and you shall not know what hour I will come upon you.

Let the one having ears hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Let the one having ears, hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

Let the one having ears hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

and the stars of the heaven fell upon the earth, as a fig-tree casting her unripe figs, when shaken by a mighty wind;

And the four angels were loosed, who were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, that they should slay the third part of the men.

And the rest of the men who were not slain by these plagues did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and wood; which are neither able to see, nor to hear, nor to walk:

And at that hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth of the city fell, and there were killed by the earthquake seven thousand persons: and the rest were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of the heaven.

and his tail draws the third of the stars of the heaven, and casts them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman about to bring forth, in order that he may eat up her child when she may bring it forth.

And she brought forth a male son, who is about to shepherdize all the nations with an iron rod: and her child was caught up to God, and to his throne.

And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has there a place prepared of God, that they may there nourish her a thousand and two hundred and sixty days.

And the two wings of a great eagle were given to the woman, that she might fly away into the wilderness, into her own place, where she is there nourished a time, and times, and a half time, from the face of the serpent.

And the serpent cast out of his mouth after the woman water like a river, that he might cause her to be carried away by the river.

And the earth helped the woman; and the earth opened her mouth, and drank up the river which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

And the dragon was enraged at the woman, and went away to make war with the remnant of her seed, who keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus.

if any one has ears, let him hear.

If any one leads into captivity he goes into captivity: if any one kills with a sword, it behooves him to be killed with a sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

Here is wisdom. Let the one having understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man. And his is, Six hundred and sixty-six.

And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a great voice to the one sitting on the cloud, Send forth your sickle, and reap: because the hour of reaping has come; because the harvest of the earth is fully ripe.

and another angel came out from the altar, having power over the fire; and he called with a great voice to the one having the sharp sickle, Send in thy sharp sickle, and reap the clusters of the vintage of the earth; because her grapes are fully ripe.

with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and those dwelling upon the earth were made drunk from the wine of her fornication.

And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and gilded with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and the impurities of her fornication:

And the angel said to me, Wherefore wast thou astonished? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman and of the beast which carries her, having the seven heads and ten horns.

Here is a mind having wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, where the woman sits upon them,

And the ten horns which you saw, are ten kings, who live not yet received a kingdom; but they receive authority as kings one hour with the beast.

And the ten horns which you saw and the beast, these will hate the harlot, and will make her desolate and naked, and eat her flesh, and burn her up with fire;

because all nations have fallen of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich from the costliness of her delicacy.

And I heard another voice out of the heaven, saying, Come out from her, my people, in order that you may not partake of her sins, and in order that you may not receive of her plagues;

because her sins have mounted up to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.

Give unto her as indeed she has given, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she mixed, mix unto her double:

as to so many things as she has glorified herself, and lived wantonly, give unto her so much torment and sorrow. Because she says in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow; and I see no sorrow;

therefore in one day shall her plagues come, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burnt up with fire: because God, the one judging her, is a mighty Lord.

And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication with her, and lived wantonly, will weep and wail over her, when they may see the smoke of her burning,

and standing afar off on account of the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, the great city, the strong city, Babylon! because in one hour thy judgment came.

And the merchants of the earth are weeping and mourning over her; because no one any longer buys their merchandise:

The merchants of these things, who have grown rich from her, will stand a long way off on account of the fear of her torment, weeping and mourning;

saying, Alas, alas, the great city, clothed in fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and gilded with gold, and precious stone, and pearl! because in one hour so great riches have come to desolation.

and they continued to cry seeing the smoke of her burning, saying, Who is like unto the great city?

And they continued to cast dust upon their heads, and cry, weeping and mourning, saying, Alas, alas, the great city, in which all those having ships in the sea became rich from her costliness! that in one hour she is made desolate.

Rejoice over her, O heaven, and the saints, and the apostles, and the prophets; because God has judged your judgment from her.

truly in her is found the blood of prophets, and saints, and all those who have been slain upon the earth.

because his judgments are true and righteous; because he has judged the great harlot, who corrupted the earth by her fornication, and he has avenged the blood of his servants from her hand.

And a second time they said, Hallelujah! and her smoke is going up unto the ages of the ages.

having the glory of God: and her light was like a stone most precious, as a crystalline, jasper stone;