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Lo, I will lay her on a sickbed, and bring her paramours into sore distress, if they do not repent of her practices;

Now remember what you received and heard, hold to it and repent. If you will not wake up, I shall come like a thief; you will not know at what hour I come upon you.

After this I looked, and there was a door standing open in heaven! And the first voice I had heard talking with me like a trumpet said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must come to pass after this."

the stars of the sky dropped to earth as a fig tree shaken by a gale sheds her unripe figs,

So the four angels were unloosed, who had been kept ready for that hour and day and month and year, to kill the third of men.

But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands and give up worshipping daemons and idols of gold and silver and brass and stone and wood, which cannot either see or hear or stir;

and heard a loud voice from heaven telling them, "Come up here." So up to heaven they went in a cloud, before the eyes of their enemies.

At that hour a great earthquake took place, a tenth of the City was destroyed, and seven thousand souls perished in the earthquake: the rest were awestruck, and gave glory to the God of heaven.

she was with child, crying in the pangs of travail, in anguish for her delivery.

his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and flung them to the earth. And the dragon stood in front of the woman who was on the point of being delivered, to devour her child as soon as it was born.

She gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to shepherd all the nations with an iron flail; her child was caught up to God and to his throne,

and she herself fled to the desert, where a place has been prepared for her by God, in which she is to be nourished for twelve hundred and sixty days.

but the woman was given the two wings of a great eagle for her flight to the desert, to her appointed place, where she is nourished for a Time, two Times, and half a Time, safe from the serpent.

Then from his mouth the serpent poured water after the woman like a river, to sweep her away with a flood;

So, enraged at the woman, the dragon went off to wage war on the rest of her offspring, on those who keep God's commandments and hold the testimony of Jesus.

with whom the kings of earth have committed vice, and the dwellers on earth have been drunk with the wine of her vice."

The woman was clad in purple and scarlet, her ornaments were of gold and precious stones and pearls, in her hand was a golden cup full of all abominations and the impurities of her vice,

But the angel said to me, "Why marvel? I will explain to you the mystery of the woman, and of the Beast with the seven heads and the ten horns who carries her.

As for the ten horns you have seen, they are ten kings who have no royal power as yet, but receive royal authority for an hour along with the Beast;

As for the ten horns you have seen, they and the Beast will hate the harlot, lay her waste, and strip her naked; they will devour her flesh and burn her with fire,

for all nations have drunk the wine of the passion of her vice, the kings of the earth have committed vice with her, and by the wealth of her wantonness earth's traders have grown rich."

for high as heaven her sins are heaped, and God calls her misdeeds to the reckoning.

Render to her what she rendered to others, aye, double the doom for all she has done; mix her the draught double in the cup she mixed for others.

As she gloried and played the wanton, so give her like measure of torture and tears. Since in her heart she vaunts, 'A queen I sit, no widow I, tears I shall never know,'

so shall her plagues fall in a single day, pestilence, tears, and famine: she shall be burnt with fire ??for strong is God the Lord her judge.

And the kings at the earth who committed vice and wantoned with her shall weep and wail over her, as they watch the smoke of her burning;

And the traders of earth shall weep and wail over her; for now there is none to buy their freights,

The traders in these wares, who made rich profits from her, will stand far off for fear of her torture, weeping and wailing:

'Woe and alas, for the great city, robed in linen, in purple and scarlet, her ornaments of gold, of jewels and pearl!

And all this splendour gone in one brief hour!' And all shipmasters and sea-faring folk, sailors and all whose business lies upon the sea, stood far off

as they watched the smoke of her burning, crying, 'What city was like the great City?'

They threw dust on their heads and cried, as they wept and wailed, 'Woe and alas for the great City, where all shipmen made rich profit by her treasures! Gone, gone in one brief hour!'

O heaven, rejoice over her! Saints, apostles, prophets, rejoice! For God has avenged you on her now."

And in her was found the blood of prophets and saints, of all who were slain upon earth."

Again they repeated, "Hallelujah! And the smoke of her goes up for ever and ever!"

[I adjure all who hear the words of the prophecy of this book: "If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book;